17.12—Endangered and threatened plants.
The list in this section contains the names of all species of plants which have been determined by the Services to be Endangered or Threatened. It also contains the names of species of plants treated as Endangered or Threatened because they are sufficiently similar in appearance to Endangered or Threatened species (see § 17.50
et seq. ).
In the “Status” column the following symbols are used: “E” for Endangered, “T” for Threatened, and “E [or T] (S/A)” for similarity of appearance species.
The other data in the list are nonregulatory in nature and are provided for the information of the reader. In the annual revision and compilation of this title, the following information may be amended without public notice: the spelling of species' names, historical range, footnotes, references to certain other applicable portions of this title, synonyms, and more current names. In any of these revised entries, neither the species, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section, nor its status may be changed without following the procedures of part 424 of this title.
A footnote to the Federal Register publication(s) listing or reclassifying a species is indicated under the column “When listed.” Footnote numbers to §§ 17.11 and 17.12 are in the same numerical sequence, since plants and animals may be listed in the same Federal Register document. That document, at least since 1973, includes a statement indicating the basis for the listing, as well as the effective date(s) of said listing.
The “Special rules” and “Critical habitat” columns provide a cross reference to other sections in parts 17, 222, 226, or 227. The “Special rules” column will also be used to cite the special rules which describe experimental populations and determine if they are essential or nonessential. Separate listings will be made for experimental populations, and the status column will include the following symbols: “XE” for an essential experimental population and “XN” for a nonessential experimental population. The term “NA” (not applicable) appearing in either of these two columns indicates that there are no special rules and/or critical habitat for that particular species. However, all other appropriate rules in parts 17, 217 through 227, and 402 still apply to that species. In addition, there may be other rules in this title that relate to such plants, e.g., port-of-entry requirements. It is not intended that the references in the “Special rules” column list all the regulations of the two Services which might apply to the species or to the regulations of other Federal agencies or State or local governments.
The listing of a particular taxon includes all lower taxonomic units (see § 17.11(g) for examples).
Species | Historic range | Family | Status | When listed | Critical habitat | Special rules | |
Scientific name | Common name | ||||||
Flowering Plants | |||||||
Abronia macrocarpa | Large-fruited sand-verbena | U.S.A. (TX) | Nyctaginaceae | E | 331 | NA | NA |
Abutilon eremitopetalum | None | U.S.A. (HI) | Malvaceae | E | 435 | NA | NA |
Abutilon menziesii | Ko‘oloa‘ula | ......do | ......do | E | 243 | NA | NA |
Abutilon sandwicense | None | ......do | ......do | E | 448 | 17.99(i) | NA |
Acaena exigua | Liliwai | ......do | Rosaceae | E | 467 | NA | NA |
Acanthomintha ilicifolia | San Diego thornmint | U.S.A. (CA), Mexico | Lamiaceae | T | 649 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Acanthomintha obovata ssp. duttonii | San Mateo thornmint | U.S.A. (CA) | ......do | E | 204 | NA | NA |
Achyranthes mutica | None | U.S.A (HI) | Amaranthaceae | E | 592 | 17.99(k) | NA |
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata | Round-leaved chaff-flower | ......do | ......do | E | 220 | NA | NA |
Aconitum noveboracense | Northern wild monkshood | U.S.A. (IA, NY, OH, WI) | Ranunculaceae | T | 39 | NA | NA |
Aeschynomene virginica | Sensitive joint-vetch | U.S.A. (DE, MD, NC, NJ, PA, VA) | Fabaceae | T | 470 | NA | NA |
Agalinis acuta | Sandplain gerardia | U.S.A. (CT, MA, MD, NY, RI) | Scrophulariaceae | E | 325 | NA | NA |
Alectryon macrococcus | Mahoe | U.S.A. (HI) | Sapindaceae | E | 467 | 17.99(a)(1), (c), (e)(1), and (i) | NA |
Allium munzii | Munz's onion | U.S.A. (CA) | Liliaceae-Lily | E | 650 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Alopecurus aequalis var. sonomensis | Sonoma alopecurus | ......do | Poaceae | E | 625 | NA | NA |
Alsinidendron lychnoides | Kuawawaenohu | U.S.A. (HI) | Caryophyllaceae | E | 590 | 17.99(a)(1) | NA |
Alsinidendron obovatum | None | ......do | ......do | E | 448 | 17.99(i) | NA |
Alsinidendron trinerve | ......do | ......do | ......do | E | 448 | 17.99(i) | NA |
Alsinidendron viscosum | ......do | ......do | ......do | E | 590 | 17.99(a)(1) | NA |
Amaranthus brownii | ......do | ......do | Amaranthaceae | E | 587 | 17.99(g) | NA |
Amaranthus pumilus | Seabeach amaranth | U.S.A. (DE, MA, MD, NC, NJ, NY, RI, SC, VA) | ......do | T | 498 | NA | NA |
Ambrosia cheiranthifolia | South Texas ambrosia | U.S.A. (TX) | Asteraceae | E | 547 | NA | NA |
Ambrosia pumila | San Diego ambrosia | U.S.A. (CA) Mexico | ......do | E | 727 | NA | NA |
Amorpha crenulata | Crenulate lead-plant | U.S.A. (FL) | Fabaceae | E | 192 | NA | NA |
Amphianthus pusillus | Little amphianthus | U.S.A. (AL, GA, SC) | Scrophulariaceae | T | 302 | NA | NA |
Amsinckia grandiflora | Large-flowered fiddleneck | U.S.A. (CA) | Boraginaceae | E | 179 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Amsonia kearneyana | Kearney's blue-star | U.S.A. (AZ) | Apocynaceae | E | 343 | NA | NA |
Ancistrocactus tobuschii | Tobusch fishhook cactus | U.S.A. (TX) | Cactaceae | E | 80 | NA | NA |
Apios priceana | Price's potato-bean | U.S.A. (AL, IL, KY, MS, TN) | Fabaceae | T | 373 | NA | NA |
Arabis hoffmannii | Hoffmann's rock-cress | U.S.A. (CA) | Brassicaceae | E | 623 | NA | NA |
Arabis mcdonaldiana | McDonald's rock-cress | ......do | ......do | E | 44 | NA | NA |
Arabis perstellata | Braun's Rock-cress | U.S.A. (KY, TN) | ......do | E | 570 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Arabis serotina | Shale barren rock-cress | U.S.A. (VA, WV) | ......do | E | 352 | NA | NA |
Arctomecon humilis | Dwarf bear-poppy | U.S.A. (UT) | Papaveraceae | E | 78 | NA | NA |
Arctostaphylos confertiflora | Santa Rosa Island manzanita | U.S.A. (CA) | Ericaceae | E | 623 | NA | NA |
Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. crassifolia | Del Mar manzanita | U.S.A. (CA), Mexico. | ......do | E | 589 | NA | NA |
Arctostaphylos hookeri var. ravenii | Presidio manzanita | U.S.A. (CA) | ......do | E | 65 | NA | NA |
Arctostaphylos morroensis | Morro manzanita | ......do | ......do | T | 567 | NA | NA |
Code of Federal Regulations
Arctostaphylos myrtifolia | Ione manzanita | ......do | ......do | T | 661 | NA | NA |
Arctostaphylos pallida | Pallid manzanita | ......do | ......do | T | 635 | NA | NA |
Arenaria cumberlandensis | Cumberland sandwort | U.S.A. (KY, TN) | Caryophyllaceae | E | 311 | NA | NA |
Arenaria paludicola | Marsh sandwort | U.S.A. (CA,OR,WA) | ......do | E | 511 | NA | NA |
Arenaria ursina | Bear Valley sandwort | U.S.A. (CA) | ......do | T | 644 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Argemone pleiacantha ssp. pinnatisecta | Sacramento prickly-poppy | U.S.A. (NM) | Papaveraceae | E | 360 | NA | NA |
Argyroxiphium kauense | Mauna Loa silversword | U.S.A. (HI) | Asteraceae | E | 497 | 17.99(k) | NA |
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum | ‘Ahinahina | ......do | ......do | T | 467 | 17.99(e)(1) | NA |
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense | ‘Ahinahina | ......do | ......do | E | 219 | NA | NA |
Aristida chaseae | None | U.S.A. (PR) | Poaceae | E | 501 | NA | NA |
Aristida portoricensis | Pelos del diablo | ......do | ......do | E | 398 | NA | NA |
Asclepias meadii | Mead's milkweed | U.S.A. (IA, IL, IN, KS, MO, WI) | Asclepiadaceae | T | 321 | NA | NA |
Asclepias welshii | Welsh's milkweed | U.S.A. (AZ, UT) | ......do | T | 295 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Asimina tetramera | Four-petal pawpaw | U.S.A. (FL) | Annonaceae | E | 244 | NA | NA |
Astelia waialealae | Painiu | U.S.A. (HI) | Asteliaceae | E | 765 | 17.99(a) | NA |
Astragalus albens | Cushenbury milk-vetch | U.S.A. (CA) | Fabaceae | E | 548 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Astragalus ampullarioides | Shivwits milk-vetch | U.S.A. (UT) | ......do | E | 711 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Astragalus applegatei | Applegate's milk-vetch | U.S.A. (OR) | ......do | E | 510 | NA | NA |
Astragalus bibullatus | Guthrie's (=Pyne's) ground-plum | U.S.A. (TN) | ......do | E | 437 | NA | NA |
Astragalus brauntonii | Braunton's milk-vetch | U.S.A. (CA) | ......do | E | 606 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Astragalus clarianus | Clara Hunt's milk-vetch | ......do | ......do | E | 625 | NA | NA |
Astragalus cremnophylax var. cremnophylax | Sentry milk-vetch | U.S.A. (AZ) | ......do | E | 409 | NA | NA |
Astragalus desereticus | Deseret milk-vetch | U.S.A. (UT) | ......do | T | 668 | NA | NA |
Astragalus holmgreniorum | Holmgren milk-vetch | U.S.A. (UT, AZ) | ......do | E | 711 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Astragalus humillimus | Mancos milk-vetch | U.S.A. (CO, NM) | ......do | E | 187 | NA | NA |
Astragalus jaegerianus | Lane Mountain milk-vetch | U.S.A. (CA) | Fabaceae—Pea | E | 647 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Astragalus lentiginosus var. coachellae | Coachella Valley milk-vetch | ......do | Fabaceae | E | 647 | 17.96(a) (No areas designated) | NA |
Astragalus lentiginosus var. piscinensis | Fish Slough milk-vetch | ......do | ......do | T | 647 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Astragalaus magdalenae var. peirsonii | Peirson's milk-vetch | ......do | Fabaceae—Pea | T | 647 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Astragalus montii | Heliotrope milk-vetch | U.S.A. (UT) | Fabaceae | T | 298 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Astragalus osterhoutii | Osterhout milk-vetch | U.S.A. (CO) | ......do | E | 353 | NA | NA |
Astragalus phoenix | Ash Meadows milk-vetch | U.S.A. (NV) | ......do | T | 181 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Astragalus pycnostachyus var. lanosissimus | Ventura Marsh milk-vetch | U.S.A. (CA) | Fabaceae—Pea Family | E | 708 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Astragalus robbinsii var. jesupi | Jesup's milk-vetch | U.S.A. (NH, VT) | Fabaceae | E | 271 | NA | NA |
Astragalus tener var. titi | Coastal dunes milk-vetch | U.S.A. (CA) | ......do | E | 640 | NA | NA |
Astragalus tricarinatus | Triple-ribbed milk-vetch | ......do | ......do | E | 647 | NA | NA |
Astrophytum asterias | Star cactus | U.S.A. (TX), Mexico | Cactaceae | E | 521 | NA | NA |
Code of Federal Regulations
Atriplex coronata var. notatior | San Jacinto Valley crownscale | U.S.A. (CA) | Chenopodiaceae—Goosefoot Family | E | 650 | 17.96 (a) (No areas designated) | NA |
Auerodendron pauciflorum | None | U.S.A. (PR) | Rhamnaceae | E | 531 | NA | NA |
Ayenia limitaris | Texas ayenia | U.S.A. (TX), Mexico | Sterculiaceae | E | 547 | NA | NA |
Baccharis vanessae | Encinitas baccharis | U.S.A. (CA) | Asteraceae | T | 589 | NA | NA |
Banara vanderbiltii | Palo de Ramón | U.S.A. (PR) | Flacourtiaceae | E | 255 | NA | NA |
Baptisia arachnifera | Hairy rattleweed | U.S.A. (GA) | Fabaceae | E | 39 | NA | NA |
Berberis nevinii | Nevin's barberry | U.S.A. (CA) | Berberidaceae | E | 648 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Berberis pinnata ssp. insularis | Island barberry | ......do | ......do | E | 623 | NA | NA |
Betula uber | Virginia round-leaf birch | U.S.A. (VA) | Betulaceae | T | 39, 560 | NA | NA |
Bidens micrantha ssp. kalealaha | Kookoolau | U.S.A. (HI) | Asteraceae | E | 467 | 17.96(b) and 17.99(e)(1) | NA |
Bidens wiebkei | ......do | ......do | ......do | E | 480 | 17.99(c) | NA |
Blennosperma bakeri | Sonoma sunshine | U.S.A. (CA) | ......do | E | 453 | NA | NA |
Boltonia decurrens | Decurrent false aster | U.S.A. (IL, MO) | ......do | T | 341 | NA | NA |
Bonamia grandiflora | Florida bonamia | U.S.A. (FL) | Convolvulaceae | T | 297 | NA | NA |
Bonamia menziesii | None | U.S.A. (HI) | ......do | E | 559 | 17.99(a)(1), (e)(1), (i), and (k) | NA |
Brighamia insignis | Olulu | ......do | Campanulaceae | E | 530 | 17.99(a)(1) and (a)(2) | NA |
Brighamia rockii | Pua ala | ......do | ......do | E | 480 | 17.99(c) and (e)(1) | NA |
Brodiaea filifolia | Thread-leaved brodiaea | U.S.A. (CA) | Liliaceae—Lily | T | 650 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Brodiaea pallida | Chinese Camp brodiaea | ......do | Liliaceae | T | 643 | NA | NA |
Buxus vahlii | Vahl's boxwood | U.S.A. (PR, VI) | Buxaceae | E | 197 | NA | NA |
Caesalpinia kavaiense | Uhiuhi | U.S.A. (HI) | Fabaceae | E | 238 | NA | NA |
Callicarpa ampla | Capá rosa | U.S.A. (PR) | Verbenaceae | E | 461 | NA | NA |
Callirhoe scabriuscula | Texas poppy-mallow | U.S.A. (TX) | Malvaceae | E | 109, 112 | NA | NA |
Calochortus tiburonensis | Tiburon mariposa lily | U.S.A. (CA) | Liliaceae | T | 575 | NA | NA |
Calyptranthes thomasiana | None | U.S.A. (PR, VI) British VI | Myrtaceae | E | 529 | NA | NA |
Calyptridium pulchellum | Mariposa pussypaws | U.S.A. (CA) | Portulacaceae | T | 643 | NA | NA |
Calyptronoma rivalis | Palma de manaca | U.S.A. (PR) | Arecaceae | T | 375 | NA | NA |
Calystegia stebbinsii | Stebbins' morning-glory | U.S.A. (CA) | Convolvulaceae | E | 596 | NA | NA |
Camissonia benitensis | San Benito evening-primrose | ......do | Onagraceae | T | 172 | NA | NA |
Campanula robinsiae | Brooksville bellflower | U.S.A. (FL) | Campanulaceae | E | 356 | NA | NA |
Canavalia molokaiensis | Awikiwiki | U.S.A. (HI) | Fabaceae | E | 480 | 17.99(c) | NA |
Canavalia napaliensis | ......do | ......do | ......do | E | 765 | 17.99(a) | NA |
Cardamine micranthera | Small-anthered bittercress | U.S.A. (NC, VA) | Brassicaceae | E | 363 | NA | NA |
Carex albida | White sedge | U.S.A. (CA) | Cyperaceae | E | 625 | NA | NA |
Carex lutea | Golden sedge | U.S.A. (NC) | ......do | E | 721 | NA | NA |
Carex specuicola | Navajo sedge | U.S.A. (AZ, UT) | ......do | T | 178 | 17.96(a) | NA |
Castilleja affinis ssp. neglecta | Tiburon paintbrush | U.S.A. (CA) | Scrophulariaceae | E | 575 | NA | NA |
Castilleja campestris ssp. succulenta | Fleshy owl's-clover | ......do | ......do |