23-299 - Objectives; definitions.
§ 23-299. Objectives; definitions.
A. In order to (i) stimulate the development of innovative programs forpreschool through grade 12 students; (ii) provide opportunities forinnovative instruction and assessment; (iii) provide teachers with a vehiclefor establishing schools with alternative innovative instruction and schoolscheduling, management, and structure; (iv) encourage the use ofperformance-based educational programs; (v) establish high standards for bothteachers and administrators; (vi) encourage greater collaboration betweeneducation providers from preschool to the postsecondary level; and (vii)develop models for replication in other public schools, college partnershiplaboratory schools may be established in Virginia as provided in this chapter.
B. As used in this chapter:
"At-risk pupil" means a student having a physical, emotional, intellectual,socioeconomic, or cultural risk factor, as defined in Board of Educationcriteria, which research indicates may negatively influence educationalsuccess.
"College partnership laboratory school" means a public, nonsectarian,nonreligious school established by a public institution of higher educationthat operates a teacher education program approved by the Board of Education.
"Governing board" means the board of a college partnership laboratoryschool that is party to the contract with the Board of Education, with theresponsibility of creating, managing, and operating the college partnershiplaboratory school, and whose members have been selected by the institution ofhigher education establishing the college partnership laboratory school. Thegoverning board shall be under the control of the institution of highereducation establishing the college partnership laboratory school.
(2010, cc. 816, 871.)