Subchapter I - Office of Youth Advocacy (Section 2-1501 to Section 2-1511)
- Section 2-1501 - Definitions
- Section 2-1502 - Purpose
- Section 2-1503 - Office of Youth Opportunity Services abolished and functions transferred; Division of Community-Based Programs for Children and Youth established
- Section 2-1503.01 - Neighborhood Planning Councils-Established; elections; tenure
- Section 2-1504 - Office of Youth Advocacy established; functions; appointment of Director; personnel
- Section 2-1505 - Duties of Director
- Section 2-1506 - Transfer of positions and funds
- Section 2-1507 - Accounting and voucher systems
- Section 2-1508 - Conflict of interest procedures
- Section 2-1509 - Rules of operation for neighborhood planning councils
- Section 2-1510 - Budget request
- Section 2-1511 - Severability