Article 125 - (6201 - 6234) CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK
- 6201 - Legislative findings and intent.
- 6202 - Definitions.
- 6203 - City university of New York.
- 6204 - Board of trustees.
- 6204-A - College opportunity to prepare for employment.
- 6205 - Liability of board of trustees and liability of city university of New York.
- 6206 - Powers and duties.
- 6207 - Administration of civil service.
- 6208 - Collective negotiation.
- 6209 - Investments in designated obligations; indemnification.
- 6210 - Non-Instructional positions.
- 6211 - College presidents emeriti; appointments, duties, qualifications, salary.
- 6212 - Tenure.
- 6213 - Establishment of collegiate centers.
- 6214 - Retirement systems.
- 6215 - Fees.
- 6216 - State aid.
- 6218 - Contracts and purchases.
- 6219 - Conveyance of property.
- 6220 - Salary schedules in certain public institutions of higher learning.
- 6221 - Financing of the city university of New York.
- 6222 - Admission of non-residents of the city of New York to each community college of the city university.
- 6223 - Deferred education payments.
- 6224 - Claims against city university.
- 6225 - Pending actions and proceedings.
- 6226 - Community college severence provisions.
- 6227 - Reference in provisions relating to retirement.
- 6228 - Transitory provisions.
- 6229 - City university of New York community college budget process.
- 6230 - City university of New York senior college budget process.
- 6231 - Certain payment by the state of New York to the city of New York.
- 6232 - College of Staten Island, New York city college of technology and Medgar Evers college programs.
- 6233 - Reports of the city university trustees.
- 6233-A - Master capital plan.
- 6234 - Perfection of security interests.