679.80—Initial allocation of rockfish QS.

Regulations under this subpart were developed by National Marine Fisheries Service to implement Section 802 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-199). Additional regulations that implement specific portions of the Rockfish Program are set out at: § 679.2 Definitions, § 679.4 Permits, § 679.5 Recordkeeping and reporting, § 679.7 Prohibitions, § 679.20 General limitations, § 679.21 Prohibited species bycatch management, § 679.28 Equipment and operational requirements, and § 679.50 Groundfish Observer Program.
(3) Documentation. (i) Only legal rockfish landings, as defined in § 679.2, shall be used to establish an allocation of rockfish QS or a sideboard ratio.
(1) The city, if the community is incorporated as a city within the State of Alaska;
(2) The borough, if the community is not a city incorporated within the State of Alaska, but the community is in a borough incorporated within the State of Alaska.

Code of Federal Regulations

Highest Five Yearsls / ∑ All Highest Five Yearss = Percentage of the Totalls

Code of Federal Regulations

The result (quotient) of this equation is the Percentage of the Totalls.
[71 FR 67252, Nov. 20, 2006, as amended at 72 FR 37681, July 11, 2007; 73 FR 67811, Nov. 17, 2008]