4280.317—Selection of applications for funding.
All applications received will be scored using the scoring criteria specified in § 4280.316. Because each set of applicants is scored on a 100 point scale, applications will be ranked together. Shortened applications can only receive 90 points. Within funding limitations, applications will be funded in descending order, from the highest ranking application down. If two or more applications score the same, the Administrator may prioritize such applications to help the program achieve overall geographic diversity.
All applications must be submitted as a complete application, in one package. Packages must be bound in a three ring binder and evidence must be organized in the order of appearance in § 4280.315 of this document. Applications that are unbound, disorganized, or otherwise not ready for evaluation will be returned.
Applications will be accepted on a quarterly basis using Federal fiscal quarters. Deadlines and specific application instructions will be published annually in the Federal Register.
Applications received will be reviewed, scored, and ranked quarterly. Unless withdrawn by the applicant, the Agency will retain unsuccessful applications that score 70 points or more, for consideration in subsequent reviews, through a total of four quarterly reviews. Applications unsuccessful after 4 quarters will be returned.
(b) Availability of funds.
If an application is received, scored, and ranked, but insufficient funds remain to fully fund it, the Agency may elect to fund an application requesting a smaller amount that has a lower score. Before this occurs, the Agency, as applicable, will provide the higher scoring applicant the opportunity to reduce the amount of its request to the amount of funds available. If the applicant agrees to lower its request, it must certify that the purposes of the project can be met, and the Agency must determine that the project is financially feasible at the lower amount.
(c) Applicant notification.
The Agency will notify applicants regarding their selection or non-selection, provide appeal rights of unsuccessful applicants, and closing procedures for the loans and/or grants to awardees.
(d) Closing.
Awardees unable to complete closing for obligation within 90 days will forfeit their funding. Such funding will revert back to the Agency for later use.