211.301. Juvenile court held in chambers or other room in counties of third and fourth class--transfer of judges.
Juvenile court held in chambers or other room in counties ofthird and fourth class--transfer of judges.
211.301. 1. In counties of the third and fourth classhearings may be conducted in the judge's chambers or in suchother room or apartment as may be provided or designated by thejudge of the juvenile court.
2. In case of the absence or inability of the juvenile judgeto hold court, he may request the supreme court to assign anothercircuit judge to perform that duty. Any juvenile judge havingmore than one county within his circuit, may, in his discretion,and in the interests of the welfare of the child involved, actupon a juvenile case arising within that circuit, irrespective ofwhere, within the circuit, he may then be holding court.
(L. 1957 p. 642 § 211.290)