Section 2-1503 - Office of Youth Opportunity Services abolished and functions transferred; Division of Community-Based Programs for Children and Youth established

Office of Youth Opportunity Services abolished and functions transferred; Division of Community-Based Programs for Children and Youth established

(a) The Commissioner's Order No. 70-93 (approved March 17, 1970) establishing the Office of Youth Opportunity Services, is hereby repealed and that Office is hereby abolished. All of the powers, duties, and functions assigned to that Office under any provision of law are hereby transferred to the departments and agencies as indicated in the following provisions of this subchapter.

(b) There are hereby transferred to the Department of Recreation (Organization Order No. 10; Commissioner's Order No. 68-440, June 27, 1968, amended August 6, 1968, October 3, 1968, and March 14, 1970) the following functions, previously performed by the Office of Youth Opportunity Services:

(1) Assist and facilitate programs for children and youth carried on by neighborhood planning councils (Commissioner's Order No. 68-219, March 25, 1968) and other community organizations including, but not limited to, any and all organizations providing services to Hispanic youth pursuant to programs, under programs, previously funded by the Office of Youth Opportunity Services, providing maximal community participation in decision-making;

(2) As directed by the Mayor, conduct special and citywide youth programs; and

(3) Operate juvenile delinquency prevention programs.

(c)(1) There is hereby established in the Department of Recreation, a Division of Community-Based Programs for Children and Youth, which shall provide administrative and operational support for programs for children and youth conducted by the neighborhood planning councils and other community organizations.

(2) The Division of Community-Based Programs for Children and Youth will have the responsibility for the administration of community recreational, educational, cultural, and economic development programs of the neighborhood planning councils. All appropriated and grant funds for the operation of such programs will be administered separately within the Division, under the auspices of the Department of Recreation. All youth development block grant funds received by the District government from the federal Community Services Administration, as designated for such purposes, shall be obligated in programs for children and youth conducted by the neighborhood planning councils.

(3) Local program planning, project selection, and designation of project grants will be performed by the neighborhood planning councils. There will be an equitable allocation of funds, based on children and youth population, for each neighborhood planning council.

(4) The authority and fiscal responsibility to manage community elections for the neighborhood planning councils will be assigned to the Division of Community-Based Programs for Children and Youth, under the direction of the Department of Recreation.

(5) The Director of the Division of Community-Based Programs for Children and Youth shall be appointed by the Director of the Department of Recreation.

(6) The Division of Community-Based Programs for Children and Youth shall, in consultation with the council of chairpersons, prepare an operational manual for the development and implementation of programs.

(7) The Director of the Division of Community-Based Programs for Children and Youth will be responsible for coordinating all community-based programs for children and youth. Decisions on community program priorities will be made by each neighborhood planning council according to criteria specified in the operational manual developed by the Division. The Director of the Division of Community-Based Programs for Children and Youth will serve as liaison to the neighborhood planning councils and the council of chairpersons, and be accountable to both the neighborhood planning councils and the Department of Recreation for the effective administration of community-based programs for children and youth. The Director of the Division will insure that adequate technical assistance is available to the council of chairpersons and each neighborhood planning council.

(8) The neighborhood planning councils shall continue to abide by their uniform constitution and bylaws, consistent with this subchapter and other District laws. Changes and amendments to the uniform constitution and by-laws shall be made only by the consent of the council of chairpersons.

(d) There are hereby transferred to the Department of Manpower (Organization Order No. 46, Commissioner's Order No. 74-144, June 29, 1974) the functions of the Office of Youth Opportunity Services relating to the coordination of programs designed to provide jobs for youth.

(e) There are hereby transferred to the School of Continuing Education, Federal City College, University of the District of Columbia (D.C. Law 1-36) the functions of the Office of Youth Opportunity Services with respect to the administration and supervision of the District of Columbia Street Academy.

(f) There are hereby assigned to the Board of Education of the District of Columbia the functions of the Office of Youth Opportunity Services with respect to the summer lunch program for children and youth.


(Mar. 29, 1977, D.C. Law 1-93, § 4, 23 DCR 9532b.)


Prior Codifications
1981 Ed., § 1-2603.
1973 Ed., § 6-2003.
Legislative History of Laws
For legislative history of D.C. Law 1-93, see Historical and Statutory Notes following § 2-1501.
References in Text
Pursuant to Mayor's Order 2000-20, the agency formerly known as the “Department of Recreation and Parks” shall be known as the “Department of Parks and Recreation.”
D.C. Law 1-36, referred to in subsection (e), is the District of Columbia Public Postsecondary Education Reorganization Act Amendments.

Current through September 13, 2012