679.91—Amendment 80 Program annual harvester privileges.

CQ in a management area = [(Amendment 80 sector ITAC in a management area) × (Amendment 80 QS units assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative/Amendment 80 QS pool)].
Non-mackerel ITAC in a management area = (Amendment 80 non-mackerel QS units designated for that management area/Total Atka mackerel QS pool) × Amendment 80 sector ITAC in all management areas.
Mackerel ITAC in a management area = Amendment 80 sector ITAC in that management area − Non-mackerel ITAC in that management area.
Non-mackerel CQ assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative = (Amendment 80 non-mackerel QS units designated for that management area assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative/Amendment 80 non-mackerel QS pool in that management area) × Non-mackerel ITAC for that management area.
Mackerel CQ in a management area = (Mackerel QS units assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative/Mackerel QS pool) × Mackerel ITAC in that management area.
Amount of additional CQ issued to an Amendment 80 cooperative = Amount of Amendment 80 species available for reallocation to Amendment 80 cooperatives × (Amount of CQ for that Amendment 80 species initially assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative / Σ CQ for that Amendment 80 species initially assigned to all Amendment 80 cooperatives).
Amount of additional CQ issued to an Amendment 80 cooperative = Maximum amount of halibut PSC available for reallocation to Amendment 80 cooperatives × (Amount of halibut PSC CQ initially assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative / Σ halibut PSC CQ initially assigned to all Amendment 80 cooperatives).
Amount of CQ issued to an Amendment 80 cooperative = Amount of that crab PSC available for allocation to Amendment 80 cooperatives × (Amount of that crab PSC CQ initially assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative / Σ that crab PSC CQ initially assigned to all Amendment 80 cooperatives).
(i) Who may join an Amendment 80 cooperative? Any Amendment 80 QS holder named on a timely and complete application for CQ for that calendar year that is approved by NMFS. Individuals who are not Amendment 80 QS holders may be employed by, or serve as the designated representative of an Amendment 80 cooperative, but are not members of the Amendment 80 cooperative.
(ii) What is the minimum number of Amendment 80 QS permits that must be assigned to an Amendment 80 cooperative to allow it to form? Any combination of at least nine Amendment 80 QS permits which would include Amendment 80 LLP/QS licenses.
(iii) How many Amendment 80 QS holders are required to form an Amendment 80 cooperative? At least three Amendment 80 QS holders each of whom may not have a ten percent or greater direct or indirect ownership interest in any of the other Amendment 80 QS holders.
(iv) Is there a minimum amount of Amendment 80 QS units that must be assigned to an Amendment 80 cooperative for it to be allowed to form? No.
(v) What is allocated to the Amendment 80 cooperative? CQ for each Amendment 80 species, crab PSC, and halibut PSC, based on the amount of Amendment 80 QS units assigned to the cooperative.
(vi) Is this CQ an exclusive catch and use privilege? Yes, the members of the Amendment 80 cooperative have an exclusive privilege to collectively catch and use this CQ, or an Amendment 80 cooperative can transfer all or a portion of this CQ to another Amendment 80 cooperative.
(vii) Is there a period in a calendar year during which designated vessels must catch CQ? Yes, any Amendment 80 vessel designated to catch CQ for an Amendment 80 cooperative is prohibited from catching CQ during the season closure for trawl gear in the BSAI specified at § 679.23(c) unless regulations at § 679.23 applicable to an Amendment 80 species in the BSAI are more restrictive than those established in § 679.23(c) , in which case the more restrictive regulations will apply.
(viii) Can any vessel catch an Amendment 80 cooperative's CQ? No, only Amendment 80 vessels that are assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative for that calendar year in the application for CQ may catch and process the CQ assigned to that Amendment 80 cooperative.
(ix) Can a member of an Amendment 80 cooperative transfer CQ individually without the approval of the other members of the Amendment 80 cooperative? No, only the designated representative of the Amendment 80 cooperative, and not individual members, may transfer its CQ to another Amendment 80 cooperative; and only if that transfer is approved by NMFS as established under paragraph (g) of this section.
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(x) Are GOA sideboard limits assigned to specific persons or Amendment 80 cooperatives? No, GOA sideboard limits are not assigned to specific persons or Amendment 80 cooperatives. GOA sideboard limits are assigned to the Amendment 80 sector.
(xi) Can an Amendment 80 QS permit, Amendment 80 LLP license, or Amendment 80 vessel be assigned to more than one Amendment 80 cooperative in a calendar year? No, an Amendment 80 QS permit, Amendment 80 LLP license, or Amendment 80 vessel may be assigned to only one Amendment 80 cooperative in a calendar year. A person holding multiple Amendment 80 QS permits, Amendment 80 LLP licenses, or owning multiple Amendment 80 vessels is not required to assign all Amendment 80 QS permits, Amendment 80 LLP licenses, or Amendment 80 vessels to the same Amendment 80 cooperative or the Amendment 80 limited access fishery.
(xii) Can an Amendment 80 QS permit, Amendment 80 LLP license, or Amendment 80 vessel be assigned to an Amendment 80 cooperative and the Amendment 80 limited access fishery? No, an Amendment 80 QS permit, Amendment 80 LLP license, or Amendment 80 vessel assigned to an Amendment 80 cooperative may not be assigned to the Amendment 80 limited access fishery for that calendar year. A person holding multiple Amendment 80 QS permits, Amendment 80 LLP licenses, or owning multiple Amendment 80 vessels is not required to assign all Amendment 80 QS permits, Amendment 80 LLP licenses, or Amendment 80 vessels to the same Amendment 80 cooperative or the Amendment 80 limited access fishery.
(xiii) Which members may catch the Amendment 80 cooperative's CQ? Use of a cooperative's CQ permit is determined by the Amendment 80 cooperative contract signed by its members. Any violations of this contract by a cooperative member may be subject to civil claims by other members of the Amendment 80 cooperative.
(xiv) Does an Amendment 80 cooperative need a membership agreement or contract? Yes, an Amendment 80 cooperative must have a membership agreement or contract that specifies how the Amendment 80 cooperative intends to catch its CQ. A copy of this agreement or contract must be submitted to NMFS with the application for CQ.
(xv) What happens if the Amendment 80 cooperative membership agreement or contract is modified during the fishing year? A copy of the amended Amendment 80 membership agreement or contract must be sent to NMFS in accordance with § 679.4(a)(4) .
(xvi) What happens if the Amendment 80 cooperative exceeds its CQ amount? An Amendment 80 cooperative is not authorized to catch Amendment 80 species or use crab PSC or halibut PSC in excess of the amount on its CQ permit. Exceeding a CQ permit is a violation of the regulations. Each member of the Amendment 80 cooperative is jointly and severally liable for any violations of the Amendment 80 Program regulations while fishing under the authority of a CQ permit. This liability extends to any persons who are hired to catch or receive CQ assigned to an Amendment 80 cooperative. Each member of an Amendment 80 cooperative is responsible for ensuring that all members of the cooperative comply with all regulations applicable to fishing under the Amendment 80 Program.
(xvii) Is there a limit on how much CQ an Amendment 80 cooperative may hold or use? No, but each Amendment 80 QS holder is subject to use caps, and an Amendment 80 vessel may be subject to vessel use caps. See § 679.92(a) .
(xviii) Is there a limit on how much CQ a vessel may catch? Yes, an Amendment 80 vessel may not catch more than 20 percent of the aggregate Amendment 80 species ITAC assigned to the Amendment 80 sector for that calendar year. See § 679.92(a) for use cap provisions.
(xix) Are there any special reporting requirements? Yes, the designated representative of the Amendment 80 cooperative must submit an annual Amendment 80 cooperative report as described under § 679.5(s) . In addition, each member of an Amendment 80 cooperative must submit a timely and complete EDR as described under § 679.94 .
[72 FR 52726, Sept. 14, 2007, as amended at 74 FR 51518, Oct. 7, 2009]