Chapter 211 Juvenile Courts
- 211.011. Purpose of law--how construed.
- 211.013. Definition of child, state courts administrator to conduct a study and issue a report, when.
- 211.015. Educational needs of certain children under juvenile court jurisdiction, departments to conduct a study--report, contents.
- 211.021. Definitions.
- 211.023. Juvenile court commissioner, appointment, where, term, compensation.
- 211.025. Judge may direct any case be heard by commissioner (counties of the first class and St. Louis City).
- 211.027. Findings of commissioner, how submitted--notice of right to file motion for rehearing, how given.
- 211.029. Rehearing, motion filed when--judge may sustain or deny--commissioner's finding final, when.
- 211.031. Juvenile court to have exclusive jurisdiction, when--exceptions--home schooling, attendance violations, how treated.
- 211.032. Child abuse and neglect hearings, when held, procedure--supreme court rules to be promulgated--transfer of school records, when.
- 211.033. Detention for violation of traffic ordinances--no civil or criminal liability created--contingent effective date.
- 211.034. Extension of juvenile court jurisdiction permitted, when--procedure--immunity from liability for certain persons, when--expiration date.
- 211.036. Custody of released child may be returned to division of family services, when.
- 211.037. Nonoffending parent, child returned to custody of, when.
- 211.038. Children not to be reunited with parents or placed in a home, when--discretion to return, when.
- 211.041. Continuing jurisdiction over child, exception, seventeen-year-old violating state or municipal laws.
- 211.051. Jurisdiction as to custody of child not exclusive.
- 211.059. Rights of child when taken into custody (Miranda warning)--rights of child in custody in abuse and neglect cases.
- 211.061. Arrested child taken before juvenile court--transfer of prosecution to juvenile court--limitations on detention of juvenile--detention hearing, notice.
- 211.063. Secure detention, limitations--probable cause hearing required, when--definitions--application of law.
- 211.068. Copy of motion for certification as adult to be provided to prosecuting attorney--access to records--testimony of prosecutor.
- 211.071. Certification of juvenile for trial as adult--procedure--mandatory hearing, certain offenses--misrepresentation of age, effect.
- 211.073. Transfer to court of general jurisdiction, dual jurisdiction of both criminal and juvenile codes--suspended execution of adult sentence, revocation of juvenile disposition--petition for trans
- 211.081. Preliminary inquiry as to institution of proceedings--approval of division necessary for placement outside state--institutional placements, findings required, duties of division, limitations
- 211.083. Informal adjustments--court may allow restitution or community service--supervisors of community service immune from suit--child not an employee, when.
- 211.085. Court may order work in restitution for child--child not an employee.
- 211.091. Petition in juvenile court--contents--dismissal, juvenile officer to assess impact on best interest of child.
- 211.093. Orders or judgment of juvenile court to have precedence over certain other court orders or judgments.
- 211.101. Issuance of summons--notice--temporary custody of child--subpoenas.
- 211.111. Summons, how served.
- 211.121. Failure to respond to summons, contempt--warrant for custodian of child.
- 211.131. Taking child into custody, effect--notice to parents--jurisdiction attaches, when.
- 211.132. Parent, guardian may be made party to proceeding.
- 211.134. Court may require participation by parent or guardian, purpose--court may order support, when.
- 211.141. Child returned to parent, when, conditions--detention on order of court--detention without order, when--assessment of child required, when--random sampling of assessments.
- 211.151. Places of detention--photographing and fingerprinting, restrictions.
- 211.156. Care and detention of certain children by county, contribution by state, when.
- 211.161. Court may require physical or mental examination--costs paid by county.
- 211.171. Hearing procedure--notification of current foster parents, preadoptive parents and relatives, when--public may be excluded, when--victim impact statement permitted, when.
- 211.177. Grandparent's right to intervene in action, restrictions, termination.
- 211.180. Family preservation screenings, conducted when, results.
- 211.181. Order for disposition or treatment of child--suspension of order and probation granted, when--community organizations, immunity from liability, when--length of commitment may be set forth--as
- 211.183. Order to include determination of efforts of division of family services--definition of reasonable efforts by division--modification of the permanency plan, when--reasonable efforts not requi
- 211.185. Court may order parents and child to make restitution, when, amount--restitution hearing required, when, procedure--community service--execution of judgment.
- 211.188. Court may order work for restitution--not an employee.
- 211.201. Commitment of children to department of mental health, duration--jurisdiction by court and department--extension of commitment, procedure.
- 211.202. Mentally disordered children, evaluation--disposition--review by court.
- 211.203. Mentally retarded or developmentally disabled children, evaluation--disposition--review by court.
- 211.206. Duties of department of mental health--discharge by department--notice--jurisdiction of court.
- 211.207. Youth services division may request evaluation--procedure after evaluation--transfer of custody.
- 211.211. Right to counsel--appointed, when--waiver.
- 211.221. Religion considered in placing child.
- 211.231. Indeterminate commitments, exception--exchange of information by court and institution or agency.
- 211.241. Court orders to parents for support of children, procedure--county to support, when.
- 211.251. Modification of court orders.
- 211.261. Appeals.
- 211.271. Court orders not to affect civil rights--not evidence, exception.
- 211.281. Costs how adjudged, collected.
- 211.291. Juvenile courtroom in counties of first and second class--any judge of circuit may hold court, when.
- 211.301. Juvenile court held in chambers or other room in counties of third and fourth class--transfer of judges.
- 211.311. Clerk of circuit court to act for juvenile court.
- 211.319. Juvenile court records and proceedings, abuse and neglect cases, procedure.
- 211.321. Juvenile court records, confidentiality, exceptions--records of peace officers, exceptions, release of certain information to victim.
- 211.322. Reports on delinquency and prevention by court on request by division of youth services.
- 211.326. State courts administrator--valuation of services, development of standards, processes, guidelines relating to juvenile court--consideration of racial disparity.
- 211.327. Data to be provided to state courts administrator--orientation training, continuing education.
- 211.331. Detention facilities, superintendent, appointment, compensation--acquisition of land (counties of first and second classification).
- 211.332. Detention facilities not required to be provided by certain second class counties--law applicable for facilities which are maintained in those counties.
- 211.341. Detention facilities, how provided--government (third and fourth class counties).
- 211.343. Detention facilities, standards and rules for operation.
- 211.351. Juvenile officers, appointment--costs paid, how--grievance review committee of circuit, appointment, members.
- 211.361. Qualifications of juvenile officer, how determined--effect on persons now in office.
- 211.381. Compensation of juvenile court personnel--expenses--salary adjustments.
- 211.382. Professionals retained by juvenile court, when.
- 211.393. Definitions--compensation of juvenile officers, apportionment--state to reimburse salaries, when--multicounty circuit provisions--local juvenile court budget, amount maintained, when--exclusi
- 211.394. Juvenile court personnel compensation not limited by state contribution--increases, procedure--certain constitutional provision not applicable (Hancock Amendment).
- 211.401. Duties of juvenile officers--may make arrests--cooperation.
- 211.411. Law enforcement officials to assist and cooperate with juvenile officers.
- 211.421. Endangering the welfare of a child or interfering with orders of court.
- 211.425. Registration of juvenile sex offenders, when--agencies required to register juveniles, when--registration form, contents--registry maintained--confidentiality of registry--penalty for failure
- 211.431. Violation of law, class A misdemeanor.
- 211.442. Definitions.
- 211.443. Construction of sections 211.442 to 211.487.
- 211.444. Termination of parental rights upon consent of parent, when--execution of written consent--acknowledgment.
- 211.447. Petition to terminate parental rights filed, when--juvenile court may terminate parental rights, when--investigation to be made--grounds for termination.
- 211.452. Petition for termination, when filed--contents--joinder of cases of more than one child.
- 211.453. Service of summons, how made--when required--waiver of summons.
- 211.455. Procedure after filing of petition--determination of service--extension of time for service, when--investigation.
- 211.459. Dispositional hearing, when held--procedure--immunity for certain persons--privileged communication not to constitute grounds for excluding evidence.
- 211.462. Appointment of guardian ad litem, when--rights of parent or guardian--county to pay court costs, exceptions.
- 211.464. Foster parent and others may present evidence, when--notice and opportunity to testify.
- 211.477. Order of termination, when issued--transfer of legal custody, to whom--alternatives to termination--power of court--granting or denial of petition deemed final judgment.
- 211.487. Application of sections 211.442 to 211.487--what law to govern.
- 211.490. Child placed in residential group facility, eligibility for medical assistance benefits, continuance.
- 211.500. Establishment of regional juvenile detention districts, when.