4280.322—Loans from the microlenders to microentrepreneurs.
The primary purpose of making a loan to a microlender is to enable that microlender to make microloans. It is the responsibility of each microborrower to repay the microlender in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed to with the microlender. It is the responsibility of each microlender to make microloans in such a fashion that the terms and conditions of the microloan will support microborrower success while enabling the microlender to repay the Federal Government.
(a) Maximum microloan amount.
The maximum amount of a microloan made under this program will be $50,000.
(b) Microloan terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions for microloans made by microlenders will be negotiated between the prospective microborrower and the microlender, with the following limitations:
The interest rate charged to the microborrower will be established at, or before the closing of the microloan; and
The microlender may establish its margin of earnings but may not adjust the margin so as to violate Fair Credit Lending laws. Margins must be reasonable so as to ensure that microloans are affordable to the microborrowers.
(c) Microloan insurance requirements.
The requirement of reasonable hazard, key person, and other insurance will be at the discretion of the microlender.
(d) Credit elsewhere test.
Microborrowers will be subject to a “credit elsewhere” test so that the microlender will make loans only to those borrowers that cannot obtain business funding of $50,000 or less at affordable rates and on acceptable terms. Each microborrower file must contain evidence that the microborrower has sought credit elsewhere or that the rates and terms available within the community at the time were outside the range of the microborrower's affordability. Evidence may include a comparison of rates, loan limitations, terms, etc. for other funding sources to those forth offered by the microlender). Denial letters from other lenders are not required.
(e) Fair credit requirements.
To ensure fairness, microlenders must publicize their rates and terms on a regular basis. Microlenders are also subject to Fair Credit lending laws as discussed in § 4280.305.
(f) Eligible microloan purposes.
Agency loan funds may be used to make microloans as defined in § 4280.302 for any legal business purpose not identified in § 4280.323 as an ineligible purpose. Microlenders may make microloans for qualified business activities and expenses including, but not limited to:
The purchase or lease of real estate that is already improved and will be used for the location of the subject business only, provided no demolition or construction will be accomplished with program funding. Neither interior decorating, nor the affixing of chattel to walls, floors, or ceilings are considered to be demolition or construction.
(g) Military personnel.
Military personnel who are or seek to be a microentrepreneur and are on active duty with six months or less remaining in their active duty status may receive a microloan and/or technical assistance and training if they are otherwise qualified to participate in the program.