679.90—Allocation, use, and transfer of Amendment 80 QS permits.

Regulations under this subpart were developed by NMFS to implement the Amendment 80 Program. Additional regulations that implement specific portions of the Amendment 80 Program are set out at § 679.2 Definitions, § 679.4 Permits, § 679.5 Recordkeeping and reporting (R&R), § 679.7 Prohibitions, § 679.20 General limitations, § 679.21 Prohibited species bycatch management, § 679.27 Improved Retention/Improved Utilization Program, § 679.28 Equipment and operational requirements, § 679.31 CDQ and PSQ reserves, § 679.50 Groundfish Observer Program applicable through December 31, 2007, and § 679.64 Harvesting sideboard limits in other fisheries.
(B) The actual total loss, constructive total loss, or permanent ineligibility of that Amendment 80 vessel to receive a fishery endorsement under 46 U.S.C. 12108 has been clearly and unambiguously established and documented in written form in the application for Amendment 80 QS and that documentation is accepted by NMFS;
(G) If an Amendment 80 vessel has suffered an actual total loss, constructive total loss, or is permanently ineligible to receive a fishery endorsement under 46 U.S.C. 12108, provide clear and unambiguous documentation in written form that the Amendment 80 vessel has suffered an actual total loss, constructive total loss, or is permanently ineligible to receive a fishery endorsement under 46 U.S.C. 12108; and
(H) If applicable, a copy of the express terms of a written contract held by the applicant that clearly and unambiguously indicates that the owner of the Amendment 80 vessel that has suffered has an actual total loss, constructive total loss, or is permanently ineligible to receive a fishery endorsement under 46 U.S.C. 12108 has transferred all rights and privileges to use Amendment 80 legal landings and any resulting Amendment 80 QS or exclusive harvest privilege from that Amendment 80 vessel to the person holding the LLP license originally assigned to that Amendment 80 vessel.
(3) Documentation is used to establish the amount of Amendment 80 legal landings. Only Amendment 80 legal landings as defined in § 679.2 will be used to assign Amendment 80 QS units to an Amendment 80 QS permit unless an Amendment 80 vessel has no Amendment 80 legal landings, in which case Amendment 80 QS units will be allocated to the Amendment 80 QS permit derived from that Amendment 80 vessel according to the procedures established under paragraphs (d)(1)(iii) and (iv) of this section.
Highest Five Years/Σ All Highest Five Years × 100 = Percentage of the Total.
The result (quotient) of this equation is the Percentage of the Total for that Amendment 80 vessel for that Amendment 80 species.
Percentage of the Total for that Amendment 80 vessel × (100-Σ Percentage of the Total assigned to all Amendment 80 vessels under paragraph (d)(1)(iii)(A) of this section) = Adjusted Percentage of the Total for that Amendment 80 vessel.
Percentage of the Total for that Amendment 80 vessel × (100-Σ Percentage of the Total assigned to all Amendment 80 vessels under paragraph (d)(1)(iv)(A) of this section) = Adjusted Percentage of the Total for that Amendment 80 vessel.
(2) Indicate whether the transferor is applying to transfer an Amendment 80 QS permit to the LLP license originally assigned to that Amendment 80 vessel as listed in Table 31 to this part.