6233 - Reports of the city university trustees.

§ 6233. Reports  of  the  city university trustees. 1. The trustees of  the city university shall make, on or before January first of each year,  an annual report of its activities and such recommendations  as  it  may  deem  appropriate  to  the  board  of  regents,  the governor, the state  comptroller and the legislature. This  annual  report  shall  include  a  summary of city university's (1) operations and accomplishments; and (2)  revenues   and  expenditures,  in  accordance  with  the  categories  or  classifications established by the trustees of the city  university  for  operating and capital outlay purposes.    2.  a. On the fifteenth day of each month, from September through July  of each year, the trustees of the city university shall  submit  to  the  chairs  of  the  senate  finance  committee, the assembly ways and means  committee, the director of the budget  and  the  state  comptroller  for  informational  purposes,  reports  developed  in  consultation  with the  aforementioned chairs and director of  all  disbursements  of  the  city  university. These reports shall include but not be limited to:    (i)  a  comparison  of actual disbursements with the state fiscal year  expenditure plan;    (ii) the reallocation between  campuses  of  full-time  positions  and  filled full-time positions compared to annual targets;    (iii) campus and lump sum transfers and interchanges; and    (iv)   identification   of   any   revenue  shortfalls,  deficiencies,  surpluses, or budgetary actions by the governor.    b. In addition to the items listed in paragraph a of this subdivision,  the reports submitted on the fifteenth of October through July  of  each  year  will  include all receipts of the city university and a comparison  of actual receipts with the state fiscal year revenue plan.    c. In addition to the items listed in  paragraphs  a  and  b  of  this  subdivision,  the reports submitted on the fifteenth day of November and  April of each year will include:    (i) comparison of actual enrollment to enrollment targets;    (ii) summary of target and actual full-time equivalent positions; and    (iii) breakdown by  major  purpose  of  target  and  filled  full-time  positions.    3.  The  trustees of the city university shall submit to the governor,  the state comptroller, the legislature and the mayor of the city of  New  York,  within  one  hundred  twenty  days  after  the close of each city  university fiscal year, an annual financial  statement  for  the  senior  colleges  which  has  been  audited  by  an independent certified public  accountant and prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles as prescribed by the state comptroller.