211.381. Compensation of juvenile court personnel--expenses--salary adjustments.
Compensation of juvenile court personnel--expenses--salaryadjustments.
211.381. 1. In each judicial circuit the followingemployees of the juvenile court shall annually receive ascompensation the following amounts:
(1) One juvenile officer, beginning January 1, 1985,twenty-one thousand six hundred ninety dollars; beginning January1, 1986, twenty-four thousand six hundred ninety dollars;
(2) One chief deputy juvenile officer and the chief officerassigned to courts of domestic relations, beginning January 1,1985, eighteen thousand six hundred fifty dollars; beginningJanuary 1, 1986, twenty thousand six hundred fifty dollars;
(3) Each deputy juvenile officer, class 1, beginningJanuary 1, 1985, sixteen thousand three hundred ten dollars;beginning January 1, 1986, eighteen thousand ten dollars;
(4) Each deputy juvenile officer, class 2, beginningJanuary 1, 1985, fourteen thousand five hundred eighty dollars;beginning January 1, 1986, sixteen thousand eighty dollars;
(5) Each deputy juvenile officer, class 3, beginningJanuary 1, 1985, twelve thousand nine hundred fifty dollars;beginning January 1, 1986, fourteen thousand three hundred fiftydollars.
2. On September 28, 1985, the compensation of the employeesof the juvenile court provided by subsection 1 of this sectionshall be increased by an amount equivalent to the annual salaryadjustment approved pursuant to section 476.405, RSMo, foremployees of the judicial department for the fiscal yearbeginning July 1, 1985, and on January 1, 1986, salaries shall beincreased to the amount specified in subsection 1 of thissection.
3. After January 1, 1986, each juvenile officer shallreceive in addition to any salary provided by subsections 1 and 2of this section any salary adjustments approved after September28, 1985, pursuant to section 476.405, RSMo. After January 1,1986, each chief deputy juvenile officer, chief officer assignedto courts of domestic relations and deputy juvenile officersshall receive in addition to any salary provided by subsections 1and 2 of this section an amount equivalent to any salaryadjustments approved after September 28, 1985, provided toemployees of the judicial department pursuant to section 476.405,RSMo. Each such salary adjustment shall be applicable to thetotal compensation provided by subsections 1, 2, and 3 of thissection.
4. Actual expenses, including mileage allowance not toexceed that amount allowed state officers for each mile traveledon official business but exclusive of office expense, incurred bythe employees while in the performance of their official dutiesshall be reimbursed to them out of county or city funds upon theapproval of the judge of the juvenile court.
5. Except for counties of the second class in circuitscomposed of a single county of the second class and counties ofthe second class in circuits composed of two counties of thesecond class, in second, third and fourth class counties thecompensation for employees of the juvenile court provided by thissection is the total amount of compensation the employee shallreceive for duties pertaining to the juvenile court and includesthe compensation provided by any other provision of law.
6. Beginning on August 28, 1993, all deputy juvenileofficers which were class 4 prior to August 28, 1993, shallbecome class 3 deputy juvenile officers.
(L. 1957 p. 642 § 211.360, A.L. 1965 p. 362, A.L. 1967 p. 333, A.L. 1972 H.B. 1331, A.L. 1977 S.B. 121, A.L. 1982 S.B. 497, A.L. 1984 S.B. 694, S.B. 581, A.L. 1985 H.B. 366, et al., A.L. 1986 H.B. 1554 Revision, A.L. 1993 S.B. 88 merged with S.B. 180)Revisor's note: Salary adjustment index is printed, as required by § 476.405, in Appendix D.
Higher mileage allowance to be paid by county, when, RSMo 50.333