Chapter 15 - Youth Affairs (Subchapter I to Subchapter VII)
- Subchapter I - Office of Youth Advocacy (Section 2-1501 to Section 2-1511)
- Subchapter I-A - Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (Section 2-1515.01 to Section 2-1515.10)
- Subchapter I-B - Youth Jobs Fund (Section 2-1516.01)
- Subchapter I-C - Youth Behavioral Health (Part A to Part C)
- Subchapter II - Commission on Youth Affairs. [Repealed] (Section 2-1521 to Section 2-1529)
- Subchapter II-A - Gang and Crew Intervention Joint Working Group (Section 2-1531.01)
- Subchapter II-B - Commission on Juvenile Justice Reform (Section 2-1533.01 and Section 2-1533.02)
- Subchapter III - Juvenile Curfew (Section 2-1541 to Section 2-1543)
- Subchapter III-A - Children and Youth Initiative (Section 2-1551 to Section 2-1554)
- Subchapter IV - Youth Advisory Council (Section 2-1561 to Section 2-1564)
- Subchapter IV-A - Youth Council of the District of Columbia (Section 2-1565.01 to Section 2-1565.06)
- Subchapter V - Mayor's Youth Leadership Institute (Section 2-1571 to Section 2-1574)
- Subchapter VI - Youth Development Plan (Section 2-1581 to Section 2-1585)
- Subchapter VII - Interagency Collaboration and Services Integration Commission (Section 2-1591 to Section 2-1597)