Section 18A Reports of independent expenditures
Section 18A. Every individual, group or association not defined as a political committee, who makes an independent expenditure or expenditures in an aggregate amount exceeding one hundred dollars during any calendar year for the purpose of promoting the election or defeat of any candidate or candidates shall file with the director, or with the city or town clerk if such candidate or candidates seek public office at a city or town election, within seven business days after making such independent expenditure or expenditures, on a form prescribed by the director, a report stating the name and address of the individual, group or association making the expenditure or expenditures; the name of the candidate or candidates whose election or defeat the expenditure promoted; the name and address of the person or persons to whom the expenditure or expenditures were made; and the total amount or value; the purpose and the date of the expenditure or expenditures.
For the purposes of this section the term “independent expenditure” shall mean an expenditure by an individual, group, or association not defined as a political committee expressly advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate which is made without cooperation or consultation with any candidate, or a nonelected political committee organized on behalf of a candidate, or any agent of a candidate and which is not made in concert with, or at the request or suggestion of, any candidate, or any nonelected political committee organized on behalf of a candidate or agent of such candidate.