Form 141AZ ES Estate or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment
State: Arizona Category: Tax Format: PDF Form Name: AZ_141AZ_ES_EstateTrustEstimatedIncome_2013.pdf |
(The pdf reader is necessary.) |
INSTRUCTIONS: ARIZONA ESTATE OR TRUST ESTIMATED INCOME TAX PAYMENT (Form 141 AZ ES) To file estimated income tax payments related to income from an Arizona estate or trust, use a form 141 AZ ES. This document can be obtained from the website of the Arizona Department of Revenue. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 1: If not filing for the tax year preprinted on the form, enter the ending date of your tax year where indicated. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 2: In the first blank box, print the name of the estate or trust. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 3: Enter the trust or estate employer identification number in the second blank box. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 4: Enter the name and title of the fiduciary in the third blank box. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 5: Enter the street address or rural route number of the fiduciary in the fourth blank box. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 6: Enter the fiduciary city, town or post office in the fifth blank box. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 7: Enter the fiduciary state in the sixth blank box. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 8: Enter the fiduciary zip code in the seventh blank box. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 9: Enter the daytime phone number of the fiduciary or their representative in the eighth blank box. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 10: Check the box on line 1 if you are a first time Arizona income tax return filer. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 11: On line 2, enter the quarter number for which you are making payment. Arizona Estate Or Trust Estimated Income Tax Payment 141 AZ ES Step 12: On line 3, enter the amount of payment being made. This figure should be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Made your check or money order payable to "Arizona Department of Revenue."
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