17.94—Critical habitats.

(a) The areas listed in § 17.95 (fish and wildlife) and § 17.96 (plants) and referred to in the lists at §§ 17.11 and 17.12 have been determined by the Director to be Critical Habitat. All Federal agencies must insure that any action authorized, funded, or carried out by them is not likely to result in the destruction or adverse modification of the constituent elements essential to the conservation of the listed species within these defined Critical Habitats. (See part 402 for rules concerning this prohibition; see also part 424 for rules concerning the determination of Critical Habitat).
(d) The sequence of species within each list of Critical Habitats in §§ 17.95 and 17.96 will follow the sequences in the lists of Endangered and Threatened wildlife ( § 17.11) and plants ( § 17.12 ). Multiple entries for each species will be alphabetic by State.
[45 FR 13021, Feb. 27, 1980]