- Section 1 Definitions
- Section 2 Accounts of contributions and expenditures; violations; penalties
- Section 3 Director of campaign and political finance; selection; term; powers and duties; judicial review of decisions; procedure for violations; penalties
- Section 4 Repealed, 1986, 631, Sec. 3
- Section 5 Political committees; statement of organization; officers; duties; expenditures; incorporation; penalties
- Section 5A Elected public officials; principal officers of political action committees
- Section 5B Names or phrases identifying political committees in organizational statements
- Section 6 Restrictions on expenditures; penalties
- Section 6A Contributions from political action committees; limitations
- Section 6B Ballot question committee; contributions
- Section 7 Receipts, disbursements and contributions regulated; limitations; penalties
- Section 7A Campaign contributions to candidates from individuals; limitation; contributions from legislative and executive agents
- Section 8 Political contributions by corporations; penalties
- Section 8A Media organization offering time and space to qualified candidates at no cost or reduced price; limitations
- Section 9 Contributions and expenditures over $50; use of credit card by committee; penalties
- Section 9A Contributions by electronic means; acceptance by political action committees; authorization cards
- Section 10 Name and address of donor; disclosure; penalties
- Section 10A Treatment of contributions to candidates through intermediaries or conduits
- Section 11 Solicitations from candidates prohibited; exception; penalties
- Section 12 Soliciting of money for nomination papers prohibited; penalties
- Section 13 Solicitation or receipt of political campaign contributions by appointive public officers or employees prohibited; exception; penalties
- Section 14 Soliciting contributions in public buildings prohibited; penalties
- Section 15 Political contributions by public officers or employees restricted; penalties
- Section 16 Requiring political contributions or services of persons in public service prohibited; penalty
- Section 16A Obligation to make political contribution or render political service; penalty
- Section 16B Obligation to make political contributions or render political service by persons employed for compensation; penalties
- Section 17 Public service status of officers or employees protected relative to political contributions; penalty
- Section 18 Reports of contributions and expenditures; persons required to file; contents; reporting periods; time limits; penalties
- Section 18A Reports of independent expenditures
- Section 18B Candidate or elected official sponsoring fund raising event on behalf of non-resident candidate; reports of contributions; penalty
- Section 18C Electronic reporting system; candidates and political committees; campaign finance reports and activity statements
- Section 19 Campaign funds; designation of depository
- Section 20 Repealed, 1979, 335, Sec. 2
- Section 21 Repealed, 1979, 335, Sec. 3
- Section 22 Corporations making contributions; filing of reports with director; penalties
- Section 22A Expenditures for political purpose; report; punishment for violation; examination of accounts
- Section 23 Persons acting for political committees; accounts and vouchers to treasurers
- Section 24 Place for filing statements; signing
- Section 25 Preservation of statements and reports by director; public inspection and reproduction
- Section 26 Preservation of statements and reports by city or town clerk; public inspection and reproduction
- Section 27 Furnishing blanks and forms for statements and reports, and summary of laws
- Section 28 Inspection of statements and reports; delinquencies; notice; filing
- Section 29 Failure to file statement, report or affidavit; notice to and duties of director and attorney general
- Section 30 Courts’ authority to compel filing of statements
- Section 31 Immunity of witnesses
- Section 32 Corrupt practices by candidate defined
- Section 33 Election petitions for corrupt practices; procedure
- Section 34 Application of preceding sections
- Section 35 Inquests upon complaint for violations
- Section 36 Conduct of inquests
- Section 37 Witnesses; attendance; process; fees
- Section 38 Stenographer
- Section 39 Witnesses; binding over to superior court
- Section 40 Apprehension of offenders
- Section 41 Witnesses; compulsory testimony; immunity
- Section 42 Forwarding certified copy of record of final judgment or conviction to city or town clerk; disqualification of defendant as voter