Mississippi Asbestos Abatement Procedure
The Department of Environment Quality administers Mississippi asbestos abatement procedure, through accrediting and certifying the only individuals in the state that are authorized to perform inspections and abatement. All structures except small single family homes are subject to regulations that ensure that asbestos is not removed improperly or secondary contamination does not take place.
Who may remove asbestos in Mississippi?
There are several categories of classification for individuals that work with asbestos, worker being the lowest and contractor the highest. There are also professional positions including management planner, project designer, inspector and air monitor. All of these have associated licensing fees, as low as $35 for works and $350 for contractors. The Mississippi DEQ will keep a listing of individuals that are registered and authorized to perform asbestos abatement. The state will approve all training courses for those that wish to be certified in Mississippi asbestos abatement procedures.
Dealing with exposed asbestos
If you see exposed asbestos material or suspect that debris may have asbestos, you should not handle it, especially as it may be friable. This is a concern particularly after Hurricane Katrina. You will have an emergency situation if you observe a visible emission. This means that the exposure is serious enough that the asbestos material is breaking apart and releasing millions of fibers. These fibers almost double the risk factors for cancer.
What structures are exempt from parts of the Mississippi asbestos abatement procedure?
Primary residences and apartment buildings under 4 units do not have to follow typical procedures as this will be cost prohibitive and unnecessary, unless the unit is being demolished. Although state and federal law allows you to remove your own asbestos, it is best to have an inspector identify sources of asbestos, determine which materials need not be removed and provide you with an actionable plan that minimizes exposure. Failure to follow typical Mississippi asbestos abatement procedure will put you at risk of secondary contamination, as removing asbestos when try or improperly handled will cause the incidental release of thousands of fibers.
Wet storage and disposal is essential to adhering to Mississippi asbestos abatement procedure. Although non-friable material can be stored as construction waste, the friable form will need to be sealed and clearly labeled as a cancer risk.
Proper asbestos abatement
Friable materials generally need to be removed, regardless of if there is a demolition or renovation. An alternative to removal is encapsulation, which seals the exposed fibers under a durable seal. This is not an option for demolitions, as there will be the danger of the material further crumbling during the destruction. All durable asbestos material that will not crumble may be disposed as normal construction waste, although this is not definite.
You must notify the MDEQ at least 10 working days prior to the start of any construction activity involving asbestos abatement. On the notification form you will need to provide information about asbestos at the property, abatement procedures and other relevant information.
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