Texas Asbestos Abatement Procedure
Texas has one of the highest rates of asbestos illness due to its industrial and energy producing sector. The extensive use of asbestos containing materials combined with a lack of safety equipment led to many workers being sickened up to 40 years after they were exposed to asbestos. The federal government, working through the state and federal OSHA has formulated appropriate Texas asbestos abatement procedure that provides for the safety of workers that perform asbestos abatement. There are also standardized procedures for dealing with the removal of asbestos containing materials.
Functions of the Department of State Health Services
The Texas DSHS carries out most functions mandated by the federal government and legislation such as the NESHAP that provides for proper removal and disposal of restricted asbestos containing materials. The DSHS will collect notification of asbestos abatement projects and ensure that any work that is ongoing adheres to Texas asbestos abatement procedure. Asbestos workers, contractors, inspectors and associated professionals will be certified through courses accredited by the DSHS. These courses will cover asbestos safety, abatement techniques and other procedural matters rated to Texas asbestos abatement.
Importance of certification
Certification ensures that the worker is knowledgeable about issues that may arise during asbestos abatement. Certification is available for the following positions in Texas:
- Contractors
- Supervisors
- Workers
- Consultants
- Management Planners
- Inspectors
- Air Monitors
- Laboratories
- Transporters
- Training Providers
These certifications are for asbestos abatement only and certification for other forms of construction in Texas does not qualify the individual to perform asbestos abatement. The DSHS will provide you with materials if you need to seek an accrediting course in order to be licensed in Texas. You can locate a licensed professional to conduct asbestos abatement through the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Exemptions in the Texas asbestos abatement procedure
Some flooring that contains asbestos materials may be removed with the appropriate certification. This is because floor and vinyl tiling is especially durable and very unlikely to release harmful fibers. Any individual with RFCI training will follow those guidelines to remove the material. Testing must still be conducted to verify that the tiles remain indurate before construction will start. Al other asbestos abatement will require a license.
You need to notify the DSHS at least 10 working days in advance of any construction project involving asbestos containing materials. There is an associated fee and the notification is essential so that a regional inspector can certify and inspect the property as necessary. The notification form will account for all asbestos materials present in the structure, the contractor performing work and the plans to abate and dispose of the asbestos waste. All demolitions, even buildings with no asbestos present, must present a notification form. Renovations will need to meet certain thresholds of asbestos contaminants to be required to file notifications. Homeowners are generally exempt. Proper notification is essential to Texas asbestos abatement procedure and failure to file notification will lead to severe penalties.
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