679.21—Prohibited species bycatch management.

(b) General. (1) See § 679.2 and Table 2b to this part for definition of prohibited species.
(3) Rebuttable presumption. Except as provided under paragraph (c) of this section and § 679.26, there will be a rebuttable presumption that any prohibited species retained on board a fishing vessel regulated under this part was caught and retained in violation of this section.
(1) Salmon discard. The operator of a vessel and the manager of a shoreside processor or SFP must not discard any salmon or transfer or process any salmon under the PSD Program at § 679.26, if the salmon were taken incidental to a directed fishery for pollock in the BS, until the number of salmon has been determined by the observer and the observer's collection of any scientific data or biological samples from the salmon has been completed.
(A) Comply with the requirements in § 679.28(g)(7)(vii) for the receipt, sorting, and storage of salmon from deliveries of catch from the BS pollock fishery.
(C) Sort and transport all salmon of any species to the salmon storage container identified in the CMCP (see § 679.28(g)(7)(vi)(C) and (x)(F) ). The salmon must remain in that salmon storage container and within the view of the observer at all times during the offload.
(4) Discard of salmon. Except for salmon under the PSD Program at § 679.26, all salmon must be returned to the sea as soon as is practicable, following notification by an observer that the number of salmon has been determined and the collection of scientific data or biological samples has been completed.
(1) After November 15; or
(2) After the effective date of a declaration to terminate fishing.
(1) The risk of biological harm to halibut stocks and of socio-economic harm to authorized halibut users posed by continued bottom trawling by these vessels.
(2) The extent to which these vessels have avoided incidental halibut catches up to that point in the year.
(3) The confidence of the Regional Administrator in the accuracy of the estimates of incidental halibut catches by these vessels up to that point in the year.
(4) Whether observer coverage of these vessels is sufficient to assure adherence to the prescribed conditions and to alert the Regional Administrator to increases in their incidental halibut catches.
(5) The enforcement record of owners and operators of these vessels, and the confidence of the Regional Administrator that adherence to the prescribed conditions can be assured in light of available enforcement resources.
(8) AFA halibut bycatch limitations. Halibut bycatch limits for AFA catcher vessels will be established according to the procedure and formula set out in § 679.64(b) and managed through directed fishing closures for AFA catcher vessels in the groundfish fisheries to which the halibut bycatch limit applies.
When the number of mature female red king crab is ... The zone 1 PSC limit will be ...
(A) At or below the threshold of 8.4 million mature crab or the effective spawning biomass is less than or equal to 14.5 million lb (6,577 mt) 32,000 red king crab.
(B) Above the threshold of 8.4 million mature crab and the effective spawning biomass is greater than 14.5 but less than 55 million lb (24,948 mt) 97,000 red king crab.
(C) Above the threshold of 8.4 million mature crab and the effective spawning biomass is equal to or greater than 55 million lb 197,000 red king crab.
When the total abundance of C. bairdi crabs is ... The PSC limit will be ...
(1) 150 million animals or less 0.5 percent of the total abundance minus 20,000 animals
(2) Over 150 million to 270 million animals 730,000 animals
(3) Over 270 million to 400 million animals 830,000 animals
(4) Over 400 million animals 980,000 animals
When the total abundance of C. bairdi crabs is ... The PSC limit will be ...
(1) 175 million animals or less 1.2 percent of the total abundance minus 30,000 animals
(2) Over 175 million to 290 million animals 2,070,000 animals
(3) Over 290 million to 400 million animals 2,520,000 animals
(4) Over 400 million animals 2,970,000 animals
(1) Crab PSQ. 10.7 percent of each PSC limit set forth in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section.
(2) Halibut PSQ. (i) 276 mt of the total PSC limit set forth in paragraph (e)(1)(iv) of this section in each year for 2008 and 2009.
(ii) 326 mt of the total PSC limit set forth in paragraph (e)(1)(iv) of this section effective in 2010 and each year thereafter.
(3) Salmon PSQ —(i) Chinook salmon. For BS Chinook salmon, see paragraph (f) of this section. For AI Chinook salmon, 7.5 percent of the PSC limit set forth in paragraph (e)(1)(viii) of this section.
(ii) Non-Chinook salmon. 10.7 percent of the PSC limit set forth in paragraph (e)(1)(vii) of this section.
(2) When the RKCSS is open to vessels fishing for groundfish with nonpelagic trawl gear under paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(B)(1) of this section, NMFS, after consultation with the Council, will specify an amount of the red king crab bycatch limit annually established under paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section for the RKCSS. The amount of the red king crab bycatch limit specified for the RKCSS will not exceed an amount equivalent to 25 percent of the red king crab PSC allowance and will be based on the need to optimize the groundfish harvest relative to red king crab bycatch.
(1) Yellowfin sole fishery. Fishing with trawl gear during any weekly reporting period that is defined as a flatfish fishery under this paragraph (e)(3)(iv)(B) and results in a retained amount of yellowfin sole that is 70 percent or more of the retained aggregate amount of rock sole, “other flatfish,” and yellowfin sole.
(2) Rock sole/flathead sole/“other flatfish” fishery. Fishing with trawl gear during any weekly reporting period that is defined as a flatfish fishery under this paragraph (e)(3)(iv)(B) and is not a yellowfin sole fishery as defined under paragraph (e)(3)(iv)(B)(1) of this section.
(v) AFA prohibited species catch limitations. Halibut and crab PSC limits for the AFA catcher/processor sector and the AFA trawl catcher vessel sector will be established according to the procedures and formulas set out in § 679.64(a) and (b) and managed through directed fishing closures for the AFA catcher/processor sector and the AFA trawl catcher vessel sector in the groundfish fisheries for which the PSC limit applies.
(E) Groundfish pot gear fishery. Fishing with pot gear under restrictions set forth in § 679.24(b) during any weekly reporting period that results in a retained catch of groundfish.