
In addition to the general prohibitions specified in § 600.725 of this chapter, it is unlawful for any person to do any of the following:
(ii) Except where observer services are provided by NMFS staff or other individuals authorized by NMFS under § 679.50(e), provide observer services to the North Pacific Groundfish fisheries without an observer provider permit issued under § 679.50(i)(1).
(7) Inshore/offshore— (i) Operate a vessel in the “inshore component in the GOA” as defined in § 679.2 without a valid inshore processing endorsement on the vessel's Federal fisheries or Federal processor permit.
(9) Authorized fishing gear. Retain groundfish taken with other than authorized fishing gear as defined in § 679.2, except that groundfish incidentally taken by pot gear by a vessel while participating in an open crab season governed by the State of Alaska may be retained for use as unprocessed bait on board that vessel.
(12) Prohibited species donation program. Retain or possess prohibited species, defined at § 679.21(b)(1), except as permitted to do so under the PSD program as provided by § 679.26 of this part, or as authorized by other applicable law.
(18) Pollock, Pacific Cod, and Atka Mackerel Directed Fishing and VMS. Operate a vessel in any Federal reporting area when a vessel is authorized under § 679.4(b)(5)(vi) to participate in the Atka mackerel, Pacific cod, or pollock directed fisheries and the vessel's authorized species and gear type is open to directed fishing, unless the vessel carries an operable NMFS-approved Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and complies with the requirements in § 679.28(f).
(19) Atka Mackerel HLA Groundfish Prohibition. For vessels registered for an Atka mackerel HLA directed fishery under § 679.20(a)(8)(iii), conduct directed fishing for groundfish, other than Atka mackerel, during the time period that the first Atka mackerel HLA directed fishery to which the vessel is assigned under § 679.20(a)(8)(iii)(B) is open.
(B) For the operator of a vessel required to have an observer sampling station described at § 679.28(d), to harvest or take deliveries of CDQ or PSQ species without a valid observer sampling station inspection report issued by NMFS under § 679.28(d)(8) on board the vessel.
(E) For the operator of a catcher vessel using trawl gear or any vessel less than 60 ft (18.3 m) LOA that is groundfish CDQ fishing as defined at § 679.2, to discard any groundfish CDQ species or salmon PSQ before it is delivered to a processor, unless discard of the groundfish CDQ is required under other provisions or, in waters within the State of Alaska, discard is required by laws of the State of Alaska.
(ii) Salmon— (A) Discard of salmon. For any person, to discard salmon from a catcher vessel, catcher/processor, mothership, shoreside processor, or SFP or transfer or process any salmon under the PSD Program at § 679.26, if the salmon were taken incidental to a directed fishery for pollock CDQ in the Bering Sea, until the number of salmon has been determined by an observer and the collection of scientific data or biological samples from the salmon has been completed.
(2) For the operator of a catcher vessel or catcher/processor, to start a new fishing trip for pollock CDQ in the BS in the A season or in the B season, if the CDQ group for which the vessel is fishing has exceeded its Chinook salmon PSC allocation issued under § 679.21(f) for that season.
(3) For the operator of a catcher/processor or mothership, to catch or process pollock CDQ in the BS without complying with the applicable requirements of § 679.28(j).
(4) For the operator of a catcher/processor or a mothership, to begin sorting catch from a haul from a directed fishery for pollock CDQ in the BS before the observer has completed counting the salmon and collecting scientific data or biological samples from the previous haul.
(5) For the operator of a catcher vessel, to deliver pollock CDQ to a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor that does not have a catch monitoring and control plan approved under § 679.28(g).
(6) For the manager of a shoreside processor or stationary floating processor, to begin sorting a pollock CDQ offload before the observer has completed the count of salmon and the collection of scientific data or biological samples from the previous offload.
(4) Except as provided in § 679.40(d), retain IFQ or CDQ halibut or IFQ or CDQ sablefish on a vessel in excess of the total amount of unharvested IFQ or CDQ, applicable to the vessel category and IFQ or CDQ regulatory area(s) in which the vessel is deploying fixed gear, and that is currently held by all IFQ or CDQ permit holders aboard the vessel, unless the vessel has an observer aboard under subpart E of this part and maintains the applicable daily fishing log prescribed in the annual management measures published in the Federal Register pursuant to § 300.62 of this title and § 679.5.
If the vessel operator . . . Then . . .
(1) has an LLP groundfish license with a Pacific cod endorsement that meets the requirements of § 679.4(k)(9) . Pacific cod must not be discarded unless Pacific cod are required to be discarded under subpart B of this part, or Pacific cod are not authorized to be retained under subpart A of this part.
(2) does not have an LLP groundfish license with a Pacific cod endorsement that meets the requirements of § 679.4(k)(9) . Pacific cod must not be discarded up to the retainable amount specified in Table 11 of this part unless Pacific cod are required to be discarded under subpart B of this part, or Pacific cod are not authorized to be retained under subpart A of this part.
(ii) Discard of sablefish is required under § 679.20 or, in waters within the State of Alaska, discard of sablefish is required under laws of the State of Alaska; or
(2) Engage in fishing for salmon in the Salmon Management Area defined at § 679.2 and Figure 23 to this part, except to the extent authorized by § 679.4(h) or applicable State of Alaska regulations.
(vii) Observer sampling station— (A) Listed AFA catcher/processors. Process any groundfish without an observer sampling station as described at § 679.28(d). A valid observer sampling station inspection report must be on board at all times when an observer sampling station is required.