SUBPART D—Planning, Design, and Construction of Indian Reservation Roads Program Facilities (§170.400 to §170.507)
- 170.400—What is the purpose of transportation planning?
- 170.401—What is BIA's role in transportation planning?
- 170.402—What is the tribal role in transportation planning?
- 170.403—What IRR Program funds can be used for transportation planning?
- 170.404—What happens when a tribe uses its IRR Program construction funds for transportation planning?
- 170.405—Can tribal transportation planning funds be used for road construction and other projects?
- 170.406—How must tribes use planning funds?
- 170.407—What happens to unobligated planning funds?
- 170.410—What is the purpose of tribal long-range transportation planning?
- 170.411—What may a long-range transportation plan include?
- 170.412—How is the tribal IRR long-range transportation plan developed and approved?
- 170.413—What is the public role in developing the long-range transportation plan?
- 170.414—How is the tribal long-range transportation plan used and updated?
- 170.415—What is pre-project planning?
- 170.420—What is the tribal priority list?
- 170.421—What is the Tribal Transportation Improvement Program (TTIP)?
- 170.422—What is the IRR Transportation Improvement Program (IRRTIP)?
- 170.423—How are projects placed on the IRRTIP?
- 170.424—How does the public participate in developing the IRRTIP?
- 170.425—How does BIA update the IRRTIP?
- 170.426—What is the approval process for the IRRTIP?
- 170.427—How may an IRRTIP be amended?
- 170.428—How is the State Transportation Improvement Program related to the IRRTIP?
- 170.435—How does BIA or the tribe determine the need for a public hearing?
- 170.436—How are public hearings for IRR planning and projects funded?
- 170.437—How must BIA or a tribe inform the public when no hearing is held?
- 170.438—How must BIA or a tribe inform the public when a hearing is held?
- 170.439—How is a public hearing conducted?
- 170.440—How can the public learn the results of a public hearing?
- 170.441—Can a decision resulting from a hearing be appealed?
- 170.442—What is the IRR Inventory?
- 170.443—How can a tribe list a proposed transportation facility in the IRR Inventory?
- 170.444—How is the IRR Inventory updated?
- 170.445—What is a strip map?
- 170.450—What archeological and environmental requirements must the IRR Program meet?
- 170.451—Can IRR Program funds be used for archeological and environmental compliance?
- 170.454—What design standards are used in the IRR Program?
- 170.455—How are design standards used in IRR projects?
- 170.456—When can a tribe request an exception from the design standards?
- 170.457—Can a tribe appeal a denial?
- 170.460—What must a project package include?
- 170.461—May a tribe approve plans, specifications, and estimates?
- 170.462—When may a self-determination contract or self-governance agreement include PS&E review and approval?
- 170.463—What should the Secretary do if a design deficiency is identified?
- 170.470—What are the IRR construction standards?
- 170.471—How are projects administered?
- 170.472—What construction records must tribes and BIA keep?
- 170.473—What happens when a construction project ends?
- 170.474—Who conducts the project closeout?
- 170.500—What program reviews do the Secretaries conduct?
- 170.501—What happens when the review process identifies areas for improvement?
- 170.502—Are management systems required for the IRR Program?
- 170.503—How are IRR Program management systems funded?
- 170.504—When and how are bridge inspections performed?
- 170.505—How must bridge inspections be coordinated?
- 170.506—What are the minimum qualifications for certified bridge inspectors?
- 170.507—Who reviews bridge inspection reports?