Section 27 Furnishing blanks and forms for statements and reports, and summary of laws

Section 27. The director shall furnish to city and town clerks at the expense of the commonwealth, blanks and forms approved by him and by the attorney general, suitable for the submission of such statements and reports as are required by this chapter. The city and town clerk shall transmit said blanks to all candidates for nomination or election to city or town office, who are known to him, and to all political committees required to file with him. The director shall transmit said blanks to all candidates for nomination to state or county office, who are known to him, and to all political committees required to file with him. Such blanks shall be furnished upon request to any person or political committee required to file a statement or report.

The director shall provide to all candidates and political committees required to file with him a summary of this chapter and all other laws of the commonwealth relating to contributions and expenditures, and shall furnish to city and town clerks, at the expense of the commonwealth sufficient copies of said summary so that they may provide said summary to all candidates and political committees required to file with them.