6232 - College of Staten Island, New York city college of technology and Medgar Evers college programs.

§ 6232. College  of Staten Island, New York city college of technology  and Medgar Evers college programs. A. Notwithstanding the designation of  the college of Staten Island, New York city college  of  technology  and  Medgar  Evers  college as senior colleges, the associate degree programs  of these colleges shall be conducted administratively  and  academically  in  a  manner consistent with the policies of the city university of New  York applicable to such programs.    B. New York city college of technology (formerly known  as  "New  York  city  technical  college"  and  "New York city community college") shall  offer two year programs in the business, health and engineering  related  technologies. For the academic year commencing September first, nineteen  hundred  eighty-three  and  thereafter,  no more than ten percent of the  freshmen shall be enrolled in programs leading to associate in  arts  or  associate in science degrees.