
(2) Catches of sablefish by fixed gear during other periods may be retained up to the amounts provided for by the directed fishing standards specified at § 679.20 when made by an individual aboard the vessel who has a valid IFQ permit and unused IFQ in the account on which the permit was issued.
If you own or operate a catcher vessel and fish for groundfish with trawl gear in the* * * You are prohibited from subsequently deploying trawl gear in the* * * Until* * *
(1) BSAI while pollock or Pacific cod is open to directed fishing in the BSAI Western and Central GOA regulatory areas 1200 hours A.l.t. on the third day after the date of landing or transfer of all groundfish on board the vessel harvested in the BSAI, unless you are engaged in directed fishing for Pacific cod in the GOA for processing by the offshore component.
(2) Western GOA regulatory area while pollock or inshore Pacific cod is open to directed fishing in the Western GOA regulatory area BSAI 1200 hours A.l.t. on the third day after the date of landing or transfer of all groundfish on board the vessel harvested in the Western Regulatory Area of the GOA, unless you are participating in a CDQ fishery.
(3) Central GOA regulatory area while pollock or inshore Pacific cod is open to directed fishing in the Central GOA regulatory area BSAI 1200 hours A.l.t. on the second day after the date of landing or transfer of all groundfish on board the vessel harvested in the Central GOA regulatory area , unless you are participating in a CDQ fishery.

Code of Federal Regulations

Code of Federal Regulations 672
[Please see PDF for image: ER02JA03.006 ]
[61 FR 31230, June 19, 1996]

Code of Federal Regulations

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 679.23 , see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access.