679.5—Recordkeeping and reporting (R&R).

(1) Groundfish logbooks and forms. (i) The Regional Administrator will prescribe and provide groundfish logbooks required under this section. All groundfish forms required under this section are available from the Alaska Region website at http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov or may be requested by calling the Sustainable Fisheries Division at 907-586-7228 or faxing 907-586-7465. The forms may be completed online, printed, and mailed or faxed to NMFS at the address or fax number shown on the form. The forms also may be completed online, saved as a file, and submitted to NMFS as an attachment to an e-mail to the e-mail address shown on the form.
If harvest made under . . . program Record the . . . For more information, see . . .
(A) Western Alaska Community Development Quota (CDQ) CDQ group number subpart C of this part
(B) Exempted Fishery Exempted fishery permit number § 679.6
(C) Research Fishery Research fishery permit number § 600.745(a) of this chapter
(D) Aleutian Islands Pollock (AIP) n/a subpart F of this part
(E) Open access (OA) [for recording in eLandings only] paragraph (e) of this section
(1) Catch groundfish for bait during an open crab season and sell that groundfish or transfer it to another vessel, or
(2) Participate in a directed fishery for groundfish using any gear type during periods that are outside an open crab season for use as crab bait onboard their vessel.
(6) Maintenance of records. The operator or manager must maintain all records described in this section and in § 679.28 in English and in a legible, timely, and accurate manner, based on Alaska local time (A.l.t.); if handwritten, in indelible ink; if computer-generated, as a legible printed paper copy.
Logsheet Distribution and Submittal If logsheet color is ... Logsheets found in these logbooks CV lgl/pot CV trw CP lgl/pot CP trw MS Submit to ... Time limit
(1) White X X X X X Must retain, permanently bound in logbook
(2) Goldenrod X X X X X Observer After signature of operator and prior to departure of observer from the vessel.
(3) Yellow X X Must submit quarterly to:NOAA Fisheries Office for Law Enforcement Alaska Region Logbook Program, P.O. Box 21767, Juneau, AK 99802-1767 Telephone: 907-586-7225 On the following schedule: 1st quarter by May 1 of that fishing year. 2nd quarter by August 1 of that fishing year. 3rd quarter by November 1 of that fishing year. 4th quarter by February 1 of the following fishing year.
Code of Federal Regulations 570
(4) Blue X X Mothership, shoreside processor, SFP, or buying station that receives the harvest Within 2 hours after completion of catch delivery
(5) Green X X Optional, but may be required by IPHC (see §§ 300.60 through 300.65 of this chapter) If required, after the vessel's catch is off-loaded
Note: CP = catcher/processor; CV = catcher vessel; lgl = longline; trw = trawl; MS = mothership.
Paragraph Fishing Category
(c)(3)(iv)(A)(1) Catcher vessel, longline or pot gear
(c)(3)(iv)(B)(1) Catcher/processor, longline or pot gear
(c)(4)(iv)(A)(1) Catcher vessel, trawl gear
(c)(4)(iv)(B)(1) Catcher/processor, trawl gear
(c)(5)(ii) Shoreside processor or SFP
(c)(6)(iv) Mothership
(2) Except as described in paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this section, the operator of a catcher/processor that is required to have an FFP under § 679.4(b) and that is using longline or pot gear to harvest groundfish must use a combination of catcher/processor longline and pot gear DCPL and eLandings to record and report daily processor identification information, catch-by-set information, groundfish production data, and groundfish and prohibited species discard or disposition data.
(2) Except as described in paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this section, the operator of a catcher/processor that is using longline or pot gear to harvest IFQ sablefish, IFQ halibut, or CDQ halibut from the GOA or BSAI must use a combination of catcher/processor longline and pot gear DCPL and eLandings to record and report daily processor identification information, catch-by-set halibut and sablefish landings data, and halibut, sablefish, and prohibited species discard or disposition data.
(2) The operator of a catcher/processor that is using pot gear to harvest CR crab from the BSAI must use a combination of catcher/processor longline and pot gear DCPL and eLandings to record and report daily processor identification information, CR crab landings data, and CR crab and prohibited species discard or disposition data.
Required information Time limit for recording
(1) Set number, time and date gear set, time and date gear hauled, beginning and end positions, CDQ group number, halibut CDQ permit number, halibut IFQ permit number, sablefish IFQ permit number, crab IFQ permit number, FFP number and/or Federal crab vessel permit number (if applicable), number of pots set, and estimated total hail weight for each set Within 2 hours after completion of gear retrieval
(2) Discard and disposition information By noon each day to record the previous day's discard and disposition information
(3) Submit the blue DFL to mothership, shoreside processor, SFP, or buying station receiving catch Within 2 hours after completion of catch delivery
(4) All other required information Within 2 hours after the vessel's catch is off-loaded, notwithstanding other time limits
(5) Operator sign the completed logsheets Within 2 hours after completion of catch delivery
(6) Submit goldenrod logsheet to the observer After signature of operator and prior to departure of observer from the vessel.
DATA ENTRY TIME LIMITS, CATCHER/PROCESSOR LONGLINE OR POT GEAR Required information Record In DCPL eLandings Time limit for recording
(1) Set number, time and date gear set, time and date gear hauled, beginning and end positions, CDQ group number, halibut CDQ permit number, halibut IFQ permit number, sablefish IFQ permit number, crab IFQ permit number, FFP number and/or Federal crab vessel permit number (if applicable), number of pots set, and estimated total hail weight for each set X X Within 2 hours after completion of gear retrieval
(2) Discard and disposition information X By midnight each day to record the previous day's discard and disposition information
(3) Product information X By noon each day to record the previous day's production information
(4) All other required information X X By noon of the day following completion of production
(5) Operator sign the completed logsheets X X By noon of the day following the week-ending date of the weekly reporting period
(6) Submit goldenrod logsheet to the observer X After signature of operator and prior to departure of observer from the vessel
(2) If the catcher vessel identified in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(A)(1) of this section is active, the operator must record in the DFL, for one or more days on each logsheet, the information listed in paragraphs (c)(3)(v), (vi), (viii), (ix), and (x) of this section.
(3) Retain and record discard quantities over the MRA. When a catcher vessel is fishing in an IFQ fishery and the fishery for Pacific cod or rockfish is closed to directed fishing but not in PSC status in that reporting area as described in § 679.20, the operator must retain and record up to and including the maximum retainable amount (MRA) for Pacific cod or rockfish as defined in Table 10 or 11 to this part. Quantities over this amount must be discarded and recorded as discard in the logbook.
(2) If the catcher/processor identified in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(A)(2) of this section is active, the operator must record in the DCPL the information listed in paragraphs (c)(3)(v) and (vi) of this section and must record in eLandings the information listed in paragraphs (c)(3)(v), (vii), (viii), and (x) of this section.
(3) Retain and record discard quantities over the MRA. When a catcher/processor is fishing in an IFQ fishery and the fishery for Pacific cod or rockfish is closed to directed fishing but not in PSC status in that reporting area as described in § 679.20, the operator must retain and record up to and including the MRA for Pacific cod or rockfish as defined in Table 10 or 11 to this part. Quantities over this amount must be discarded and recorded as discard in eLandings.
(2) IFQ halibut and CDQ halibut. Record the IPHC regulatory area (see Figure 15 to this part) where gear retrieval was completed, regardless of where the majority of the set took place.
(3) CR crab. Leave this field blank.
If gear type is ... Then ...
(1) Other gear If gear is other than those listed within this table, indicate “Other” and describe
(2) Pot gear Enter the number of pots lost (optional, but may be required by IPHC regulations (see §§ 300.60 through 300.65 of this chapter)) and number of pots set
(3) Hook-and-line gear Indicate:(i) Whether gear is fixed hook (conventional or tub), autoline, or snap (optional, but may be required by IPHC regulations (see §§ 300.60 through 300.65 of this chapter))
(ii) Length of skate to the nearest foot (optional, but may be required by IPHC regulations (see §§ 300.60 through 300.65 of this chapter)), number of skates lost (optional, but may be required by IPHC regulations (see §§ 300.60 through 300.65 of this chapter)), and number of skates set
(iii) Number of hooks per skate (optional, but may be required by IPHC regulations (see §§ 300.60 through 300.65 of this chapter)), size of hooks, and hook spacing in feet
(iv) Seabird avoidance gear code(s) (see § 679.24(e) and Table 19 to this part)
(2) Jig or troll gear begin position. Record date (mm/dd), time (in military format, A.l.t.), and the begin position (latitude and longitude to the nearest minute; indicate E or W for longitude) when the jig or troll gear enters the water.
(3) Pot gear begin position. Record date (mm/dd), time (in military format, A.l.t.), and the begin position (latitude and longitude to the nearest minute; indicate E or W for longitude) when the pot gear enters the water.
(2) Jig or troll gear end position. Date (mm/dd), time (in military format, A.l.t.), and end position coordinates (in latitude and longitude to the nearest minute; indicate E or W for longitude) where the jig or troll gear leaves the water.
(3) Pot gear end position. Date (mm/dd), time (in military format, A.l.t.), and end position coordinates (in latitude and longitude to the nearest minute; indicate E or W for longitude) where the last pot of a set is retrieved, regardless of where the majority of the set took place.
(1) Date (mm/dd) of discard or disposition (day that discard or disposition occurred).
(2) For whole fish discard or disposition of groundfish or Pacific herring PSC, daily estimated total weight, balance forward weight from the previous day, and cumulative total weight since last delivery for each species; indicate whether weight is estimated to the nearest pound or nearest 0.001 mt.
(3) For whole fish discard or disposition of each prohibited species (Pacific salmon, steelhead trout, Pacific halibut, king crabs, and Tanner crabs) record the daily estimated total number, balance forward from the previous day, and cumulative total number since the last delivery.
(4) Summarize the weekly cumulative discard and disposition totals of groundfish weights and number of PSC animals separately by reporting area, management program, and gear type. Determine the weekly cumulative total by adding daily totals and the balance carried forward from the day before.
(4) Trawl gear catcher vessel DFL and catcher/processor DCPL— (i) Responsibility. Except as described in paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of this section, the operator of a catcher vessel 60 ft (18.3 m) or greater LOA, that is required to have an FFP under § 679.4(b), and that is using trawl gear to harvest groundfish must maintain a trawl gear DFL, must complete one or more logsheets per day. Upon notification by the Regional Administrator, a DFL from the previous year may be used.
(B) Except as described in paragraph (f)(1)(iv) or (vii) of this section, the operator of a catcher/processor that is required to have an FFP under § 679.4(b) and that is using trawl gear to harvest groundfish is required to use a combination of catcher/processor trawl gear DCPL and eLandings to record and report daily processor identification information, catch-by-haul landings information, groundfish production data, and groundfish and prohibited species discard or disposition data. Under paragraph (f)(1)(vii) of this section, the operators of AFA catcher/processors or any catcher/processor harvesting pollock CDQ are required to use an ELB and no longer report using a DCPL.
Required information Time limit for recording
(1) Haul number, time and date gear set, time and date gear hauled, beginning and end positions, CDQ group number (if applicable), total estimated hail weight for each haul Within 2 hours after completion of gear retrieval, except that catcher vessels harvesting pollock CDQ in the BS and delivering unsorted codends to a mothership must record CDQ group number within 2 hours after completion of weighing all catch in the haul on the mothership
(2) Discard and disposition information By noon each day to record the previous day's discard and disposition information
(3) Submit blue DFL to mothership, shoreside processor, SFP, or buying station receiving the catch Within 2 hours after completion of catch delivery
(4) Record all other required information Within 2 hours after the vessel's catch is off-loaded, notwithstanding other time limits
(5) Operator sign the completed logsheets Within 2 hours after completion of catch delivery
(6) Submit the goldenrod logsheet to the observer After signature of operator and prior to departure of observer from the vessel.
Code of Federal Regulations 576