Alabama Asbestos Abatement Procedures
All Alabama asbestos abatement procedures require advance notification be given to the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. This is achieved through a notification form that must be summited 10 weekdays before beginning any work to remove any regulated asbestos containing material. In addition, all organizations that carry out Alabama asbestos abatement procedures must be certified by the state and each individual vetted for their ability to dispose of the material safely.
What Alabama asbestos abatement procedures require notification?
Small scale projects will not require ADEM notification and approval or inspection. These small scale asbestos abatement works include removal of materials less than a total of 260 linear feet, 160 square feet or 35 cubic feet.
You will need to notify the ADEM for all demolitions involving structures with asbestos containing material or if the building will be intentionally set on fire for fire training purposes.
Residential buildings with less than four units are also exempt from notification but must ensure that they obey the Alabama asbestos abatement procedures for disposing of the ACM.
What is a RACM?
Alabama asbestos abatement procedure recognizes any material that is greater than 1% asbestos by weight as a regulated asbestos containing material, subject to stringent regulations on its asbestos abatement and disposal. There are different categories for friable and non-friable materials.
Friable ACM:
- Can be broken with human pressure
- Many forms of insulation
- Almost all spray able insulation, waterproofing, fireproofing and soundproofing
Category I non-friable:
- Asphalt roofing, vinyl flooring tiles, gaskets, roofing products
- Includes warning about the adhesives used to apply these products
- Can be damaged through grinding, sanding and physical impacts
- Asbestos is otherwise sealed and not actively releasing asbestos
- Can be disposed of as construction waste, depending on the landfill
Category II non-friable
- Includes transite asbestos and concrete siding or roofing that contains asbestos
- High probability it can be reduced to a powder or dust during remodeling or renovating
- May not remain in the structure for demolition as it will crumble and release asbestos fibers.
Rules for demolition
All RACMs, except Category I non-friable, must be removed from the structure prior to demolition. In addition, an inspector from the ADEM will have to inspect the property for adherence Alabama asbestos abatement procedures prior to allowing the demolition to occur. Setting the building on fire for fire training is equivalent to a demolition and is subject to the same rules.
Alabama asbestos abatement procedures for removing friable asbestos
There is significant danger in asbestos abatement of friable asbestos. Alabama state law and asbestos abatement procedures mandate that the material must soaked prior, during and after the removal to prevent the spread of asbestos fibers into the air. It is disposed of in wet containers and will be properly labeled as hazardous asbestos containing waste. During abatement, the area is question must be sealed with plastic sheeting and all fixtures that can be removed should be removed. Minimizing dust and debris is important, which is why the materials as wetted, as per Alabama asbestos abatement procedures.
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