17.96—Critical habitat—plants.

(a) Flowering plants.
Family Apiaceae: Lilaeopsis schaffneriana var. recurva (Huachuca water umbel).
Critical habitat includes the stream courses identified in the legal descriptions below, and includes adjacent areas out to the beginning of upland vegetation. Within these areas, the primary constituent elements include, but are not limited to, the habitat components which provide—(1) Sufficient perennial base flows to provide a permanently or nearly permanently wetted substrate for growth and reproduction of Lilaeopsis; (2) A stream channel that is relatively stable, but subject to periodic flooding that provides for rejuvenation of the riparian plant community and produces open microsites for Lilaeopsis expansion; (3) A riparian plant community that is relatively stable over time and in which nonnative species do not exist or are at a density that has little or no adverse effect on resources available for Lilaeopsis growth and reproduction; and (4) In streams and rivers, refugial sites in each watershed and in each reach, including but not limited to springs or backwaters of mainstem rivers, that allow each population to survive catastrophic floods and recolonize larger areas.
Unit 1. Santa Cruz County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5′ quadrangle map Sonoita, Arizona.
Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: T. 20 S., R. 16 E., beginning at a point on Sonoita Creek in sec. 34 at approx. 31°39′19″ N latitude and 110°41′52″ W longitude proceeding downstream (westerly) to a point in sec. 33 at approx. 31°39′07″ N latitude and 110°42′46″ W longitude covering approx. 2 km (1.25 mi.).
Unit 2. Santa Cruz County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5′ quadrangle map Lochiel, Arizona.
That portion of the Santa Cruz River beginning in the San Rafael De La Zanja Grant approx. at 31°22′30″ N latitude and 110°35′45″ W longitude downstream (southerly) to Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona, T. 24 S., R. 17 E., through secs. 11 and 14, to the south boundary of sec. 14 covering approx. 4.4 km (2.7 mi.). Also, a tributary that begins in T. 24 S., R. 17 E., sec. 13 at approx. 31°21′10″ N latitude and 110°34′16″ W longitude downstream (southwesterly) to its confluence with the Santa Cruz River covering approx. 3 km (1.9 mi.).
Unit 3. Cochise County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5′ quadrangle map Huachuca Peak, Arizona.
Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: That portion of Scotia Canyon beginning in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 3 at approx. 31°27′19″ N latitude and 110°23′44″ W longitude downstream (southwesterly) through secs. 10, 9, 16 and to approx. 31°25′22″ N latitude and 110°25′22″ W longitude in sec. 21 covering approx. 5.4 km (3.4 mi.).
Unit 4. Cochise County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5′ quadrangle map Huachuca Peak, Arizona.
Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: That portion of Sunnyside Canyon beginning in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., on the east boundary of sec. 10 downstream (southwesterly) to the south boundary of sec. 10 covering approx. 1.1 km (0.7 mi.).
Unit 5. Cochise County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5′ quadrangle map Miller Peak, Arizona.
That portion of Garden Canyon in the Fort Huachuca Military Reservation beginning at approx. 31°27′13″ N latitude and 110°22′33″ W longitude downstream (northwesterly) to approx. 31°28′45″ N latitude and 110°20′11″ W longitude covering approx. 6.1 km (3.8 mi.).
Unit 6. Cochise County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5′ quadrangle map Miller Peak, Arizona.
Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: That portion of Bear Canyon beginning at a point in T. 24 S., R. 19 E., sec. 1 at approx. 31°22′30″ N latitude and 110°21′47″ W longitude upstream through T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 36 to a point in sec. 31 at approx. 31°23′18″ N latitude and 110°21′22″ W longitude covering approx. 1.7 km (1.0 mi.). Also, continuing up an unnamed tributary beginning at a point in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 31 at approx. 31°23′18″ N latitude and 110°21′22″ W longitude upstream (northerly) to a point in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 30 at approx. 31°23′44″ N latitude and 110°21′14″ W longitude covering approx. 0.9 km (0.5 mi.). Also, that portion of Lone Mountain Canyon beginning at its confluence with Bear Creek at a point in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 36 at approx. 31°22′54″ N latitude and 110°21′43″ W longitude to a point in sec. 36 at approx. 31°23′26″ N latitude and 110°21′58″ W longitude, thence up an unnamed tributary northwesterly into sec. 25 thence northerly to a point at approx. 31°24′13″ N latitude and 110°21′54″ W longitude covering approx. 2.7 km (1.7 mi.). Also that portion of Rattlesnake Canyon beginning at its confluence with Lone Mountain Canyon in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 36 upstream northeasterly into sec. 25 to a point at approx. 31°22′08″ N latitude and 110°21′31″ W longitude covering approx. 1.5 km (1.0 mi.).
Unit 7. Cochise County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5′ quadrangle maps: Hereford, Ariz.; Tombstone SE, Ariz.; Nicksville, Ariz.; Lewis Springs, Ariz.; Fairbank, Ariz.; Land, Ariz.
Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: That portion of the San Pedro River beginning in the San Rafael Del Valle Grant at a point approx. 200 meters upstream (south) of the Hereford Road bridge at approx. 31°26′16″ N latitude and 110°06′24″ W longitude continuing downstream (northerly) through the San Rafael Del Valle Grant; T. 21 S., R. 22 E.; T. 21 S., R 21 S.; through the San Juan De Las Boquilla y Nogales Grant to a point at approx. 31°48′28″ N latitude and 110°12′32″ W longitude covering approx. 54.2 km (33.7 mi.).
Family Apiaceae: Lomatium cookii (Cook's lomatium, Cook's desert parsley)
(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Jackson and Josephine Counties, Oregon, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Lomatium cookii are the habitat components that provide:
(i) In the Rogue River Valley:
(A) Vernal pools and ephemeral wetlands and depths and the adjacent upland margins of these depressions that hold water for a sufficient length of time to sustain Lomatium cookii germination, growth, and reproduction. These vernal pools or ephemeral wetlands support native plant populations and are seasonally inundated during wet years but do not necessarily fill with water every year due to natural variability in rainfall. Areas of sufficient size and quality are likely to have the following characteristics:
(1) Elevations from 372 to 411 m (1,220 to 1,350 ft);
(2) Associated dominant native plants including, but not limited to: Alopecurus saccatus, Achnatherum lemmonii, Deschampsia danthonioides, Eryngium petiolatum, Lasthenia californica, Myosurus minimus, Navarretia leucocephala ssp. leucocephala, Phlox gracilis, Plagiobothrys bracteatus, Trifolium depauperatum, and Triteleia hyacinthina; and
(3) A minimum area of 8 ha (20 ac) to provide intact hydrology and protection from development and weed sources.
(B) The hydrologically and ecologically functional system of interconnected pools or ephemeral wetlands or depressions within a matrix of surrounding uplands that together form vernal pool complexes within the greater watershed. The associated features may include the pool basin and ephemeral wetlands; an intact hardpan subsoil underlying the surface soils up to 0.75 m (2.5 ft) in depth; and surrounding uplands, including mound topography and other geographic and edaphic features that support systems of hydrologically interconnected pools and other ephemeral wetlands (which may vary in extent depending on site-specific characteristics of pool size and depth, soil type, and hardpan depth).
(C) Silt, loam, and clay soils that are of ultramafic and nonultramafic alluvial origin, with a 0 to 3 percent slope, classified as Agate-Winlo or Provig-Agate soils.
(D) No or negligible presence of competitive, nonnative invasive plant species. Negligible is defined for the purpose of this rule as a minimal level of nonnative plant species that will still allow Lomatium cookii to continue to survive and recover.
(ii) In the Illinois River Valley:
(A) Wet meadows in oak and pine forests, sloped mixed-conifer openings, and shrubby plant communities that are seasonally inundated and support native plant populations. Areas of sufficient size and quality are likely to have the following characteristics:
(1) Elevations from 383 to 488 m (1,256 to 1,600 ft);
(2) Associated dominant native plants including, but not limited to: Achnatherum lemmonii, Arbutus menziesii, Arctostaphylos viscida, Camassia spp., Ceanothus cuneatus, Danthonia californica, Deschampsia cespitosa, Festuca roemeri var. klamathensis, Poa secunda, Ranunculus occidentalis, and Limnanthes gracilis var. gracilis;
(3) Occurrence primarily in bottomland Quercus garryana-Quercus kelloggii-Pinus ponderosa (Oregon white oak-California black oak-ponderosa pine) forest openings along seasonal creeks; and
(4) A minimum area of 8 ha (20 ac) to provide intact hydrology and protection from development and weed sources.
(B) The hydrologically and ecologically functional system of streams, slopes, and wooded systems that surround and maintain seasonally wet alluvial meadows underlain by relatively undisturbed ultramafic soils within the greater watershed.
(C) Silt, loam, and clay soils that are of ultramafic and nonultramafic alluvial origin, with a 0 to 40 percent slope, classified as Abegg gravelly loam, Brockman clay loam, Copsey clay, Cornutt-Dubakel complex, Dumps, Eightlar extremely stony clay, Evans loam, Foehlin gravelly loam, Josephine gravelly loam, Kerby loam, Newberg fine sandy loam, Pearsoll-Rock outcrop complex, Pollard loam, Riverwash, Speaker-Josephine gravelly loam, Takilma cobbly loam, or Takilma Variant extremely cobbly loam.
(D) No or negligible presence of competitive, nonnative invasive plant species. Negligible is defined for the purpose of this rule as a minimal level of nonnative plant species that will still allow Lomatium cookii to continue to survive and recover.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (including, but not limited to, buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4) Critical habitat map units. These critical habitat units were mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 10, North American Datum 1983 (UTM NAD 83) coordinates. These coordinates establish the vertices and endpoints of the boundaries of the units.
(5) Note: Index map for critical habitat for Lomatium cookii in Jackson County, Oregon, follows:
(6) Unit RV6, subunits A, F, G, and H, for Lomatium cookii: White City, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV6, subunits A, F, G, and H for Lomatium cookii comprises 546 ha (1,349 ac) of vernal pool-mounded prairie and swale habitats. RV6 is located around White City, is 1.6 km (1.0 mi) southwest of Eagle Point, and is 440 m (1,444 ft) southeast of the confluence of the Rogue River and Little Butte Creek. Subunit RV6A is located north of Whetstone Creek and is 500 m (1,200 ft) west of the junction of Highway 62 and Antelope Road. Subunits RV6F and RV6G are located approximately 500 feet west of Dry Creek and are east of Highway 62 in White City. Subunit RV6H is located north of Whetstone Creek and south of Antelope Road. Subunit RV6H roughly encircles the Hoover Ponds, east of Highway 62, and is 850 m (2790 ft) east of subunit RV6A.
(ii) Subunit RV6A. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 508682, 4697061; 508738, 4697064; 508676, 4697188; 508661, 4697304; 508507, 4697315; 508489, 4697306; 508481, 4697273; 508481, 4697211; 508462, 4697147; 508428, 4697153; 508293, 4697240; 508208, 4697334; 508148, 4697450; 508117, 4697568; 508400, 4697602; 508500, 4697715; 508448, 4697967; 508341, 4698225; 508480, 4698284; 508497, 4698326; 508633, 4698334; 508626, 4698363; 508538, 4698365; 508524, 4698385; 508746, 4698450; 508773, 4698387; 508694, 4698359; 508743, 4698216; 509056, 4698316; 509010, 4698453; 509110, 4698452; 509311, 4698259; 509493, 4698102; 509545, 4698084; 509355, 4698084; 509135, 4698080; 509168, 4697920; 508972, 4697870; 509001, 4697835; 508914, 4697794; 508862, 4697823; 508722, 4697808; 508730, 4697736; 508689, 4697721; 508681, 4697635; 508712, 4697641; 509230, 4697727; 509310, 4697563; 509400, 4697202; 509440, 4697029; 509533, 4697025; 509526, 4696971; 510121, 4696967; 510129, 4697025; 511739, 4697040; 511693, 4696746; 511409, 4696723; 511413, 4696842; 511294, 4696824; 511270, 4696771; 510747, 4696759; 510740, 4696651; 511246, 4696655; 511267, 4696562; 511267, 4696383; 511092, 4696381; 510807, 4696379; 510537, 4696388; 510366, 4696504; 510324, 4696533; 510247, 4696540; 510058, 4696498; 509873, 4696508; 509813, 4696504; 509771, 4696523; 509697, 4696568; 509600, 4696585; 509529, 4696583; 509381, 4696564; 509129, 4696552; 508984, 4696573; 508671, 4696641; 508573, 4696683; 508455, 4696744; 508400, 4696802; 508320, 4696828; 508235, 4696956; 508214, 4697027; 508463, 4697104; 508601, 4697067; 508682, 4697061.
(iii) Subunit RV6F. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 516157, 4697446; 516113, 4697319; 515222, 4697324; 515202, 4697271; 515033, 4697285; 515035, 4697791; 516149, 4697751; 516157, 4697446. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 516162, 4698466; 516140, 4698214; 516149, 4697960; 516028, 4697955; 515942, 4697933; 515819, 4697947; 515752, 4697925; 515666, 4697936; 515540, 4697896; 515376, 4697904; 515041, 4697952; 515055, 4698348; 515122, 4698420; 515165, 4698417; 515315, 4698305; 515395, 4698283; 515403, 4698340; 515478, 4698342; 515481, 4698391; 515548, 4698393; 515559, 4698222; 515620, 4698219; 515631, 4698409; 515864, 4698377; 515854, 4698240; 515996, 4698278; 516023, 4698463; 516162, 4698466.
(iv) Subunit RV6G. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 517363, 4696759; 517380, 4696683; 517424, 4696639; 517460, 4696648; 517526, 4696572; 517491, 4696542; 517351, 4696625; 517287, 4696695; 517217, 4696740; 517193, 4696711; 516712, 4696690; 516601, 4696630; 516302, 4696628; 516213, 4696595; 516180, 4696557; 516180, 4696505; 516183, 4696483; 516100, 4696483; 516062, 4696483; 516060, 4696499; 516076, 4696561; 516057, 4696567; 516025, 4696439; 516024, 4696360; 516020, 4696326; 516027, 4696295; 516057, 4696293; 516065, 4696236; 516030, 4696218; 515906, 4696192; 515899, 4696751; 516095, 4696752; 516098, 4696895; 516245, 4696937; 516405, 4696975; 516400, 4697547; 516449, 4697593; 516578, 4697590; 516640, 4697528; 516664, 4697441; 516684, 4697224; 516998, 4697195; 517053, 4697116; 517155, 4696992; 517363, 4696759.
(v) Subunit RV6H. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 514039, 4696369; 514010, 4696329; 513917, 4696330; 513916, 4696504; 514016, 4696501; 514032, 4696482; 514055, 4696458; 514039, 4696369. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates: 515596, 4696769; 515482, 4696601; 515485, 4696329; 515383, 4696329; 515379, 4696456; 515331, 4696534; 515282, 4696436; 515109, 4696430; 515109, 4696331; 514782, 4696332; 514786, 4696393; 514755, 4696396; 514759, 4696508; 514563, 4696535; 514455, 4696768; 513944, 4696774; 513856, 4696770; 513517, 4696773; 512576, 4696788; 512574, 4696856; 512830, 4696853; 512830, 4696908; 512922, 4696905; 512920, 4696879; 513081, 4696880; 513080, 4696856; 513180, 4696855; 513180, 4696898; 513307, 4696897; 513306, 4696851; 513454, 4696851; 513453, 4696893; 513530, 4696893; 513530, 4696838; 513609, 4696837; 513609, 4696894; 513759, 4696895; 513759, 4696810; 514173, 4696809; 514173, 4696891; 514244, 4696895; 514244, 4696811; 514555, 4696812; 514683, 4696816; 514681, 4696895; 514857, 4696895; 514855, 4696758; 515028, 4696760; 515027, 4696933; 515599, 4696932; 515599, 4696888; 515599, 4696769; 515596, 4696769. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 515111, 4696236; 515252, 4696236; 515301, 4696272; 515387, 4696272; 515386, 4696252; 515594, 4696267; 515596, 4696108; 515512, 4695943; 515429, 4695944; 515427, 4695837; 515180, 4695837; 515180, 4695990; 515092, 4695990; 515090, 4696228; 514916, 4696225; 514922, 4695895; 514706, 4695899; 514713, 4695991; 514298, 4695895; 514273, 4695897; 514269, 4696102; 514075, 4696098; 514071, 4695895; 513880, 4695899; 513880, 4696153; 513977, 4696151; 513977, 4696227; 514156, 4696236; 514261, 4696239; 514731, 4696231; 514731, 4696288; 515110, 4696301; 515111, 4696236.
(vi) Note: Map of Unit RV6 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(7) Unit RV8 for Lomatium cookii: Whetstone Creek, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV8 for Lomatium cookii consists of 344 ha (850 ac) of vernal pool-mounded prairie and swale habitat. Unit RV8 is located approximately 1.4 km (0.9 mi) southeast of the confluence of the Rogue River and Whetstone Creek, 2.2 km (1.4 mi) southwest of Tou Velle State Park, and 2.9 km southeast of the confluence of Bear Creek and the Rogue River. The unit roughly parallels a 2.6-km (1.6-mi) stretch of Whetstone Creek to the south.
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates
(E,N): 507195, 4697380; 507335, 4697312; 507411, 4697148; 507489, 4696991; 507579, 4696913; 507601, 4696830; 507604, 4696619; 507801, 4696622; 507961, 4696620; 508057, 4696621; 508104, 4696621; 508124, 4696618; 508138, 4696555; 508140, 4696483; 508140, 4696428; 508089, 4696423; 508033, 4696423; 508008, 4696409; 507958, 4696429; 507973, 4696461; 507944, 4696487; 507916, 4696475; 507860, 4696472; 507797, 4696307; 507804, 4695886; 508202, 4695883; 508202, 4695051; 507814, 4695057; 507820, 4695259; 507012, 4695259; 507015, 4695418; 506686, 4695430; 506686, 4695706; 506801, 4695704; 506794, 4695971; 506517, 4695974; 506517, 4695919; 506390, 4695914; 506389, 4695791; 506199, 4695790; 506198, 4695840; 505725, 4695839; 505725, 4695794; 505589, 4695791; 505586, 4695960; 505787, 4695957; 505792, 4696631; 506152, 4696631; 506531, 4696643; 506981, 4696645; 506986, 4696916; 506820, 4696916; 506824, 4697131; 506986, 4697131; 506988, 4697318; 506789, 4697291; 506787, 4697223; 506578, 4697214; 506578, 4696879; 506509, 4696842; 506262, 4697197; 505415, 4697033; 505412, 4697323; 505491, 4697339; 505512, 4697123; 505945, 4697194; 505959, 4697246; 505876, 4697283; 505669, 4697233; 505601, 4697265; 505627, 4697366; 506667, 4697565; 506868, 4697490; 507015, 4697441; 507195, 4697380.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit RV8 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(8) Unit RV9, subunits A, B, C, D and E, for Lomatium cookii: Medford Airport, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV9, subunits A through E, consists of 34 ha (83 ac) of slightly degraded vernal pool-mounded prairie habitat. The five subunits of RV9 are located mostly within the Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport, approximately 2 km (1.2 mi) west of Coker Butte and 1.5 km (0.9 mi) northeast of Bear Creek. Subunit RV9A is located 1.4 km (0.9 mi) north of the Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport and is 300 m (980 ft) east of the junction of Vilas Road and Table Rock Road. Subunits RV9B through E are located between Upton Slough and Bear Creek, 2 mi (1.2 km) southeast of the junction of Vilas Road and Table Rock Road, and 1.7 km northeast of the junction of Interstate 5 and Highway 62.
(ii) Subunit RV9A. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 509758, 4692789; 509752, 4692988; 509793, 4692988; 509805, 4692970; 509823, 4692950; 509906, 4692730; 509892, 4692718; 509856, 4692677; 509772, 4692739; 509758, 4692789.
(iii) Subunit RV9B. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 510350, 4691725; 510347, 4691751; 510396, 4691782; 510425, 4691783; 510450, 4691777; 510460, 4691769; 510464, 4691744; 510476, 4691665; 510596, 4691576; 510754, 4691398; 510518, 4691300; 510350, 4691725.
(iv) Subunit RV9C. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 510986, 4691013; 510999, 4690872; 510623, 4691028; 510540, 4691245; 510684, 4691307; 510779, 4691332; 510841, 4691196; 510856, 4691169; 510904, 4691180; 510940, 4691117; 510972, 4691050; 510986, 4691013.
(v) Subunit RV9D. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 510787, 4690863; 511011, 4690792; 511014, 4690640; 510938, 4690621; 510948, 4690581; 510866, 4690542; 510787, 4690863.
(vi) Subunit RV9E. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 511100, 4690937; 511261, 4690939; 511278, 4690807; 511295, 4690692; 511182, 4690560; 511065, 4690602; 511069, 4690886; 511100, 4690937.
(vii) Note: Map of Unit RV9 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(9) Note: Index map for critical habitat for Lomatium cookii in Josephine County, Oregon, follows:
(10) Unit IV1 for Lomatium cookii: Anderson Creek, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Units IV1A and B comprise 35 ha (85 ac) of wet meadow and sloped mixed conifer habitat. Unit IV1A is located 3.5 km (2.2 mi) north of Selma, and 14 km (8.8 mi) north of Cave Junction; it is along a 1.0-km (0.6-mi) stretch of Anderson Creek and Highway 199, 2.0 km (1.2 mi) southwest of Hays Hill Summit. It is also 1.7 km (1.0 mi) northwest of the junction of Draper Valley Road and Indian Creek Road. Unit IV1B is located 3.5 km (2.2 mi) north of Selma, 3.4 km (2.1 mi) southwest of Hays Hill Summit, and 0.8 km (0.5 mi) west of the junction of Draper Valley Road and Highway 199.
(ii) Subunit IV1A. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 450132, 4685506; 450182, 4685423; 450258, 4685440; 450341, 4685369; 450451, 4685337; 450492, 4685286; 450463, 4685214; 450384, 4685168; 450324, 4685180; 450136, 4684939; 450097, 4684797; 450125, 4684724; 450118, 4684663; 450077, 4684623; 449974, 4684595; 449871, 4684503; 449827, 4684535; 449857, 4684682; 450010, 4684867; 449977, 4685017; 449977, 4685154; 450132, 4685506.
(iii) Subunit IV1B. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 449150, 4684684; 449149, 4684605; 449148, 4684439; 449114, 4684455; 449059, 4684456; 449045, 4684474; 449000, 4684486; 448952, 4684470; 448914, 4684459; 448897, 4684429; 448877, 4684363; 448879, 4684332; 448899, 4684317; 448945, 4684277; 448977, 4684227; 449006, 4684202; 448742, 4684203; 448745, 4684608; 448751, 4684601; 448779, 4684597; 448849, 4684594; 448885, 4684594; 448934, 4684599; 448943, 4684575; 448985, 4684603; 448983, 4684633; 448948, 4684633; 448938, 4684658; 448951, 4684678; 448956, 4684717; 448981, 4684714; 448981, 4684699; 448990, 4684669; 449018, 4684661; 449018, 4684685; 449018, 4684717; 449026, 4684742; 449050, 4684727; 449080, 4684701; 449136, 4684690; 449150, 4684684.
(iv) Note: Map of Unit IV1 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(11) Unit IV2 for Lomatium cookii: Draper Creek, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV2 is composed of 28 ha (70 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. It is located 2.7 km (1.7 mi) northeast of Selma and 13.5 km (8.4 mi) north of Cave Junction; it is along a 900-m (2,900-ft) stretch of Draper Creek, and is located 800 m (2,600 ft) east of Anderson Creek. The unit is 800 m (2,600 ft) north-northwest of the confluence of Draper Creek and Davis Creek and is 200 m (650 ft) southeast of the junction of Draper Valley Road and Indian Creek Road.
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 451242, 4684043; 451367, 4683993; 451532, 4683974; 451567, 4684008; 451563, 4683891; 451602, 4683895; 451664, 4684005; 451837, 4683999; 451708, 4683823; 451520, 4683799; 451367, 4683807; 451246, 4683828; 451140, 4683742; 451113, 4683558; 451204, 4683559; 451187, 4683497; 451114, 4683457; 451153, 4683370; 451217, 4683399; 451290, 4683586; 451509, 4683580; 451525, 4683544; 451534, 4683523; 451476, 4683336; 451436, 4683194; 451357, 4683165; 451274, 4683025; 451205, 4682997; 451325, 4683367; 450977, 4683347; 450991, 4683498; 450994, 4683565; 451023, 4683703; 451077, 4683769; 451148, 4683813; 451171, 4684155; 451242, 4684043.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit IV2 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(12) Unit IV3 for Lomatium cookii: Reeves Creek North, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV3 consists of 152 ha (374 ac) of sloped, mixed-conifer and shrubby habitat. The unit is located 1.4 km (0.9 mi) east of the confluence between Reeves Creek and the Illinois River and extends along a 2.0-km (1.2-mi) stretch of Reeves Creek, beginning 800 m (2,600 ft) northeast of the junction of Highway 199 and Reeves Creek Road.
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates
(E,N): 448276, 4676491; 448458, 4676873; 449039, 4676838; 448978, 4676517; 448683, 4676474; 448666, 4676179; 448728, 4676143; 448827, 4676123; 448859, 4676108; 448896, 4676118; 448997, 4676041; 448939, 4676025; 448960, 4675969; 449010, 4675973; 449127, 4676059; 449191, 4676174; 449529, 4676177; 449689, 4675977; 449532, 4675889; 449117, 4675963; 449040, 4675946; 449024, 4675903; 448977, 4675892; 448941, 4675901; 448885, 4675863; 448760, 4675868; 448666, 4675896; 448660, 4675740; 448683, 4675670; 448686, 4675616; 448981, 4675417; 448959, 4675299; 448712, 4675277; 448492, 4675271; 448302, 4675185; 448169, 4675138; 448122, 4675056; 448047, 4675038; 447955, 4675039; 447793, 4674995; 447385, 4675030; 447297, 4675078; 447332, 4675186; 447413, 4675274; 447460, 4675349; 447598, 4675567; 447729, 4675595; 447891, 4675474; 448011, 4675337; 448060, 4675460; 448051, 4675607; 448146, 4675902; 448276, 4676491.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit IV3 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(13) Unit IV4 for Lomatium cookii: Reeves Creek East, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV4 consists of 83 ha (204 ac) of sloped, partially open, mixed-conifer and shrubby habitat. It is located 6.2 km (3.9 mi) south of Selma and 5.3 km (3.3 mi) northwest of Cave Junction. It occurs along a 500-m (1,640-ft) stretch of Reeves Creek located 700 m (2,300 ft) southeast of Unit IV3.
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates
(E,N): 449612, 4674933; 449711, 4674820; 450157, 4674883; 450256, 4674770; 450285, 4674544; 449952, 4674692; 449433, 4674503; 449839, 4674347; 449880, 4674218; 449973, 4674142; 449517, 4674284; 449245, 4674277; 449095, 4674152; 449070, 4674020; 449043, 4673847; 448669, 4674070; 448655, 4674292; 448663, 4674667; 449056, 4674737; 449325, 4674713; 449352, 4674792; 449385, 4674933; 449392, 4675032; 449506, 4675096; 449626, 4675075; 449612, 4674933.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit IV4 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(14) Unit IV5 for Lomatium cookii: Reeves Creek South, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV5 consists of 165 ha (407 ac) of sloped, partially open, mixed-conifer and understory shrub habitat. The unit is roughly parallel to Highway 199 for 2.5 km (1.6 mi), which is 500 m (1,640 ft) west of the unit. The unit is located 1.6 km (1.0 mi) north of Cave Junction, 1 km (0.6 mi) southeast of Sauers Flat, 800 m (2,600 ft) east of Kerby, and 1.2 km (0.7 mi) east of the confluence between Holton Creek and the Illinois River.
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 447813, 4673676; 448511, 4673617; 448634, 4673624; 448605, 4672768; 448091, 4672785; 448091, 4672895; 448015, 4672943; 447825, 4672913; 447706, 4672798; 447736, 4672665; 447769, 4672517; 447680, 4672274; 447717, 4672211; 447617, 4672018; 447088, 4672018; 446995, 4672190; 446954, 4672289; 447462, 4672237; 447465, 4672320; 447467, 4672377; 447295, 4672338; 447098, 4672373; 446891, 4672547; 446936, 4672673; 446913, 4672828; 446936, 4672982; 447024, 4673030; 447135, 4673141; 447141, 4673266; 447102, 4673670; 447813, 4673676; and excluding land bound by 447470, 4673148; 447474, 4673000; 448289, 4673443; 448361, 4673480; 448056, 4673583; 447789, 4673459; 447703, 4673370; 447653, 4673327; 447540, 4673183; 447470, 4673148.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit IV5 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(15) Unit IV6 for Lomatium cookii: Laurel Road, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV6 totals 182 ha (449 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. It is located west and alongside of the base of Lime Rock, 1.2 km (0.7 mi) east of the city of Cave Junction; it follows along Highway 46 for 1.5 km (0.9 mi). Subunit IV6A is located 1.2 km (0.7 mi) west of Lime Rock summit, 1.0 km east of the junction of Laurel Road and Highway 199; it is also roughly parallel to Highway 199 for 1.3 km (0.8 mi). Highway 199 lies approximately 1.0 km (0.6 mi) west of the subunit. Subunit IV6B is 2.7 km (1.7 mi) east of the confluence of the east and west forks of the Illinois River and from the intersection of Holland Loop Road and Highway 46; it extends approximately 1.8 km (1.1 mi) to the northeast and 2.7 km (1.7 mi) to the north.
(ii) Subunit IV6A. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 447915, 4669143; 447884, 4669102; 447844, 4669113; 447817, 4669680; 447889, 4669722; 448020, 4669672; 448088, 4669651; 448148, 4669577; 448043, 4669483; 447961, 4669371; 447915, 4669143.
(iii) Subunit IV6B. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 447995, 4668541; 448124, 4668534; 448243, 4668595; 448295, 4668599; 448401, 4668490; 448454, 4668424; 448336, 4668236; 448350, 4668124; 448483, 4668066; 448642, 4668007; 448717, 4667844; 448664, 4667660; 448577, 4667497; 448475, 4667436; 448477, 4667288; 448509, 4667198; 448502, 4667095; 448553, 4666970; 448620, 4666860; 448695, 4666785; 448659, 4666660; 448631, 4666630; 448629, 4666574; 448668, 4666536; 448732, 4666526; 448785, 4666539; 448837, 4666577; 448933, 4666638; 449056, 4666710; 449161, 4666695; 449189, 4666691; 449210, 4666682; 449276, 4666678; 449322, 4666673; 449392, 4666713; 449531, 4666825; 449600, 4666919; 449693, 4666995; 449785, 4667095; 449844, 4667213; 449928, 4667313; 449987, 4667456; 450145, 4667497; 450235, 4667417; 450195, 4667078; 450175, 4666769; 450055, 4666789; 449816, 4666659; 449487, 4666440; 449238, 4666370; 449098, 4666310; 448968, 4666320; 448827, 4666306; 448695, 4666262; 448553, 4666285; 448332, 4666456; 448239, 4666688; 448258, 4666822; 448240, 4666931; 448183, 4666990; 448123, 4667096; 448085, 4667169; 448033, 4667174; 448089, 4667314; 448094, 4667421; 448189, 4667676; 448059, 4667939; 447914, 4667994; 447866, 4668059; 447896, 4668110; 447895, 4668175; 447813, 4668216; 447791, 4668343; 447953, 4668499; 447903, 4668531; 447872, 4668639; 447821, 4668667; 447771, 4668817; 447780, 4668907; 447843, 4668953; 447966, 4668848; 447928, 4668645; 447946, 4668592; 447995, 4668541.
(iv) Note: Map of Unit IV6 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(16) Unit IV7 for Lomatium cookii: Illinois River Forks State Park, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV7 consists of 55 ha (136 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. The unit is located 500 m (1,640 ft) west of the city of Cave Junction and 600 m (1,970 ft) southeast of Pomeroy Dam; it is also 230 m (750 ft) east of the confluence of the east and west forks of the Illinois River. The unit occurs along a 2.8-km (1.7-mi) stretch of the West Fork Illinois River.
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 445508, 4666492; 445320, 4666474; 445333, 4666529; 445472, 4666674; 445638, 4666805; 445696, 4666819; 445706, 4666849; 445731, 4666940; 445743, 4667030; 445726, 4667090; 445715, 4667125; 445689, 4667176; 445687, 4667211; 445688, 4667332; 445687, 4667475; 445653, 4667666; 445641, 4667749; 445580, 4667858; 445635, 4667943; 445719, 4667985; 445774, 4667973; 445790, 4667964; 445876, 4667862; 446014, 4667763; 446050, 4667715; 446148, 4667618; 446215, 4667513; 446232, 4667463; 446308, 4667402; 446352, 4667318; 446316, 4667270; 446235, 4667064; 446058, 4667012; 445907, 4667006; 445792, 4666909; 445701, 4666625; 445508, 4666492.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit IV7 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(17) Unit IV8 for Lomatium cookii: Woodcock Mountain, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV8 consists of 234 ha (579 ac) of wet meadow and shrubby habitat. The unit is located 2.4 km (1.5 mi) southwest of the city of Cave Junction, 5.3 km (3.3 mi) north of O'Brien, and 140 m (ft) west of the confluence of Woodcock Creek and the West Fork Illinois River. It occurs along a 3.3-km (2.0-mi) stretch of West Side Road. Unit IV7 is 400 m (ft) west of Highway 199 and roughly parallels the highway for 5.0 km (3.1 mi).
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 443846, 4667157; 443898, 4667120; 443924, 4667187; 443973, 4667221; 443980, 4667180; 444040, 4667176; 444088, 4667165; 444141, 4667053; 444137, 4666930; 444130, 4666762; 444088, 4666665; 444092, 4666591; 444036, 4666561; 444006, 4666509; 443939, 4666464; 443939, 4666400; 443980, 4666270; 443980, 4666244; 443977, 4666054; 443924, 4665878; 443880, 4665770; 443857, 4665769; 443771, 4664523; 443771, 4664523; 443771, 4664523; 443770, 4664521; 443769, 4664516; 443770, 4664521; 443906, 4664511; 444239, 4664616; 444385, 4664613; 444251, 4664468; 444198, 4664401; 444257, 4664194; 444161, 4664104; 444083, 4664031; 444015, 4663890; 443841, 4663800; 443585, 4663911; 443585, 4663913; 443515, 4664031; 443493, 4664113; 443475, 4664263; 443394, 4664207; 443284, 4664253; 443063, 4664194; 442808, 4664117; 442740, 4663972; 442808, 4663811; 442952, 4663582; 443181, 4663471; 442872, 4663436; 442588, 4663587; 442401, 4663342; 442126, 4663405; 442265, 4663615; 442369, 4663881; 442367, 4664125; 442343, 4664212; 442360, 4664236; 442829, 4664515; 443311, 4664707; 443674, 4664901; 443667, 4664967; 443430, 4664902; 443467, 4665175; 443418, 4665182; 443331, 4665232; 443366, 4665300; 443386, 4665399; 443497, 4665400; 443525, 4665616; 443604, 4665877; 443586, 4666169; 443514, 4666146; 443480, 4666191; 443354, 4666208; 443409, 4666348; 443510, 4666494; 443697, 4666430; 443734, 4666576; 443540, 4666654; 443545, 4666707; 443545, 4666830; 443587, 4666949; 443626, 4666975; 443596, 4667154; 443643, 4667252; 443749, 4667333; 443846, 4667157.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit IV8 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(18) Unit IV9 for Lomatium cookii: Riverwash, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV9 consists of 12 ha (30 ac) of intact wet meadow and streambank habitat. It is located 4.2 km (2.6 mi) south of Cave Junction and 6.1 km (3.8 mi) north-northeast of O'Brien. It is located along the east bend of the West Fork Illinois River, 700 m (2,300 ft) south (upstream) of the confluence between Woodcock Creek and the West Fork Illinois River.
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 444883, 4663457; 444724, 4663445; 444595, 4663365; 444497, 4663369; 444452, 4663397; 444459, 4663432; 444435, 4663525; 444421, 4663612; 444466, 4663710; 444473, 4663599; 444484, 4663571; 444508, 4663525; 444542, 4663493; 444575, 4663465; 444670, 4663455; 444715, 4663474; 444715, 4663547; 444715, 4663648; 444729, 4663713; 444771, 4663752; 444819, 4663847; 444962, 4663766; 445015, 4663648; 444987, 4663516; 444883, 4663457.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit IV9 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(19) Unit IV10 for Lomatium cookii: French Flat North, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV10 consists of 45 ha (110 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. The unit is located 3.7 km (2.3 mi) south of Cave Junction, 900 m (2,950 ft) north of the intersection of Sherrier Drive and Raintree Drive, and 1.7 km (1.1 mi) southwest of the confluence of Althouse Creek and the East Fork Illinois River. It parallels a 300-m (980-ft) stretch of Rockydale Road.
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 447956, 4662384; 447864, 4662351; 447753, 4662432; 447747, 4662626; 447490, 4662860; 447444, 4663221; 447510, 4663470; 447707, 4663483; 447812, 4663325; 448085, 4662952; 448070, 4662820; 448048, 4662620; 448015, 4662488; 447956, 4662384.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit IV10 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(20) Unit IV11 for Lomatium cookii: Rough and Ready Creek, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV11 consists of 118 ha (292 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. The unit roughly follows along and is adjacent to a 1.9-km (1.2-mi) stretch of Airport Drive. It is located 3 km (1.9 mi) north of O'Brien, 900 m (2,950 ft) west of the Rough and Ready Forest Wayside State Park, and 122 m (400 ft) east of the confluence with the Illinois River and Rough and Ready Creek.
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 442862, 4661486; 442625, 4661442; 442689, 4661348; 442630, 4661262; 442562, 4661221; 442512, 4661248; 442512, 4661371; 442436, 4661297; 442433, 4661288; 442341, 4661017; 442458, 4660908; 442511, 4660943; 442971, 4661379; 443227, 4661360; 443325, 4661183; 443256, 4660632; 443089, 4660583; 442548, 4660357; 442155, 4660436; 442145, 4660646; 441956, 4660645; 441789, 4660666; 441658, 4660784; 441668, 4660973; 441996, 4661062; 442086, 4661071; 442133, 4661127; 442182, 4661207; 442263, 4661293; 442503, 4661493; 442493, 4661461; 442794, 4661712; 442973, 4662010; 443075, 4662031; 443124, 4662015; 443065, 4661934; 443031, 4661819; 442897, 4661772; 442897, 4661615; 442862, 4661486.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit IV11 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(21) Unit IV12 for Lomatium cookii: French Flat Middle, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV12 consists of 492 ha (1,216 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. The unit is located 4.5 km (2.8 mi) east of Cave Junction, 3.7 km (2.3 mi) northeast of O'Brien, 140 m (460 ft) north and 560 m (1,830 ft) west of Esterly Lakes, 1.4 km (0.9 mi) northeast of Indian Hill, and 300 m (960 ft) east of the confluence of Rough and Ready Creek and the West Fork Illinois River. It also follows along a 1.6-km (1.0-mi) stretch of Rockydale Road until the junction with Waldo Road.
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 446860, 4662173; 447187, 4661885; 447051, 4661211; 447318, 4661198; 447598, 4661287; 447854, 4661630; 447956, 4661565; 448150, 4661463; 448171, 4661156; 448171, 4660872; 448158, 4660646; 447992, 4660335; 447933, 4660103; 447996, 4659837; 448078, 4659190; 448032, 4658899; 448111, 4658574; 448105, 4658100; 447946, 4657750; 447889, 4657708; 447783, 4657691; 447694, 4657657; 447599, 4657617; 447606, 4657696; 447530, 4657694; 447460, 4657675; 447331, 4657771; 447192, 4657971; 447148, 4657913; 447153, 4657860; 447108, 4657850; 447002, 4657429; 446901, 4657426; 446891, 4657015; 446491, 4657016; 446486, 4656704; 446483, 4656571; 446158, 4656530; 446086, 4656613; 446096, 4656823; 446093, 4656927; 446184, 4657078; 446369, 4657289; 446437, 4657345; 446442, 4657429; 446371, 4657514; 446388, 4657680; 446620, 4657952; 446539, 4658228; 446523, 4658301; 446450, 4658228; 446368, 4658309; 446571, 4658480; 446653, 4658714; 446987, 4659084; 446986, 4659084; 447091, 4659468; 447051, 4660049; 446986, 4660333; 446978, 4660650; 446934, 4660899; 446892, 4661165; 446971, 4661345; 447019, 4661742; 446833, 4661998; 446612, 4661880; 446518, 4661854; 446373, 4661691; 446172, 4661506; 446185, 4661367; 446068, 4661157; 445999, 4660871; 445820, 4660681; 445645, 4660416; 445588, 4659882; 445649, 4659438; 445473, 4659358; 445241, 4659711; 445523, 4660294; 445473, 4660538; 445584, 4660791; 445767, 4660848; 445749, 4661392; 446200, 4661854; 446534, 4662135; 446860, 4662173; and excluding land bound by 447273, 4659208; 447203, 4659076; 446889, 4658443; 446818, 4658110; 446840, 4658012; 446808, 4657965; 446838, 4657883; 446882, 4657863; 447019, 4657935; 447073, 4658033; 447029, 4658069; 446977, 4658167; 447192, 4658493; 447212, 4658784; 447290, 4658824; 447455, 4658678; 447581, 4658749; 447723, 4658749; 447975, 4658749; 447971, 4658840; 447876, 4659346; 447403, 4659604; 447407, 4659962; 447305, 4660216; 447329, 4660591; 447452, 4660569; 447689, 4660530; 447706, 4660555; 447643, 4660838; 447497, 4660883; 447296, 4660866; 447186, 4660643; 447167, 4660448; 447273, 4659208.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit IV12 for Lomatium cookii follows:
(22) Unit IV13 for Lomatium cookii: Indian Hill, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV13 consists of 22 ha (54 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. The unit is located adjacent to and lies east of a 900-m (2,950-ft) stretch of the West Fork Illinois River. It is located approximately 300 m south (upstream) of the confluence of Rough and Ready Creek and the West Fork Illinois River. The unit is 1.8 km (1.1 mi) northeast of O'Brien and 350 m (1,150 ft) northwest of Indian Hill.
(ii) Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 443565, 4658691; 443534, 4658677; 443500, 4658696; 443621, 4658819; 443630, 4658917; 443620, 4659030; 443690, 4659187; 443771, 4659300; 443840, 4659363; 443908, 4659385; 444024, 4659638; 444098, 4659659; 444117, 4659555; 444078, 4659294; 444078, 4659182; 444062, 4659116; 444017, 4659076; 443966, 4659029; 443874, 4658947; 443829, 4658895; 443726, 4658830; 443642, 4658741; 443565, 4658691.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit IV13 for Lomatium cookii follows:
Family Asclepiadaceae: Asclepias welshii (Welsh's milkweed).
Utah, Kane County: entire Coral Pink Sand Dunes, within T43S, R7W and R8W, and T44S, R8W about 10 miles west of Kanab; also, the area of the Sand Hills, about 10 miles north of Kanab, within T42S, R6W, Section 8 (S1/2 of the N1/2 and N1/2 of the S1/2). The constituent elements of this critical habitat are the sand dunes themselves.
Family Asteraceae: Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum (Suisun thistle)
(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Solano County, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum are:
(i) Persistent emergent, intertidal, estuarine wetland at or above the mean high-water line (as extended directly across any intersecting channels);
(ii) Open channels that periodically contain moving water with ocean-derived salts in excess of 0.5 percent; and
(iii) Gaps in surrounding vegetation to allow for seed germination and growth.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining Solano County map units were created on a base map using CDWR color mosaic 1:9,600 scale digital aerial photographs for Suisun Bay captured June 16, 2003 (CDFG 2005c). Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 10, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.
(5) Note: Index Maps for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum (Map 1) follows:
(6) Unit 1 for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum: Hill Slough Marsh, Solano County, California.
(i) Land bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD 1983 coordinates (E, N): 586821, 4231248; 586825, 4231260; 586834, 4231272; 586848, 4231278; 586868, 4231280; 586930, 4231305; 586934, 4231417; 586934, 4231457; 586933, 4231517; 586936, 4231569; 586931, 4231638; 586933, 4231730; 586930, 4231824; 586927, 4231988; 586932, 4232511; 586935, 4232541; 587032, 4232539; 587031, 4232513; 587025, 4232474; 587022, 4232447; 587028, 4232423; 587045, 4232382; 587207, 4232226; 587186, 4232194; 587189, 4232174; 587211, 4232155; 587232, 4232152; 587246, 4232165; 587275, 4232169; 587294, 4232159; 587307, 4232136; 587314, 4232107; 587310, 4232094; 587350, 4232087; 587391, 4232079; 587427, 4232061; 587470, 4232043; 587490, 4232041; 587513, 4232049; 587544, 4232041; 587602, 4232017; 587641, 4231995; 587689, 4231981; 587738, 4231977; 587763, 4231981; 587776, 4231987; 587790, 4231996; 587803, 4232008; 587814, 4232019; 587826, 4232031; 587844, 4232043; 587859, 4232051; 587882, 4232067; 587897, 4232078; 587933, 4232080; 587944, 4232075; 587951, 4232066; 587957, 4232059; 587985, 4232048; 588000, 4232042; 588016, 4232041; 588028, 4232043; 588041, 4232044; 588050, 4232058; 588051, 4232075; 588048, 4232095; 588055, 4232133; 588083, 4232223; 588094, 4232243; 588105, 4232252; 588114, 4232256; 588124, 4232254; 588136, 4232249; 588141, 4232237; 588137, 4232225; 588132, 4232212; 588149, 4232197; 588157, 4232186; 588162, 4232179; 588182, 4232158; 588195, 4232146; 588218, 4232130; 588228, 4232126; 588241, 4232122; 588245, 4232122; 588255, 4232141; 588259, 4232149; 588270, 4232160; 588277, 4232165; 588284, 4232175; 588287, 4232187; 588287, 4232197; 588290, 4232212; 588295, 4232222; 588306, 4232225; 588311, 4232235; 588316, 4232250; 588324, 4232254; 588334, 4232254; 588340, 4232249; 588339, 4232240; 588333, 4232226; 588333, 4232216; 588336, 4232206; 588345, 4232198; 588353, 4232189; 588360, 4232187; 588379, 4232192; 588390, 4232198; 588452, 4232235; 588471, 4232243; 588492, 4232242; 588511, 4232234; 588530, 4232208; 588547, 4232165; 588556, 4232147; 588566, 4232134; 588574, 4232126; 588583, 4232120; 588601, 4232110; 588612, 4232108; 588611, 4232115; 588610, 4232136; 588651, 4232135; 588671, 4232140; 588699, 4232155; 588721, 4232161; 588740, 4232164; 588767, 4232164; 588782, 4232165; 588804, 4232167; 588849, 4232173; 588861, 4232168; 588872, 4232160; 588883, 4232160; 588895, 4232156; 588905, 4232149; 588912, 4232139; 588942, 4232080; 588952, 4232058; 588960, 4232026; 588977, 4231960; 588981, 4231923; 589001, 4231852; 589003, 4231845; 589000, 4231842; 588992, 4231841; 588981, 4231837; 588977, 4231835; 588974, 4231830; 588978, 4231820; 588984, 4231809; 588977, 4231793; 588953, 4231768; 588939, 4231787; 588924, 4231794; 588893, 4231818; 588880, 4231823; 588863, 4231824; 588851, 4231825; 588836, 4231820; 588792, 4231774; 588775, 4231776; 588755, 4231773; 588721, 4231762; 588681, 4231743; 588675, 4231734; 588658, 4231722; 588638, 4231713; 588608, 4231699; 588595, 4231652; 588586, 4231603; 588608, 4231581; 588641, 4231569; 588656, 4231552; 588668, 4231537; 588677, 4231521; 588681, 4231502; 588676, 4231467; 588666, 4231440; 588657, 4231437; 588636, 4231428; 588608, 4231424; 588601, 4231422; 588598, 4231419; 588602, 4231403; 588611, 4231373; 588614, 4231342; 588624, 4231331; 588638, 4231321; 588641, 4231314; 588645, 4231281; 588656, 4231238; 588701, 4231195; 588736, 4231180; 588803, 4231181; 588814, 4231181; 588824, 4231184; 588831, 4231190; 588882, 4231194; 589011, 4231195; 589145, 4231191; 589186, 4231192; 589193, 4231199; 589203, 4231197; 589210, 4231196; 589217, 4231201; 589230, 4231205; 589240, 4231206; 589250, 4231196; 589261, 4231192; 589310, 4231190; 589309, 4231065; 589323, 4231065; 589325, 4231164; 589331, 4231171; 589351, 4231176; 589380, 4231174; 589408, 4231167; 589424, 4231166; 589433, 4231174; 589444, 4231178; 589460, 4231176; 589475, 4231167; 589481, 4231152; 589485, 4231143; 589432, 4231067; 589400, 4231023; 589353, 4230961; 589338, 4230944; 589333, 4230940; 589328, 4230941; 589323, 4230944; 589320, 4230949; 589322, 4231051; 589308, 4231051; 589309, 4230996; 589305, 4230988; 589291, 4230981; 589215, 4230998; 589155, 4231004; 589115, 4230996; 589050, 4230984; 588997, 4230950; 588946, 4230926; 588913, 4230919; 588884, 4230915; 588844, 4230911; 588806, 4230912; 588782, 4230916; 588738, 4230927; 588719, 4230936; 588685, 4230942; 588651, 4230957; 588590, 4230978; 588547, 4230994; 588435, 4231007; 588395, 4231011; 588361, 4231016; 588338, 4231022; 588297, 4231039; 588261, 4231055; 588226, 4231074; 588198, 4231091; 588178, 4231101; 588158, 4231102; 588135, 4231100; 588111, 4231098; 588063, 4231103; 588046, 4231107; 588028, 4231119; 587998, 4231130; 587978, 4231131; 587961, 4231124; 587948, 4231111; 587849, 4231089; 587852, 4231100; 587855, 4231118; 587851, 4231133; 587846, 4231150; 587842, 4231164; 587836, 4231167; 587823, 4231172; 587810, 4231175; 587796, 4231182; 587785, 4231200; 587777, 4231220; 587753, 4231255; 587742, 4231264; 587720, 4231266; 587707, 4231261; 587698, 4231249; 587696, 4231235; 587691, 4231183; 587646, 4231135; 587593, 4231083; 587561, 4231076; 587537, 4231070; 587516, 4231072; 587504, 4231078; 587490, 4231079; 587452, 4231086; 587416, 4231075; 587349, 4231070; 587323, 4231070; 587310, 4231073; 587266, 4231097; 587248, 4231099; 587223, 4231093; 587177, 4231085; 587134, 4231087; 587114, 4231097; 587090, 4231120; 587062, 4231140; 587037, 4231141; 587003, 4231126; 586984, 4231120; 586963, 4231121; 586948, 4231123; 586939, 4231125; 586932, 4231138; 586944, 4231161; 586943, 4231180; 586935, 4231197; 586919, 4231215; 586896, 4231226; 586882, 4231229; 586868, 4231222; 586848, 4231217; 586830, 4231226; 586823, 4231235; 586821, 4231248.
(ii) Note: Map of Unit 1 for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum is depicted on Map 2 in paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.
(7) Unit 2 for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum: Peytonia Slough Marsh, Solano County, California.
(i) Land bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD 1983 coordinates (E, N): 582704, 4231361; 582681, 4231360; 582655, 4231364; 582636, 4231367; 582606, 4231377; 582583, 4231379; 582557, 4231382; 582549, 4231387; 582545, 4231395; 582540, 4231408; 582536, 4231420; 582532, 4231426; 582524, 4231430; 582515, 4231434; 582504, 4231436; 582488, 4231439; 582480, 4231438; 582473, 4231436; 582472, 4231433; 582471, 4231429; 582469, 4231414; 582469, 4231396; 582470, 4231385; 582468, 4231383; 582465, 4231382; 582434, 4231390; 582400, 4231403; 582364, 4231411; 582344, 4231413; 582331, 4231414; 582345, 4231454; 582366, 4231508; 582370, 4231512; 582378, 4231515; 582393, 4231534; 582400, 4231547; 582407, 4231550; 582443, 4231547; 582476, 4231550; 582495, 4231552; 582503, 4231557; 582510, 4231563; 582528, 4231582; 582539, 4231595; 582551, 4231603; 582583, 4231619; 582626, 4231641; 582670, 4231672; 582692, 4231693; 582782, 4231782; 582830, 4231815; 582844, 4231832; 582850, 4231841; 582855, 4231856; 582856, 4231870; 582862, 4231878; 582878, 4231888; 582939, 4231915; 582970, 4231937; 583129, 4232108; 583148, 4232140; 583164, 4232175; 583284, 4232365; 583293, 4232377; 583305, 4232384; 583319, 4232387; 583333, 4232386; 583349, 4232377; 583371, 4232350; 583391, 4232315; 583398, 4232298; 583402, 4232278; 583404, 4232254; 583404, 4232238; 583403, 4232218; 583401, 4232207; 583396, 4232181; 583349, 4232056; 583284, 4231895; 583291, 4231882; 583260, 4231794; 583195, 4231625; 583173, 4231570; 583066, 4231313; 582967, 4231059; 582953, 4231087; 582938, 4231101; 582922, 4231109; 582908, 4231115; 582886, 4231113; 582875, 4231116; 582864, 4231127; 582861, 4231138; 582861, 4231163; 582854, 4231183; 582842, 4231196; 582775, 4231252; 582763, 4231266; 582754, 4231280; 582752, 4231290; 582753, 4231306; 582760, 4231335; 582742, 4231364; 582724, 4231366; 582704, 4231361, 582974, 4231032; 583313, 4231870; 583328, 4231873; 583501, 4232317; 583572, 4232314; 583572, 4232304; 583575, 4232298; 583581, 4232291; 583588, 4232283; 583594, 4232281; 583599, 4232282; 583602, 4232287; 583608, 4232288; 583613, 4232289; 583611, 4232294; 583615, 4232298; 583621, 4232298; 583633, 4232298; 583634, 4232285; 583636, 4232281; 583639, 4232279; 583719, 4232277; 583745, 4232276; 583752, 4232274; 583758, 4232270; 583763, 4232259; 583768, 4232228; 583790, 4232052; 583794, 4232022; 583798, 4231999; 583810, 4231967; 583813, 4231963; 583826, 4231961; 583842, 4231966; 583861, 4231967; 583873, 4231968; 583882, 4231968; 583890, 4231951; 583916, 4231951; 583917, 4231956; 583920, 4231963; 583922, 4231966; 583932, 4231966; 583940, 4231966; 583945, 4231962; 583953, 4231963; 583959, 4231964; 583966, 4231966; 583972, 4231966; 583980, 4231963; 583983, 4231954; 583987, 4231948; 583992, 4231944; 584003, 4231930; 584019, 4231925; 584026, 4231922; 584043, 4231902; 584051, 4231884; 584060, 4231865; 584067, 4231857; 584077, 4231852; 584098, 4231844; 584116, 4231846; 584126, 4231853; 584136, 4231855; 584149, 4231850; 584167, 4231823; 584200, 4231828; 584154, 4231969; 584272, 4232006; 584290, 4231979; 584302, 4231954; 584308, 4231939; 584314, 4231931; 584325, 4231891; 584336, 4231848; 584353, 4231790; 584378, 4231720; 584393, 4231676; 584445, 4231535; 584495, 4231395; 584493, 4231381; 584491, 4231370; 584490, 4231355; 584485, 4231355; 584479, 4231364; 584467, 4231397; 584455, 4231415; 584443, 4231434; 584419, 4231448; 584397, 4231452; 584378, 4231451; 584353, 4231436; 584343, 4231424; 584335, 4231411; 584328, 4231370; 584325, 4231330; 584323, 4231324; 584318, 4231320; 584309, 4231325; 584289, 4231349; 584255, 4231391; 584237, 4231400; 584210, 4231408; 584187, 4231407; 584171, 4231400; 584159, 4231388; 584134, 4231356; 584117, 4231338; 584093, 4231337; 584022, 4231359; 584000, 4231375; 583963, 4231397; 583937, 4231404; 583913, 4231403; 583891, 4231392; 583873, 4231376; 583864, 4231360; 583853, 4231340; 583840, 4231324; 583817, 4231311; 583790, 4231287; 583775, 4231256; 583770, 4231231; 583767, 4231196; 583762, 4231135; 583758, 4231094; 583749, 4231057; 583736, 4231025; 583724, 4230989; 583720, 4230973; 583722, 4230922; 583715, 4230893; 583691, 4230862; 583671, 4230835; 583664, 4230816; 583662, 4230799; 583666, 4230760; 583665, 4230715; 583659, 4230699; 583646, 4230684; 583633, 4230677; 583618, 4230669; 583598, 4230667; 583582, 4230669; 583567, 4230679; 583562, 4230689; 583555, 4230715; 583535, 4230746; 583528, 4230764; 583511, 4230771; 583486, 4230779; 583460, 4230779; 583443, 4230778; 583424, 4230770; 583390, 4230748; 583365, 4230737; 583345, 4230734; 583332, 4230734; 583323, 4230740; 583319, 4230750; 583322, 4230768; 583336, 4230780; 583366, 4230796; 583384, 4230808; 583396, 4230820; 583406, 4230832; 583410, 4230849; 583408, 4230860; 583401, 4230873; 583383, 4230886; 583362, 4230895; 583338, 4230898; 583324, 4230893; 583291, 4230866; 583258, 4230849; 583244, 4230847; 583225, 4230868; 583214, 4230879; 583193, 4230892; 583158, 4230903; 583131, 4230908; 583106, 4230923; 583079, 4230935; 583061, 4230937; 583043, 4230935; 583030, 4230925; 583025, 4230912; 583023, 4230900; 583026, 4230886; 583035, 4230866; 583041, 4230845; 583036, 4230832; 583027, 4230826; 583015, 4230828; 582999, 4230847; 582989, 4230866; 582985, 4230874; 582984, 4230886; 582984, 4230912; 582984, 4230912; 582986, 4230920; 582989, 4230932; 582996, 4230944; 583003, 4230955; 583019, 4230971; 583025, 4230977; 583030, 4230983; 583033, 4230999; 583029, 4231014; 583017, 4231029; 583003, 4231033; 582982, 4231032; 582974, 4231032.
(ii) Note: Unit 2 for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum is depicted on Map 2 in paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.
(8) Unit 3 for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum: Rush Ranch/Grizzly Island Wildlife Area, Solano County, California.
(i) Land bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD 1983 coordinates (E, N): 583673, 4228103; 583675, 4228133; 583687, 4228156; 583700, 4228170; 583824, 4228206; 583898, 4228219; 583938, 4228221; 583961, 4228228; 583973, 4228240; 584002, 4228252; 584019, 4228251; 584032, 4228262; 584052, 4228268; 584062, 4228278; 584134, 4228347; 584153, 4228375; 584154, 4228398; 584147, 4228405; 584132, 4228407; 584146, 4228473; 584150, 4228514; 584135, 4228552; 584137, 4228573; 584128, 4228593; 584118, 4228631; 584109, 4228660; 584097, 4228672; 584085, 4228696; 584083, 4228711; 584067, 4228730; 584041, 4228786; 584038, 4228800; 584001, 4228862; 583993, 4228899; 583990, 4228918; 583995, 4228944; 583991, 4228950; 583994, 4228962; 584008, 4228976; 584020, 4228979; 584062, 4229001; 584095, 4229004; 584138, 4229000; 584179, 4228989; 584255, 4228968; 584276, 4228967; 584312, 4228956; 584341, 4228946; 584372, 4228940; 584420, 4228939; 584521, 4228954; 584553, 4228947; 584568, 4228965; 584588, 4228974; 584599, 4228997; 584621, 4229013; 584638, 4229054; 584656, 4229083; 584651, 4229091; 584656, 4229119; 584665, 4229146; 584663, 4229177; 584660, 4229211; 584653, 4229240; 584661, 4229251; 584655, 4229260; 584660, 4229271; 584678, 4229276; 584700, 4229277; 584707, 4229273; 584728, 4229274; 584737, 4229282; 584738, 4229292; 584748, 4229290; 584764, 4229294; 584768, 4229301; 584759, 4229305; 584718, 4229301; 584714, 4229313; 584755, 4229341; 584761, 4229345; 584765, 4229352; 584775, 4229376; 584792, 4229388; 584807, 4229388; 584821, 4229381; 584827, 4229366; 584827, 4229352; 584810, 4229333; 584806, 4229329; 584807, 4229325; 584815, 4229320; 584834, 4229291; 584862, 4229269; 584904, 4229244; 584937, 4229237; 584955, 4229235; 584968, 4229239; 584980, 4229233; 584986, 4229223; 584999, 4229211; 585004, 4229191; 585016, 4229175; 585024, 4229167; 585032, 4229163; 585050, 4229158; 585078, 4229144; 585125, 4229112; 585167, 4229099; 585191, 4229094; 585219, 4229094; 585243, 4229102; 585257, 4229113; 585270, 4229116; 585281, 4229116; 585291, 4229113; 585306, 4229090; 585319, 4229076; 585345, 4229068; 585365, 4229067; 585378, 4229061; 585382, 4229055; 585382, 4229047; 585380, 4229039; 585373, 4229029; 585366, 4229013; 585363, 4228998; 585367, 4228988; 585376, 4228983; 585410, 4228987; 585422, 4228998; 585438, 4229008; 585479, 4229011; 585515, 4229006; 585535, 4229002; 585554, 4228984; 585567, 4228949; 585573, 4228933; 585585, 4228913; 585600, 4228907; 585612, 4228908; 585625, 4228912; 585647, 4228920; 585642, 4228890; 585642, 4228873; 585622, 4228807; 585613, 4228795; 585591, 4228769; 585579, 4228766; 585571, 4228769; 585549, 4228793; 585542, 4228817; 585530, 4228822; 585505, 4228833; 585480, 4228849; 585438, 4228864; 585414, 4228871; 585400, 4228865; 585331, 4228844; 585323, 4228852; 585309, 4228850; 585299, 4228849; 585294, 4228846; 585293, 4228841; 585287, 4228835; 585305, 4228820; 585311, 4228824; 585324, 4228804; 585281, 4228807; 585274, 4228801; 585266, 4228782; 585250, 4228748; 585220, 4228671; 585264, 4228486; 585280, 4228425; 585290, 4228350; 585298, 4228147; 585299, 4228142; 585303, 4228138; 585507, 4227990; 585520, 4227986; 585588, 4227972; 585730, 4227946; 585813, 4227928; 585835, 4227927; 586151, 4227951; 586270, 4227960; 586286, 4227964; 586378, 4227971; 586420, 4227977; 586429, 4227988; 586438, 4227998; 586434, 4228018; 586430, 4228035; 586429, 4228066; 586442, 4228101; 586479, 4228127; 586518, 4228154; 586552, 4228173; 586584, 4228180; 586576, 4228199; 586602, 4228212; 586618, 4228207; 586625, 4228212; 586633, 4228227; 586642, 4228230; 586652, 4228229; 586669, 4228218; 586676, 4228213; 586690, 4228219; 586702, 4228228; 586705, 4228243; 586706, 4228267; 586706, 4228288; 586713, 4228308; 586695, 4228350; 586687, 4228381; 586692, 4228392; 586702, 4228402; 586712, 4228407; 586721, 4228406; 586732, 4228413; 586742, 4228414; 586750, 4228413; 586760, 4228409; 586774, 4228386; 586789, 4228366; 586847, 4228346; 586872, 4228350; 586897, 4228347; 586944, 4228304; 586989, 4228208; 586997, 4228176; 587006, 4228147; 587023, 4228133; 587062, 4228118; 587080, 4228122; 587097, 4228118; 587111, 4228087; 587126, 4228069; 587149, 4228056; 587172, 4228056; 587183, 4228065; 587188, 4228079; 587188, 4228094; 587177, 4228122; 587287, 4228085; 587295, 4228072; 587292, 4228064; 587278, 4228055; 587273, 4228038; 587316, 4228041; 587389, 4228027; 587460, 4228016; 587548, 4227976; 587617, 4227944; 587620, 4227957; 587626, 4227967; 587643, 4227967; 587658, 4227960; 587677, 4227954; 587682, 4227945; 587691, 4227939; 587699, 4227933; 587696, 4227905; 587771, 4227862; 587779, 4227871; 587790, 4227881; 587802, 4227886; 587821, 4227882; 587834, 4227875; 587845, 4227859; 587855, 4227849; 587863, 4227839; 587874, 4227841; 587883, 4227845; 587890, 4227853; 587901, 4227860; 587921, 4227856; 587935, 4227850; 587945, 4227839; 587955, 4227833; 587959, 4227820; 587984, 4227809; 588004, 4227799; 588059, 4227806; 588083, 4227797; 588229, 4227730; 588244, 4227721; 588264, 4227721; 588274, 4227718; 588276, 4227731; 588280, 4227749; 588359, 4227718; 588361, 4227693; 588515, 4227643; 588538, 4227632; 588552, 4227619; 588564, 4227604; 588596, 4227554; 588617, 4227507; 588627, 4227498; 588652, 4227502; 588703, 4227534; 588761, 4227555; 588822, 4227530; 588823, 4227505; 588830, 4227492; 588847, 4227475; 588913, 4227418; 588942, 4227396; 588976, 4227373; 589001, 4227370; 589030, 4227376; 589067, 4227391; 589084, 4227403; 589095, 4227419; 589112, 4227426; 589141, 4227416; 589143, 4227392; 589143, 4227340; 589148, 4227335; 589160, 4227337; 589190, 4227350; 589217, 4227341; 589249, 4227323; 589278, 4227331; 589294, 4227348; 589307, 4227349; 589320, 4227341; 589338, 4227311; 589359, 4227301; 589371, 4227303; 589387, 4227334; 589436, 4227339; 589447, 4227329; 589463, 4227327; 589478, 4227331; 589495, 4227329; 589502, 4227319; 589527, 4227309; 589568, 4227297; 589578, 4227294; 589585, 4227275; 589596, 4227236; 589597, 4227189; 589500, 4227183; 589348, 4227165; 589325, 4227155; 589274, 4227145; 589146, 4227108;