248.160. Sanitary drainage of subdistrict--special tax bills.
Sanitary drainage of subdistrict--special tax bills.
248.160. 1. When sewers are needed for the complete orsanitary drainage of a subdistrict, being a part of a sanitarydistrict not exceeding one thousand acres in area, such sewersmay be built by the board of trustees created under this chapterif parts of the subdistrict so to be drained be situated indifferent and independent jurisdiction; but, if such subdistrictlie wholly within the limits of a single jurisdiction, then thepowers conferred by this section shall be vested in and exercisedby that jurisdiction. The board of trustees created in section248.070 in the case described above, otherwise the city,incorporated town or village, or county commission, havingjurisdiction over the subdistrict, shall have the power, whenpetitioned so to do by a majority of the resident taxpayerswithin the subdistrict described in the petition, or upon arecommendation of a lawfully organized board of health, that thecomplete or sanitary drainage of a certain described area in asubdistrict is needed as a sanitary measure, to provide for theconstruction of a complete system of sewers in such subdistrictor convenient part thereof, and to assess the cost of such sewersupon the property drained thereby as a special tax; said specialtax shall be uniform in the proportion that the area of each lotor parcel of ground, taken to a distance not exceeding twohundred feet from the center line of the sewer, bears to thewhole area drained by the sewers for which assessment is made.
2. Special tax bills shall be issued against each lot orparcel of ground drained or drainable by the sewer, or theportion of such lot or parcel lying within two hundred feet ofthe center line of such sewer or sewers. Such special tax billsshall be a lien upon the property charged therewith, as isprovided for other special tax bills authorized by the statutesof the state of Missouri; but if any owner of any lot or parcelof ground assessable hereunder shall, within twenty days afterthe passage of the ordinance or order for the construction ofsuch sewers, make written request that he be allowed to pay thespecial tax thereon by installments, said special tax billsagainst the property described in his request shall be divided,and portions made payable at certain dates and in amounts named;but the time of payment shall not extend beyond five years, northe number of installments to more than five. Each installmentshall bear interest at the rate of six percent per annum fromdate of issue of the special tax bill until due, and if not paidwhen due the rate of interest shall thereafter be ten percent perannum. If any installment remains unpaid for six months after itbecomes due, then all unpaid installments shall be deemed to havebecome due with it, and the lien upon the property may beenforced for the whole amount unpaid, together with interestthereon.
3. Said special tax bills shall be issued by the board oftrustees and authenticated by the seal of said board or by theauthorities of the city, in the manner other special tax billsare issued by said city. If the sewers be built by the board oftrustees, or a county commission, the cost of engineering andsuperintendence shall be added to the cost of construction, inascertaining the amount to be assessed against the propertydrained; but the cost of engineering and superintendence shallnot exceed ten percent of the cost of construction, as finallyestimated. If the sewers be built by the city, incorporated townor village, the cost of engineering and superintendence shall beborne by such city, incorporated town or village. The specialtax bills shall be issued to the contractors, or to personsrendering service or furnishing materials in a subdistrict, undercontract or agreement with the board of trustees, or thecompetent authorities of the city, incorporated town or village,or county commission, in full settlement for all sums that may bedue, arising from such contracts or agreements; but no claimsshall be entertained or allowed for payment in any other way thanby the issue of and delivery of such special tax bills.
(RSMo 1939 § 12487)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10897; 1919 § 4592; 1909 § 5698
Delinquent taxes, districts may redeem bonds, when, RSMo 140.380
Interest, penalty and costs on delinquent sewer taxes, RSMo 249.710 to 249.740