648.81—NE multispecies closed areas and measures to protect EFH.

Closed Area I
Point N. lat. W. long.
CI1 41°30′ 69°23′
CI2 40°45′ 68°45′
CI3 40°45′ 68°30′
CI4 41°30′ 68°30′
CI1 41°30′ 69°23′
(iii) Fishing with pelagic midwater trawl gear, consistent with § 648.80(d), provided that the Regional Administrator shall review information pertaining to the bycatch of regulated NE multispecies and, if the Regional Administrator determines, on the basis of sea sampling data or other credible information for this fishery, that the bycatch of regulated multispecies exceeds, or is likely to exceed, 1 percent of herring and mackerel harvested, by weight, in the fishery or by any individual fishing operation, the Regional Administrator may place restrictions and conditions in the letter of authorization for any or all individual fishing operations or, after consulting with the Council, suspend or prohibit any or all midwater trawl activities in the closed areas;
(vi) Fishing for scallops within the Closed Area I Access Area defined in § 648.59(b)(3) during the season specified in § 648.59(b)(4), and pursuant to the provisions specified in § 648.60.
Closed Area II
Point N. lat. W. long.
C1I1 41°00′ 67°20′
C1I2 41°00′ 66°35.8′
G5 41°18.6′ 66°24.8′ 1
C1I3 42°22′ 67°20′ 1
C1I1 41°00′ 67°20′ 1
1 The U.S.-Canada Maritime Boundary.
(v) Fishing for scallops within the Closed Area II Access Area defined in § 648.59(c)(3), during the season specified in § 648.59(c)(4), and pursuant to the provisions specified in § 648.60.
Nantucket Lightship Closed Area
Point N. lat. W. long.
G10 40°50′ 69°00′
CN1 40°20′ 69°00′
CN2 40°20′ 70°20′
CN3 40°5O′ 70°20′
G10 40°50′ 69°00′
(iv) Fishing for scallops within the Nantucket Lightship Access Area defined in § 648.59(d)(3), during the season specified in § 648.59(d)(4), and pursuant to the provisions specified in § 648.60.
Cashes Ledge Closure Area
Point N. lat. W. long.
CL1 43°07′ 69°02′
CL2 42°49.5′ 68°46′
CL3 42°46.5′ 68°50.5′
CL4 42°43.5′ 68°58.5′
CL5 42°42.5′ 69°17.5′
CL6 42°49.5′ 69°26′
CL1 43°07′ 69°02′
Code of Federal Regulations 580
Western GOM Closure Area 1
Point N. lat. W. long.
WGM1 42°15′ 70°15′
WGM2 42°15′ 69°55′
WGM3 43°15′ 69°55′
WGM4 43°15′ 70°15′
WGM1 42°15′ 70°15′
1 A chart depicting this area is available from the Regional Administrator upon request.
Rolling Closure Area I
[March 1-March 31]
Point N. lat. W. long.
GM3 42°00′ (1)
GM5 42°00′ 68°30′
GM6 42°30′ 68°30′
GM23 42°30′ 70°00′
1 Cape Cod shoreline on the Atlantic Ocean.
Rolling Closure Area II
[April 1-April 30]
Point N. Lat. W. Long.
GM1 42°00′ (1)
GM2 42°00′ (2)
GM3 42°00′ (3)
GM5 42°00′ 68°30′
GM13 43°00′ 68°30′
GM10 43°00′ (4)
1 Massachusetts shoreline.
2 Cape Cod shoreline on Cape Cod Bay.
3 Cape Cod shoreline on the Atlantic Ocean.
4 New Hampshire shoreline.
Rolling Closure Area III
[May 1-May 31]
Point N. Lat. W. Long.
GM1 42°00′ (1)
GM2 42°00′ (2)
GM3 42°00′ (3)
GM4 42°00′ 70°00′
GM23 42°30′ 70°00′
GM6 42°30′ 68°30′
GM14 43°30′ 68°30′
GM18 43°30′ (4)
1 Massachusetts shoreline.
2 Cape Cod shoreline on Cape Cod Bay.
3 Cape Cod shoreline on the Atlantic Ocean.
4 Maine shoreline.
Rolling Closure Area IV
[June 1-June 30]
Point N. lat. W. long.
GM9 42°30′ (1)
GM23 42°30′ 70°00′
GM17 43°30′ 70°00′
GM19 43°30′ 67°32′ or (2)
GM20 44°00′ 67°21′ or (2)
GM21 44°00′ 69°00′
GM22 (3) 69°00′
1 Massachusetts shoreline.
2 U.S.-Canada maritime boundary.
3 Maine shoreline.
Rolling Closure Area V
[October 1-November 30]
Point N. lat. W. long.
GM1 42°00′ (1)
GM2 42°00′ (2)
GM3 42°00′ (3)
GM4 42°00′ 70°00′
GM8 42°30′ 70°00′
GM9 42°30′ (1)
1 Massachusetts shoreline.
2 Cape Cod shoreline on Cape Cod Bay.
3 Cape Cod shoreline on the Atlantic Ocean.
(v) That are fishing in the Raised Footrope Trawl Exempted Whiting Fishery, as specified in § 648.80(a)(15), and in the GOM Rolling Closure Area V, as specified in paragraph (f)(1)(v) of this section.
Sector Rolling Closure Area II
[April 1-April 30]
Point N. latitude W. longitude
GM1 42°00′ (1)
GM2 42°00′ (2)
GM3 42°00′ (3)
SGM1 42°00′ 70°00′
SGM2 43°00′ 70°00′
SGM3 43°00′ (4)
1 MA shoreline.
2 Cape Cod, MA shoreline on Cape Cod Bay.
3 Cape Cod, MA shoreline on the Atlantic Ocean.
4 NH shoreline.
Sector Rolling Closure Area III
[May 1-May 31]
Point N. latitude W. longitude
SGM4 42°30′ (1)
SGM5 42°30′ 70°00′
SGM6 43°00′ 70°00′
SGM7 43°00′ 69°30′
SGM8 43°30′ 69°30′
GM18 43°30′ (2)
1 MA shoreline.
2 ME shoreline.
Sector Rolling Closure Area IV
[June 1-June 30]
Point N. latitude W. longitude
SGM9 43°00′ (1)
SGM6 43°00′ 70°00′
SGM10 43°30′ 70°00′
SGM11 43°30′ 69°00′
GM22 (2) 69°00′
1 NH shoreline.
2 ME shoreline.
Georges Bank Seasonal Closure Area
[May 1-May 31]
Point N. lat. W. long.
GB1 42°00′ (1)
GB2 42°00′ 68°30′
GB3 42°20′ 68°30′
GB4 42°20′ 67°20′
GB5 41°30′ 67°20′
CI1 41°30′ 69°23′
CI2 40°45′ 68°45′
CI3 40°45′ 68°30′
GB6 40°30′ 68°30′
GB7 40°30′ 69°00′
G10 40°50′ 69°00′
GB8 40°50′ 69°30′
GB9 41°00′ 69°30′
GB10 41°00′ 70°00′
G12 (1) 70° 00′
1 Northward to its intersection with the shoreline of mainland MA.
Western GOM Habitat Closure Area
Point N. lat. W. long.
WGM4 43°15′ 70°15′
WGM1 42°15′ 70°15′
WGM5 42°15′ 70°00′
WGM6 43°15′ 70°00′
WGM4 43°15′ 70°15′
Cashes Ledge Habitat Closure Area
Point N. lat. W. long.
CLH1 43°01′ 69°03′
CLH2 43°01′ 68°52′
CLH3 42°45′ 68°52′
CLH4 42°45′ 69°03′
CLH1 43°01′ 69°03′
Jeffrey's Bank Habitat Closure Area
Point N. lat. W. long.
JB1 43°40′ 68°50′
JB2 43°40′ 68°40′
JB3 43°20′ 68°40′
JB4 43°20′ 68°50′
JB1 43°40′ 68°50′
Closed Area I—North Habitat Closure Area
Point N. lat. W. long.
CI1 41°30′ 69°23′
CI4 41°30′ 68°30′
CIH1 41