248.090. Surveys and plans--adoption thereof.
Surveys and plans--adoption thereof.
248.090. 1. It shall be the duty of the board of trusteesto make the necessary surveys, and to map out and define theseveral natural drainage areas in the district, and to lay out ageneral plan for the drainage thereof; besides the main outlet oroutlets, the plan shall embrace branches or submains, necessaryfor a complete system of principal drains for the entiredistrict. Branch or submains to be paid for out of the generalrevenue of the district shall not be extended beyond the point atwhich they will receive the drainage of an area of less thaneight hundred acres. Outlets and the larger branches or submainsmay be open channels, whose general course shall be followed byintercepting sewers, to collect and convey sewage or polluteddrainage. The board shall also subdivide the district intoconvenient subdistricts, not larger than one thousand acres inextent, within which the sewers or drains necessary to completethe drainage shall be constructed at the expense of thesubdistrict, as provided in section 248.160.
2. When such plans are complete for a definite district orsubdistrict, the board of trustees shall adopt them by ordinance,and such ordinance, when published in one or more newspapershaving general circulation in the sanitary district, shall bebinding upon all persons, corporations and municipalities; andnothing shall be done affecting the drainage of any part of thedistrict, other than ordinary farm or agricultural drains, by anyperson, corporation or municipality inconsistent with such plansor without the permission of said board of trustees.
(RSMo 1939 § 12482)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10892; 1919 § 4587; 1909 5693
Contractual agreements between political subdivisions for common facilities or services, RSMo 70.210 to 70.320
County planning commission, approval of public improvements after adoption of plan, RSMo 64.050 to 64.235