170.439—How is a public hearing conducted?

(a) Who conducts the hearing. A tribal or Federal official is appointed to preside over the public hearing. The official presiding over the hearing must maintain a free and open discussion of the issues.
(b) Record of hearing. The presiding official is responsible for compiling the official record of the hearing. A record of a hearing is a summary of oral testimony and all written statements submitted at the hearing. Additional written comments made or provided at the hearing, or within 5 working days of the hearing, will be made a part of the record.
(c) Hearing process. (1) The presiding official explains the purpose of the hearing and provides an agenda;
(2) The presiding official solicits public comments from the audience on the merits of IRR projects and activities; and
(3) The presiding official informs the hearing audience of the appropriate procedures for a proposed IRR project or activity, that may include, but are not limited to:
(i) Project development activities;
(ii) Rights-of-way acquisition;
(iii) Environmental and archeological clearance;
(iv) Relocation of utilities and relocation services;
(v) Authorized payments allowed by the Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, 42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq., as amended;
(vi) Draft transportation plan; and
(vii) The scope of the project and its effect on traffic during and after construction.
(d) Availability of information. Appropriate maps, plats, project plans and specifications will be available at the hearing for public review. Appropriate officials are present to answer questions.
(e) Opportunity for comment. Comments are received as follows:
(1) Oral statement at the hearing;
(2) Written statement submitted at the hearing;
(3) Written statement sent to the address noted in the hearing notice within 5 working days following the public hearing.