Chapter 248 Sanitary Drainage Districts--Cities Over 300,000 Inhabitants and
- 248.010. Establishment of sanitary drainage districts--petition, by whom made--petition contents.
- 248.020. Sanitary district--commission to determine boundaries, general provisions.
- 248.030. Report of commissioners.
- 248.040. Election on organization of sanitary district.
- 248.050. General powers of district--judicial notice--costs of proceedings.
- 248.060. Procedure where drainage area is in two counties--what court has jurisdiction.
- 248.070. Trustees--appointment--removal--employees.
- 248.080. Powers of board.
- 248.090. Surveys and plans--adoption thereof.
- 248.100. Right-of-way through private property--proceedings.
- 248.110. Bids for work contracts.
- 248.120. Special drainage tax--drainage fund.
- 248.130. Issuance of bonds--sinking fund--appeal.
- 248.140. Issuance of vouchers, for what purposes.
- 248.150. Who may construct sewers and drains--plans approved by trustees.
- 248.160. Sanitary drainage of subdistrict--special tax bills.
- 248.170. Trustees may accept sewers or drains constructed by private persons.
- 248.180. Board of trustees to cease to exist, when.
- 248.190. Duties of certain public officers.
- 248.200. Construction of chapter.