23-299.3 - Contracts for college partnership laboratory schools; release from certain policies and regulations.
§ 23-299.3. Contracts for college partnership laboratory schools; releasefrom certain policies and regulations.
The contract between the college partnership laboratory school and the Boardof Education shall reflect all agreements regarding the release of thecollege partnership laboratory school from state regulations, consistent withthe requirements of subsection B of § 23-299.2. If the college partnershiplaboratory school application proposes a program to increase the educationalopportunities for at-risk students, the Board of Education may approve anIndividual School Accreditation Plan for the evaluation of the performance ofthe school.
Any material revision of the terms of the contract may be made only with theapproval of the Board of Education and the governing board of the collegepartnership laboratory school.
(2010, cc. 816, 871.)