Chapter 26 - Establishment of College Partnership Laboratory Schools (23-299 thru 23-299.10)
- 23-299 - Objectives; definitions.
- 23-299.1 - College Partnership Laboratory School Fund established.
- 23-299.2 - Establishment and operation of college partnership laboratory schools; requirements.
- 23-299.3 - Contracts for college partnership laboratory schools; release from certain policies and regulations.
- 23-299.4 - College partnership laboratory school application.
- 23-299.5 - Review of college partnership laboratory school applications.
- 23-299.6 - Decision of the Board of Education final.
- 23-299.7 - College partnership laboratory school terms; renewals and revocations.
- 23-299.8 - Employment of professional, licensed personnel.
- 23-299.9 - Funding of college partnership laboratory schools.
- 23-299.10 - Immunity.