680.40—Crab Quota Share (QS), Processor QS (PQS), Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ), and Individual Processor Quota (IPQ) Issuance.

Crab QS Fishery North Region South Region West Region Undesignated Region
Code of Federal Regulations 984
(3) Qualified person means, for the purposes of QS issuance, a person, as defined in § 679.2, who at the time of application for QS meets the following criteria for each of the QS sectors:
(1) The legal landings that qualify the individual for QS in the PIK crab QS fishery were made from a vessel that was less than 60 feet length overall; or
(2) If the individual who is otherwise eligible to receive an initial issuance of QS died while working as part of a harvesting crew in any U.S. commercial fishery.

Code of Federal Regulations

(σ legal landingslf/AHDf) × 100 = Percentage of the AHDlf

Code of Federal Regulations

σ Percentages of the AHDlf/Subset of Qualifying Yearsf = Average Percentagelf

Code of Federal Regulations

Average Percentagelf/σ Average Percentagesf = Percentage of the Total Percentageslf

Code of Federal Regulations

(σ legal landingsif/AHDf) × 100 = Percentage of the AHDif

Code of Federal Regulations

σ Percentages of the AHDlf/Subset of Qualifying Yearsf = Average Percentageif

Code of Federal Regulations

Average Percentageif/σ Average Percentagesf = Percentage of the Total Percentagesif
(vi) Sunken vessel provisions. (A) If a person applies for CVO QS or CPO QS based, in whole or in part, on the activities of a vessel that sank, the Regional Administrator shall presume landings for that vessel for the crab fishing years between the time of vessel loss and the replacement of the vessel under § 679.4(k)(5)(v) of this chapter. These presumed landings shall be equivalent to 50 percent of the average legal landings for the qualifying years established in Column B of Table 7 to this part unaffected by the sinking. If the vessel sank during a qualifying year, the legal landings for that year will not be used as the basis for presumed landings;
(1) The person who owned the vessel that sank would have been denied eligibility to replace a sunken vessel under the provisions of Public Law 106-554; and
(2) The vessel that sank was replaced with a newly constructed vessel, with that vessel under construction no later than June 10, 2002. For purposes of this section a vessel is considered under construction once the keel for that vessel has been laid; and
(3) The newly constructed vessel participated in any Bering Sea crab fishery no later than October 31, 2002;
(4) Then the Regional Administrator shall presume landings for that vessel for the crab fishing years between the time of vessel loss and the replacement of the vessel. These presumed landings shall be equivalent to 50 percent of the average legal landings for the qualifying years established in Column B of Table 7 to this part unaffected by the sinking. If the vessel sank during a qualifying year, the legal landings for that year will not be used as the basis for presumed landings.
(1) The legal landings made on that vessel for that crab QS fishery prior to the transfer of the permanent fully transferable LLP license for use on that vessel; or
(2) The legal landings made on the vessel that gave rise to the permanent fully transferable LLP license and the legal landings made under the authority of that same LLP license in that crab QS fishery prior to January 1, 2002.
Unadj. gaining region QS −Target gaining region QS pool = Adjustment Amount
Adj. Amount/unadjusted losing region QS pool for [North & South] QS holders = RAF
QS adj. p = Unadjusted losing region QS p × RAF
Target gaining region QS pool−unadjusted region QS = Adjustment Amount
Adj. Amount/unadjusted losing region QS pool for West & Undesignated QS holders = RAF
QS adj. p = Unadjusted West QS p × RAF
(3) Qualified person, for the purposes of PQS issuance, means a person, as defined at § 679.2, who at the time of application for PQS is a U.S. citizen, or a U.S. corporation, partnership, association, or other entity, and who:
(1) Legally processed any crab QS species established in paragraph (a)(1) of this section during 1998 or 1999, as demonstrated on the official crab rationalization record; or
(2) Received history of crab processing that was legally processed during 1998 or 1999, as demonstrated on the official crab rationalization record.