SUBPART D—Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program (§4280.301 to §4280.400)
- 4280.301—Purpose and scope.
- 4280.302—Definitions and abbreviations.
- 4280.303—Exception authority.
- 4280.304—Review or appeal rights and administrative concerns.
- 4280.305—Nondiscrimination and compliance with other Federal laws.
- 4280.306—Forms, regulations, and instructions.
- 4280.310—Program requirements for MDOs.
- 4280.311—Loan provisions for Agency loans to microlenders.
- 4280.312—Loan approval and closing.
- 4280.313—Grant provisions.
- 4280.315—MDO application and submission information.
- 4280.316—Application scoring.
- 4280.317—Selection of applications for funding.
- 4280.320—Grant administration.
- 4280.321—Grant and loan servicing.
- 4280.322—Loans from the microlenders to microentrepreneurs.
- 4280.323—Ineligible microloan purposes and uses.
- 4280.400—OMB control number.