Title 10 - (27-1001 - 27-1019) LITTER AND SOLID WASTE CONTROL
- 27-1001 - Legislative findings.
- 27-1003 - Definitions.
- 27-1005 - Refund value.
- 27-1007 - Mandatory acceptance.
- 27-1009 - Refusal of acceptance.
- 27-1011 - Beverage container requirements.
- 27-1012 - Deposit and disposition of refund values; registration; reports.
- 27-1013 - Redemption centers.
- 27-1014 - Authority to promulgate rules and regulations.
- 27-1015 - Violations.
- 27-1016 - Public education.
- 27-1017 - Local beverage container laws.
- 27-1018 - Beverage container assistance program.
- 27-1019 - Severability.