South Carolina Asbestos Abatement Procedure
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environment assists South Carolina residents with matters pertaining to asbestos abatement and asbestos safety. Sources of contamination in South Carolina include shipyards, vermiculite mines and construction. Homeowners will find a large amount of asbestos containing materials in homes built before a 1980 ban on asbestos in construction materials, in the United States. Most of these materials remain in South Carolina homes and this is why the SCDHE will have a standard South Carolina asbestos abatement procedure. The asbestos abatement procedure will a guideline, not a requirement for residences, but larger structures must abide by the South Carolina asbestos abatement procedure.
Notification requirements
There are two separate forms for renovation and demolition and both are filed with the Asbestos Section within the DHEC. Both forms must include information on the facility, procedures to be used during the abatement process and on the renovation form, asbestos materials that will be removed only. On the demolition form, you will note all asbestos containing materials that will remain in the building during demolition. This is the most notable difference between the two forms. Both forms also require you to account for how the case will be disposed. The purpose of these notification forms are to apply for a license for the asbestos abatement project and all notifications must be received ten working days before the project is to start.
Standard asbestos abatement procedures
Most asbestos abatement that involves removal will set up a negative pressure enclosure. This is an enclosed environment powered by a filter that will cycle all of the air at least four times an hour. This controlled environment easily traps loose particles in the sensitive filter and prevents asbestos fibers from causing secondary contamination. The filter may be supplemented with a HEPA vacuum that will remove visible asbestos debris. In addition to this equipment, most large scale sites will feature a decontamination shower and safe area where workers can remove contamination equipment to prevent its spread into the environment. Generally, asbestos abatement equipment will be sterilized or disposed after the project has been completed.
Certification of professionals
The state of South Carolina will certify individuals in six different areas of professional practice related to South Carolina asbestos abatement procedure. There will be initial and refresher course and schools applying for accreditation may be certified in multiple areas. Individuals that may be certified include:
- Workers
- Contractors
- Building inspectors
- Management planners
- Project designers
- Operation and maintenance
- Roofer worker
- Roofer supervisor
Each certification provides a certain level of duties and the worker must be certified in another area in order to conduct work in that area as well. One may research asbestos abatement professionals at the SCDHEC website for a listing of certified entities.
Proper disposal of asbestos containing materials
The state will certify landfills and disposal sites for asbestos containing materials. You must receive approval to transport the material and provide advance notice so the proper arrangements can be made.
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