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If you are thinking about starting a business, you must first develop a cost/benefit analysis to weigh the pros and cons of your prospective venture—if your forecasted costs outweigh the potential benefit, you should refrain from starting a small business. The resources in this article will provide the essential steps for starting a small business. The Construction of a ..

Each justification may have differing rules for starting a non-profit. However, in most cases, the individual that is working towards starting a non-profit may need to follow a specific list of steps, while adhering to the laws in that particular jurisdiction.When one wonders how to start a non-profit organization, they must first conduct research about all applicable loc..

Human Resources Defined:Human resources is a broad term used to describe the individuals who comprise the workforce of a business entity—this definition is also attached to the term “human capital”. More specifically, human resources (commonly simplified to HR) is the name of the function within a business entity charged with the responsibility for implementing policies a..

Hungry Jack's
Hungry Jack's is an Australian fast food franchise that was originally under the control of the American fast food franchise Burger King. From 1995 to 2001, the two companies were involved in a prolonged legal dispute that was ultimately decided in favor Hungry Jack's.
Hungry Jack's began business in 1971 as the exc..

is a term that is used in financial contexts and applications, and is usually
associated with loans. Amortization simply means paying off an existing loan
through the implementation of a structured payment plan. An amortizing loan is
different from other loans due to the structure in which payments and the
overall amount are calculated and determined.

What is Incorporation?Incorporation refers to the process of turning a business or entity into a new corporation. Once finalized, incorporation allows the prospective business to be considered and recognized by law as a corporation. However, incorporation is not just limited to businesses, sports teams (or clubs), governments, non-profit organizations, and even newly formed cit..

The Business Behind a LeverageLeverage is a basic term for using any technique to increase or multiply gains and losses. Leverage can be done by using borrowed funds, using derivatives, and buying fixed assets. For example:• A company or public corporation can borrow money to leverage its equity. This means that the more the company borrows, the less capital it requires. Any..
There are three common forms of liability insurance for a small business. The most common of these is general liability insurance, although this is also known as umbrella liability insurance for a small business. The other common form of liability insurance for a small business is product liability.General liability for small business owners and large businesses alike cover leg..

Evolution of the Limited Liability Company: Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) have become popular in recent years because of their attractive benefits, such as limited liability for members and pass through taxation. The concept of the LLC is relatively new, but has its roots in an 1892 German law. This law was based on the early English business practice of private limit..

List of Celebrity Brand Fragrances: Actresses
The most successful fragrances branded by a celebrity are those of Elizabeth Taylor as she collaborated with Elizabeth Arden. The duo released 12 of the most successful celebrity fragrances between 1988 and 2010, and some of these fragrances include Passion, White Diamonds, Black Pearls, Gardenia, and Violet ..

What is an LLC?A Limited Liability Company is a flexible business formation that combines elements of corporate structures with a partnership. A Limited Liability Company is a type of company that offers limited liability to its owners. The Limited Liability Company is a hybrid business formation; it contains characteristics of a partnership, a sole proprietorship and a corpora..

The law of agency is a commercial law subject concerning legal relationships established by contracts or similar kinds of agreements with the general effect of empowering agents to act on the behalf of others. As such, this branch of legal theory will pertain to such agencies as those shared between agents and principals, agents and third parties, and principals and third parti..

What is a Marketing Plan Template?For most businesses, a marketing plan is the key structure that will determine how they will get exposure to new clients and keep current clients up to date about their business. A marketing plan template is a blank skeleton of a marketing plan that can be purchased from marketing companies. Marketing plan templates are used as a sh..

History of Minerals Separation Limited
The company was a small company based out of London that revolutionized a technique for ore extraction. Before the technique was invented, other companies had problems separating silver, lead, and zinc from ore that was mined deep under the ground. Most of the ore near the surface was oxidized which made it..

One important tool that is used often to teach individuals about finance is the book Multinational Business Finance. This book is a comprehensive text written by knowledgeable and esteemed authors who are well versed in the field of finance for business. This book helps to teach students the principle concepts regarding finance for business, as well as provides more advanced an..