Kentucky Driving Test Questions
What is the speed limit in parking lots?
The Kentucky speed limit for drivers in parking lots is 15 miles per hour.
What is the speed limit in residential areas?
The Kentucky speed limit for drivers in residential areas is 35 miles per hour.
What is the speed limit on urban highways?
The Kentucky speed limit for urban highways is 55 miles per hour.
What is the speed limit for rural highways?
The Kentucky speed limit for rural highways is 65 miles per hour.
How many seconds must another driver be ahead?
Drivers must allow at least three seconds of distance between themselves and a vehicle ahead of them.
Who must wear a safety belt?
Both the driver and all passengers must be wearing a safety belt while driving.
Are motorcyclists required to wear helmets?
Motorcyclists who are over the age of 21 and have operated a motorcycle for over a year are not required to wear a helmet in Kentucky.
Is it legal to pass on the right?
Drivers are not allowed to pass on the right if there are only two lanes. Otherwise, drivers may pass on the right if it is safe to do so.
Is it legal to make a red turn on a red light?
It is only legal to turn red on right if a driver is turning from one one-way street to another.
Do pedestrians always have the right of way?
Drivers must always yield to pedestrians.
Are U-turns legal?
Drivers may only make a U-turn if their vehicle can be seen from 500 feet away in either direction.
Do drivers have to signal if they are exiting a roundabout?
Drivers must always signal that they are exiting a roundabout with their right-turn blinker.
How often should drivers check their speed?
Drivers should check their speedometer once a minute.
How much should drivers slow down on icy roads?
Drivers should go no faster than 5 to 10 miles per hour if there is ice on the road.
How much should drivers slow down if it is raining?
Drivers should reduce their speed by 5 to 10 miles per hour from what they would normally drive to compensate for rain.
Should drivers slow down when exiting a freeway?
Drivers should maintain the same speed until they are actually in the exit lane.
How much space should be maintained between one driver’s vehicle and another?
Drivers should allow a minimum of three seconds between themselves and another vehicle.
Do funeral processions have the right of way?
Funeral processions always have the right of way at intersections as long as they are led by a vehicle displaying flashing red, yellow or blue lights.
How far away should drivers stay behind emergency vehicles?
Drivers must stay at least 500 feet behind behind ambulances, fire trucks and other emergency vehicles.
Is it legal to pass a vehicle if there is a solid yellow line on the road?
No. Drivers cannot pass another vehicle is there is a solid yellow line.
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