140.55 - Arrest without a warrant; by peace officers of other states for offense committed outside state; uniform close pursuit act.

§ 140.55 Arrest without a warrant; by peace officers of other states for               offense committed outside state; uniform close pursuit act.    1.    As  used  in  this  section,  the word "state" shall include the  District of Columbia.    2.   Any peace officer of another state  of  the  United  States,  who  enters  this  state  in close pursuit and continues within this state in  such close pursuit of a person in order to arrest him,  shall  have  the  same  authority  to arrest and hold in custody such person on the ground  that he has committed a crime in another state which is  a  crime  under  the laws of the state of New York, as police officers of this state have  to  arrest  and  hold  in  custody  a  person  on the ground that he has  committed a crime in this state.    3.  If an arrest is made in this state by an officer of another  state  in  accordance  with the provisions of subdivision two, he shall without  unnecessary delay take the person arrested before a local criminal court  which shall conduct a hearing for the sole purpose of determining if the  arrest was in accordance with the provisions of subdivision two, and not  of determining the guilt or innocence of the arrested person.   If  such  court   determines   that   the  arrest  was  in  accordance  with  such  subdivision, it shall commit the person arrested to the custody  of  the  officer  making the arrest, who shall without unnecessary delay take him  to the state from which he fled.   If such  court  determines  that  the  arrest was unlawful, it shall discharge the person arrested.    4.    This  section  shall not be construed so as to make unlawful any  arrest in this state which would otherwise be lawful.    5.  Upon the taking effect of this section it shall be the duty of the  secretary of state to certify a copy of this section  to  the  executive  department of each of the states of the United States.    6.    This section shall apply only to peace officers of a state which  by its laws has made similar provision for the  arrest  and  custody  of  persons closely pursued within the territory thereof.    7.  If any part of this section is for any reason declared void, it is  declared to be the intent of this section that such invalidity shall not  affect the validity of the remaining portions of this section.    8.  This section may be cited as the uniform act on close pursuit.