Article 140 - (140.05 - 140.55) ARREST WITHOUT A WARRANT
- 140.05 - Arrest without a warrant; in general.
- 140.10 - Arrest without a warrant; by police officer; when and where authorized.
- 140.15 - Arrest without a warrant; when and how made by police officer.
- 140.20 - Arrest without a warrant; procedure after arrest by police officer.
- 140.25 - Arrest without a warrant; by peace officer.
- 140.27 - Arrest without a warrant; when and how made; procedure after arrest by peace officer.
- 140.30 - Arrest without a warrant; by any person; when and where authorized.
- 140.35 - Arrest without a warrant; by person acting other than as a police officer or a peace officer; when and how made.
- 140.40 - Arrest without a warrant; by person acting other than as a police officer or a peace officer; procedure after arrest.
- 140.45 - Arrest without a warrant; dismissal of insufficient local criminal court accusatory instrument.
- 140.50 - Temporary questioning of persons in public places; search for weapons.
- 140.55 - Arrest without a warrant; by peace officers of other states for offense committed outside state; uniform close pursuit act.