4280.310—Program requirements for MDOs.
(a) Eligibility requirements for applicant MDOs.
To be eligible for a direct loan or grant award under this subpart, an applicant must meet each of the criteria set forth in paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section, as applicable.
(2) Citizenship.
For non-profit entities only, to be eligible to apply for status as an MDO, the applicant must be at least 51 percent controlled by persons who are either:
Citizens of the United States, the Republic of Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; or
(3) Legal authority and responsibility.
The applicant must have the legal authority necessary to carry out the purpose of the award.
Certifies that it, or its employees, have received education and training from a qualified microenterprise development training entity so that the applicant has the capacity to manage such a revolving loan fund; or
Is actively and successfully participating as an intermediary lender in good standing under the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Microloan Program or other similar loan programs as determined by the Administrator.
An attorney's opinion regarding the potential microlender's legal status and its ability to enter into program transactions is required at the time of initial entry into the program. Subsequent to acceptance into the program, an attorney's opinion will not be required unless the Agency determines significant changes to the microlender have occurred.
(b) Minimum score.
Once deemed eligible, an entity will be evaluated based on the scoring criteria in § 4280.316 for adequate qualification to participate in the program. Eligible MDOs must score a minimum of seventy points (70 points) in order to be considered to receive an award under this subpart.
Is debarred, suspended or otherwise excluded from, or ineligible for, participation in Federal assistance programs; and
Has an outstanding judgment against it, obtained by the United States in a Federal Court (other than U.S. Tax Court).
(d) Delinquencies.
No applicant will be eligible to receive a loan if it is delinquent on a Federal debt.
(e) Application eligibility and qualification.
An application will be considered eligible for funding if it is submitted by an eligible MDO. The applicant will qualify for funding based on the results of review, scoring, and other procedures as indicated in this subpart, and will further:
Establish an RMRF, or add capital to an RMRF originally capitalized under this program and establish or continue a training and TA program for its microborrowers and prospective microborrowers; or
Fund a TA-only grant program to provide services to rural microentrepreneurs and microenterprises.
(f) Business incubators.
Because the purpose of a business incubator is to provide business-based technical assistance and an environment in which micro-level, very small, and small businesses may thrive, a microlender that meets all other eligibility requirements and owns and operates a small business incubator will be considered eligible to apply. In addition, a business incubator selected to participate as a microlender may use RMAP funding to lend to an eligible microenterprise tenant, without creating a conflict of interest under § 4280.323(c).