140.20 - Arrest without a warrant; procedure after arrest by police officer.

§  140.20  Arrest  without  a  warrant; procedure after arrest by police               officer.    1. Upon arresting a person without a warrant, a police officer,  after  performing  without  unnecessary delay all recording, fingerprinting and  other preliminary police duties required in the  particular  case,  must  except  as otherwise provided in this section, without unnecessary delay  bring the arrested person or cause him to  be  brought  before  a  local  criminal  court  and file therewith an appropriate accusatory instrument  charging him with the offense or  offenses  in  question.  The  arrested  person must be brought to the particular local criminal court, or to one  of  them  if  there be more than one, designated in section 100.55 as an  appropriate court for commencement  of  the  particular  action;  except  that:    (a)  If  the  arrest is for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D  felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17,  205.19  or  215.56  of  the  penal law committed in a town, but not in a village  thereof having a village court, and the town court of such town  is  not  available  at  the  time,  the arrested person may be brought before the  local criminal court of any village within such town or,  any  adjoining  town,  village  embraced  in whole or in part by such adjoining town, or  city of the same county; and    (b) If the arrest is for an offense other than a class A, B,  C  or  D  felony  or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19  or 215.56 of the penal law committed in a village having a village court  and such court is not available at the time, the arrested person may  be  brought  before the town court of the town embracing such village or any  other village court within such town, or, if such town or village  court  is  not  available  either,  before  the  local  criminal  court  of any  adjoining town, village embraced in whole or in part by  such  adjoining  town, or city of the same county; and    (c)  If the arrest is for an offense committed in a city, and the city  court thereof is not available at the time, the arrested person  may  be  brought  before  the  local  criminal  court  of  any  adjoining town or  village, or village court embraced by an adjoining town, within the same  county as such city; and    (d) If the arrest is for a traffic infraction  or  for  a  misdemeanor  relating  to  traffic,  the  police officer may, instead of bringing the  arrested person  before  the  local  criminal  court  of  the  political  subdivision  or  locality  in which the offense was allegedly committed,  bring him before the local criminal court of  the  same  county  nearest  available by highway travel to the point of arrest.    2.  If  the  arrest  is for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D  felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17,  205.19  or  215.56  of  the  penal  law, the arrested person need not be brought  before a local criminal court as provided in subdivision  one,  and  the  procedure may instead be as follows:    (a) A police officer may issue and serve an appearance ticket upon the  arrested   person  and  release  him  from  custody,  as  prescribed  in  subdivision two of section 150.20; or    (b) The desk officer in charge at a police  station,  county  jail  or  police headquarters, or any of his superior officers, may, in such place  fix  pre-arraignment  bail and, upon deposit thereof, issue and serve an  appearance ticket upon the arrested person and release him from custody,  as prescribed in section 150.30.    3. If (a) the arrest is for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D  felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17,  205.19  or  215.56  of the penal law, and (b) owing to unavailability of a local  criminal court the arresting police  officer  is  unable  to  bring  thearrested  person  before such a court with reasonable promptness, either  an appearance ticket must be served unconditionally  upon  the  arrested  person   or  pre-arraignment  bail  must  be  fixed,  as  prescribed  in  subdivision  two.  If pre-arraignment bail is fixed but not posted, such  arrested person may be temporarily held in custody but must  be  brought  before  a  local  criminal  court  without  unnecessary  delay.  Nothing  contained in this subdivision requires a  police  officer  to  serve  an  appearance ticket upon an arrested person or release him from custody at  a  time  when  such person appears to be under the influence of alcohol,  narcotics or other drug to the degree that he may  endanger  himself  or  other persons.    4. If after arresting a person, for any offense, a police officer upon  further  investigation  or inquiry determines or is satisfied that there  is not reasonable cause to believe that the  arrested  person  committed  such offense or any other offense based upon the conduct in question, he  need  not  follow  any of the procedures prescribed in subdivisions one,  two and three, but must immediately release such person from custody.    5. Before service of an appearance  ticket  upon  an  arrested  person  pursuant  to  subdivision two or three, the issuing police officer must,  if the offense designated in such appearance  ticket  is  one  of  those  specified  in subdivision one of section 160.10, cause such person to be  fingerprinted in the same manner as would be required were no appearance  ticket to be issued or served.    6. Upon arresting a juvenile offender without a  warrant,  the  police  officer  shall  immediately  notify  the  parent or other person legally  responsible for his care or the person with whom he is  domiciled,  that  the  juvenile  offender  has  been  arrested,  and  the  location of the  facility where he is being detained.    7. Upon arresting a person, other than a juvenile  offender,  for  any  offense  without  a  warrant,  a police officer shall, upon the arrested  person's request, permit him or her to communicate by telephone provided  by the law enforcement facility where the defendant is held to  a  phone  number  located in the United States or Puerto Rico, for the purposes of  obtaining counsel and informing a relative or friend that he or she  has  been  arrested,  unless  granting  the  call  will compromise an ongoing  investigation or the prosecution of the defendant.