170.425—How does BIA update the IRRTIP?

The IRRTIP annual update allows incorporation of transportation projects planned for the next 3 to 5 years. Each BIA regional office updates the IRRTIP for each State in its service area to reflect changes in the TTIPs or tribal project listings.
(a) During the first quarter of the fiscal year each BIA Regional Office notifies tribes of the update and provides projected IRR Program funding amounts and a copy of the previous year's regional IRRTIP.
(b) The tribe reviews any new transportation planning information, priority lists, and TTIP and forwards an updated TTIP or project listing to BIA Regional Office on or before July 15.
(c) The BIA regional office reviews all submitted information with the tribes. BIA adds agreed-upon updates, including previously approved amendments (see § 170.427 ), to the IRRTIP so that the Secretaries can approve the new updated IRRTIP before the start of the next fiscal year.