
(1) What permits are available? Various types of permits are issued for programs codified at 50 CFR parts 300 and 679. These permits are listed in the following table. The date of effectiveness for each permit is given along with certain reference paragraphs for further information.
If program permit or card type is: Permit is in effect from issue date through the end of: For more information, see . . .
(i) IFQ:
(A) Registered buyer Until expiration date shown on permit Paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section
(B) Halibut & sablefish permits Specified fishing year Paragraph (d)(1) of this section
(C) Halibut & sablefish hired master permits Specified fishing year Paragraph (d)(2) of this section
(ii) CDQ Halibut
(A) Halibut permit Specified fishing year Paragraph (e) of this section
(B) Halibut hired master permit Specified fishing year Paragraph (e) of this section
(iii) AFA:
(A) Catcher/processor Indefinite Paragraph (l) of this section
(B) Catcher vessel Indefinite Paragraph (l) of this section
(C)Mothership Indefinite Paragraph (l) of this section
(D) Inshore processor Indefinite Paragraph (l) of this section
(E) Inshore cooperative Calendar year Paragraph (l) of this section
(F) Replacement vessel Indefinite Paragraph (l) of this section
(iv) Groundfish:
(A) Federal fisheries Until expiration date shown on permit Paragraph (b) of this section
(B) Federal processor Until expiration date shown on permit Paragraph (f) of this section
(v) Salmon permit Indefinite Paragraph (h) of this section
(vi) High Seas Fishing Compliance Act (HSFCA) 5 years § 300.10 of this title
(vii) License Limitation Program (LLP):
(A) Groundfish license Specified fishing year or interim (active until further notice) Paragraph (k) of this section
(B) Crab license Specified fishing year or interim (active until further notice) Paragraph (k) of this section
(C) Scallop license Indefinite Paragraph (g) of this section
(viii) Exempted fisheries 1 year or less § 679.6
(ix) Research 1 year or less § 600.745(a) of this chapter
(x) Prohibited species donation program:
(A) Salmon 3 years § 679.26
(B) Halibut 3 years § 679.26
(xi) Special Subsistence Permits:
(A) Community Harvest Permit 1 year § 300.65 of this title
(B) Ceremonial or Educational Permit 30 days § 300.65 of this title
(xii) Rockfish Program:
(A) CQ Specified fishing year § 679.81(e)(4)
(B) Rockfish Limited Access Fishery Specified fishing year § 679.81(e)(5)
(C) Optout Fishery Specified fishing year § 679.81(e)(6)
(D) Rockfish Entry Level Fishery Specified fishing year § 679.81(e)(7)
(xiii) Amendment 80 Program:
(A) Amendment 80 QS permit Indefinite § 679.90(b) .
(B) CQ permit Specified fishing year § 679.91(b) .
(C) Amendment 80 limited access fishery Specified fishing year § 679.91(b) .
(xiv) Crab Rationalization Program permits see § 680.4 of this chapter § 680.4 of this chapter
(A) Crab Quota Share permit Indefinite § 680.4(b) of this chapter
(B) Crab Processor Quota Share permit Indefinite § 680.4(c) of this chapter
(C) Crab Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) permit Specified fishing year § 680.4(d) of this chapter
(D) Crab Individual Processor Quota (IPQ) permit Specified fishing year § 680.4(e) of this chapter
(E) Crab IFQ hired master permit Specified fishing year § 680.4(g) of this chapter
(F) Registered Crab receiver permit Specified fishing year § 680.4(i) of this chapter
(G) Federal crab vessel permit Specified fishing year § 680.4(k) of this chapter
(H) Crab harvesting cooperative IFQ permit Specified fishing year § 680.21(b) of this chapter
(2) Permit and logbook required by participant and fishery. For the various types of permits issued, refer to § 679.5 for recordkeeping and reporting requirements. For subsistence permits, refer to § 300.65 of this title for recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
this section ( § 679.4) and retain a copy of each permit application, whether the application is requesting an initial permit or renewing or revising an existing permit.
(7) Sanctions and denials. Procedures governing sanctions and denials are found at subpart D of 15 CFR part 904. Such procedures are required for enforcement purposes, not administrative purposes.
(9) Permit surrender. The Regional Administrator will recognize the voluntary surrender of a permit issued in this section, § 679.4, if a permit may be surrendered and it is submitted by the person named on the permit, owner of record, or agent. Submit the original permit to Program Administrator, RAM Program, P.O. Box 21668, Juneau, AK 99802, by certified mail or other method that provides written evidence that NMFS Alaska Region received it. The receiving date of signature by NMFS staff is the date the permit was surrendered.
(6) Issuance. (i) Except as provided in subpart D of 15 CFR part 904, upon receipt of a properly completed permit application, the Regional Administrator will issue a Federal fisheries permit required by this paragraph (b).
(ii) A legible copy of an IFQ hired master permit issued to an eligible individual in accordance with § 679.42(i) and (j) by the Regional Administrator must be onboard the vessel that harvests IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish at all times that such fish are retained onboard by a hired master. Except as specified in § 679.42(d), an individual that is issued an IFQ hired master permit must remain onboard the vessel used to harvest IFQ halibut or IFQ sablefish with that IFQ hired master permit during the IFQ fishing trip and at the landing site during all IFQ landings.
(5) Transfer. The quota shares and IFQ issued under this section are not transferable, except as provided under § 679.41. IFQ hired master permits and Registered Buyer permits issued under this paragraph (d) are not transferable.
(iii) Amended permit. An owner or operator, who applied for and received an FPP, must notify NMFS of any change in the permit information by submitting an FPP application found at the NMFS website at http://alaskafisheries.noaa.gov. The owner or operator must submit the application as instructed on the application form. Upon receipt and approval of a permit amendment, the Program Administrator, RAM, will issue an amended FPP.