Massachusetts Asbestos Abatement Procedure
The Massachusetts DEP is responsible for Massachusetts asbestos abatement procedure, which generally focuses on removing friable material, authorizing building demolition and certifying asbestos professionals for proper inspection and abatement. This is accomplished with the cooperation of the MassDEP and Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards. The Massachusetts DEP also maintains a list of asbestos projects for public review, in keeping with federal mandates to keep residents informed of the potential dangers associated with Massachusetts asbestos abatement procedure.
Who may remove asbestos in Massachusetts?
The Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards runs the certification program for asbestos workers and contractors. DLS will also certify professionals that work with asbestos, including asbestos management planners, project designers and training providers. Those that wish to work with asbestos in Massachusetts must at minimum, complete a state certified course on asbestos safety, abatement procedure and the harmful effects of asbestos on the respiration system. Contractors must demonstrate knowledge of federal worker safety standards and also account for all individuals working under them that will be handling asbestos or asbestos related procedure. There is also an associated fee for licensing. Asbestos professionals generally need to show some proof of college education in a specific field before being certified to create abatement plans and other asbestos-related functions.
Abatement requirements for schools
Schools and other public buildings have very high levels of asbestos containing materials and as such have specific rules to prevent extended exposure. All school buildings must be inspected by an asbestos inspector every three years. Buildings that have any asbestos containing material at all must formulate an asbestos management plan to avoid further possible exposure and other complications. Remember that even suspended, non-friable material can become dangerous if the material becomes exposed or broken. All staff and parents must be notified, as per Massachusetts asbestos abatement procedure.
Notification of asbestos abatement
According to Massachusetts asbestos abatement procedure, you must notify the MassDEP ten working days before beginning any project involving asbestos. You will not have to wait for a permit, but your worksite might be inspected to ensure you are complying with Massachusetts asbestos abatement procedure properly.
What materials need to be removed?
All friable materials that are not sealed in indurate material must be removed as this is a pressing health hazard. All other dormant sources of asbestos may remain if it is not going to be disturbed during the renovation. In the event of a demolition, all materials, regardless of its friability, should be removed from the structure. Even non-friable material can break and release fibers, making it equally as dangerous.
Non-friable materials generally seal the asbestos in difficult to penetrate material and in its typical form, this makes it impossible to release fibers. Renovation as simple as sanding or drilling can make this material friable.
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